Holiday season layoff

I am one week away from closing on a new house and can't afford to be laid off! Is this a bad rumor or does anyone have inside information? Was ZS spotted in HQ? I called my manager but her phone went to voice mail. Need the truth!!

truth is....with everyone on furlough on and off over the past due to the pandemic resulting in a tenuous job situation, it may not have been the best time to stretch for that new house. Best of luck to you

You are kidding right? They laid off an entire force of 750 in December 4 years ago!
Yep! Another reason why Pharma likes to hire the young and inexperienced these days - they don't know the history. Many have never experienced a lay-off in this industry and are extra shocked when it happens. Pharma lay-offs have been occurring since the early 2000's and the pace increased since 2008. There has been no job security in the industry for years. You never really know how long you will have your rep job. Good luck to all about to be displaced.

Yep! Another reason why Pharma likes to hire the young and inexperienced these days - they don't know the history. Many have never experienced a lay-off in this industry and are extra shocked when it happens. Pharma lay-offs have been occurring since the early 2000's and the pace increased since 2008. There has been no job security in the industry for years. You never really know how long you will have your rep job. Good luck to all about to be displaced.
Under these circumstances what industry is safe? If you know this to be true then why do you still stay, knowing this can happen.... Living in fear isn’t going to do you or anyone good, their isn’t loyalty anymore, its everyone for themselves, now even more so with the way this country is trending, BLM, diversity and inclusion and what other topic of the month is. People are suffering, know matter what industry you are in. My advice is to live your life, hope for the best, because tomorrow might NOT come.

Is anyone else sensing some sort of layoff or realignment about to occur in respiratory inhaled ? I know this imminent at some point , but I have had a few things tip me off the last couple weeks and I am wondering if anyone else feels it.

Good job OP. You were right.
Did you ever think PC reps would have respiratory and diabetes products to sell. Layoffs were not a surprise but that is. Sounds F’d up to think that’s a long term plan.

Good job OP. You were right.
Did you ever think PC reps would have respiratory and diabetes products to sell. Layoffs were not a surprise but that is. Sounds F’d up to think that’s a long term plan.
Under these circumstances what is normal? AZ is shifting all resources to oncology, they want to be were the $$$ are and that’s oncology. The reps received a letter stating all is well and expecting expansion next year and the years to come. Respiratory and diabetes don’t contribute to the bottom line, look at the last earnings report, all divisions made double digit profits, except you got it respiratory and diabetes.

truth is....with everyone on furlough on and off over the past due to the pandemic resulting in a tenuous job situation, it may not have been the best time to stretch for that new house. Best of luck to you

This is true, we work in a volatile industry that’s also been affected by covid. Why in the heck would anyone go this route during these times with job loss risk unless you already had a padded bank account or a large 2nd income. Also a good lesson on not living outside your means.

I wish everyone well and hope for the best , but you sir/mam possibly made a bad decision.

I agree with a previous poster. If you voted for Biden for the better of mankind and because you didn’t like donald trump. Well, truth is you are not even looking out for tour fellow co workers or really even for yourself. This could be you and will be you as soon as a single health payer system takes place.

If anyone on here voted for Joe Biden and you say I’m so sorry or I wish I could help to anyone that gets laid off you are a hypocrite and need to reevaluate some things.

HAHAHA, I'm sure that had a lot to do with AZ respiratory failing with me 2 product development. Typical uneducated post! Go riot somewhere.

Ya we work for a me too company, e dry product we have is not a first or a best in class it’s a hey we are here too class. Late to the game, late to fame , if we get a piece of the pie it’s still a piece.

our data is terrible, our medicine is good but not the best, and we have a pipeline of BS. A pipeline of molecules that are already out there being Combined being labeled a new name. Nothing new, nothing earn shattering, just a couple different data points that haven't been studied by other companies but are common sense.

I agree with a previous poster. If you voted for Biden for the better of mankind and because you didn’t like donald trump. Well, truth is you are not even looking out for tour fellow co workers or really even for yourself. This could be you and will be you as soon as a single health payer system takes place.

If anyone on here voted for Joe Biden and you say I’m so sorry or I wish I could help to anyone that gets laid off you are a hypocrite and need to reevaluate some things.

My vote for Biden was exactly that—better of mankind and decent human being besides someone who only cares about himself and what he tweets. Keep in mind, Trump signed the executive order, but even at that I am still not blaming that downsizing in our industry is all his fault. At the end of the day, its about profits for the company and unfortunately the field gets hit the hardest.

I agree with a previous poster. If you voted for Biden for the better of mankind and because you didn’t like donald trump. Well, truth is you are not even looking out for tour fellow co workers or really even for yourself. This could be you and will be you as soon as a single health payer system takes place.

If anyone on here voted for Joe Biden and you say I’m so sorry or I wish I could help to anyone that gets laid off you are a hypocrite and need to reevaluate some things.

This is idiotic. If anyone thinks AZ is laying off people because of Joe Biden OR Dondald Trump, then you are just seeing what you want to see.

This is an ongoing trend in pharma for years. None of these large companies ever have original ideas. Years ago Pfizer blew up and had teams of 12 reps in a territory, so other companies followed suit. Now, the trend is towards killing off primary care reps...other companies have done it and AZ is following (which is what AZ does best!)

But this is the industry, it does not matter if Jesus Christ was elected president - AZ was laying off people no matter what.

And you can be certain, because I know for certain, RBDs had no idea and no input

what this is about is Ruud Dauber. Ruud has been cutting the bottom whatever % of performers for the last several years. He does not care that someone is a top performer one year and a bottom feeder the next year, as it sometimes happens. He is from a school that believes chaos is good, it shakes people up and gets their attention, etc etc

We have had this every year he has been here and here he is doing it again. Not shocking. He is an asshole

That asset belongs to AZ, not the rep. Stop giving idiotic advice before you get someone arrested, fucking moron.

Do whatever you want you douche! If they withhold your money to use the car you are allowed to use it during that time. I know of an AZ rep that this happened to in the last layoff. Wheels called and tried to schedule pickup before her last day and she said no and they scheduled fit at the appropriate time. You sound like a dickhead DSM I know.