Hospital Sales Layoffs?

If you IS reps. bothered to communicate with your Vaccine reps. you would know why they are not getting Ipads. There is a specific reason behind it. But I'm sure you morons will continue to speculate over ask them the question, because it makes you feel better to know not much at all as you all pretend to be know it alls.

Are you implying that there is nothing going on with these two divisions and all is good?

Are you implying that there is nothing going on with these two divisions and all is good?

All I can do is try to warn you of what is coming. You can take it or leave it. Jeff and Kristen have been meeting all the time to discuss the new alignment. For those who are in denial, that is your problem, but when it happens you will look back and see that it was here and you were warned. No one is safe. Have you missed the past 7 years of lies that are spread right before the field force gets the ax. Wake up people. Look at what happened to the oncology division, the lies that were told that they were "safe" and then, well, where are they now??? The same is coming for vaccines and hospital and primary care. Bottom line, you are now aware. This WILL HAPPEN before the end of the year for vaccines. That is the only definite prior to the end of the year. Take it or leave it...your choice, but the truth is all over this website.

All I can do is try to warn you of what is coming. You can take it or leave it. Jeff and Kristen have been meeting all the time to discuss the new alignment. For those who are in denial, that is your problem, but when it happens you will look back and see that it was here and you were warned. No one is safe. Have you missed the past 7 years of lies that are spread right before the field force gets the ax. Wake up people. Look at what happened to the oncology division, the lies that were told that they were "safe" and then, well, where are they now??? The same is coming for vaccines and hospital and primary care. Bottom line, you are now aware. This WILL HAPPEN before the end of the year for vaccines. That is the only definite prior to the end of the year. Take it or leave it...your choice, but the truth is all over this website.

You say that Jeff and Kristin have been meeting, but vaccine is the only one being cut by the end of the year. Does that mean that they are meeting just to discuss new alignment for vaccines, since you say they are definitely being effected before end of year? How does that effect IS?

You say that Jeff and Kristin have been meeting, but vaccine is the only one being cut by the end of the year. Does that mean that they are meeting just to discuss new alignment for vaccines, since you say they are definitely being effected before end of year? How does that effect IS?

IS and Vaccines will be combining, hence the meetings. Jeff is looking to set himself up for early retirement as he will not be part of the new combined sales force. Date TBD, but it will happen by the end of 2014

I just noticed an IAS position posted as a DSR position. I guess that means hospital is toast because they are no longer differentiatig between PC and Specialty? A hospital rep. is so different than a DSR... any thoughts?

What do you mean IS posted as a DSR? I think some DSRs have always called on some small rural hospitals not aligned to an IS rep.

To all you Institutional Sales People.

There is no difference between a DSR/SHR and an IAS. We are all the same you Morons and have been for years. We all call on Specialists. We all work with P & T committee's. We all provide in services to the staff. We all call on the Pharmacy Directors, Purchasing Departments, etc. We all go into the hospitals. We are all the same. It's about time you got your head out of your ......

I've seen you in action. You don't do anything different with the customer than we do. The difference is only in the size of our heads. Your's is bigger.

To all you Institutional Sales People.

There is no difference between a DSR/SHR and an IAS. We are all the same you Morons and have been for years. We all call on Specialists. We all work with P & T committee's. We all provide in services to the staff. We all call on the Pharmacy Directors, Purchasing Departments, etc. We all go into the hospitals. We are all the same. It's about time you got your head out of your ......

I've seen you in action. You don't do anything different with the customer than we do. The difference is only in the size of our heads. Your's is bigger.

It is total BS trying to say PC reps. call on hospital pharmacies, or spend any time in the hospital, even BMS has the hospital positions for apixaban. No pharmacy has even said they see another Pfizer rep. other than IS. BTW, IS reps. make more money than PC, so stick a fork in it you bozo.

It is total BS trying to say PC reps. call on hospital pharmacies, or spend any time in the hospital, even BMS has the hospital positions for apixaban. No pharmacy has even said they see another Pfizer rep. other than IS. BTW, IS reps. make more money than PC, so stick a fork in it you bozo.

Your BTW statement is a key factor in deciding the next round of layoffs. Thanks for pointing it out.

What do you mean IS posted as a DSR? I think some DSRs have always called on some small rural hospitals not aligned to an IS rep.

Yes - DSRs have called on some hospitals, but have always been associated under the PC umbrella. This position is for Institutional Sales. In these positions, the DSR is called an IAS because that's all we do is hospital. Now there is no distinction. Interesting... I think IAS is toast.

You are all Toast. Institutional Sales can officially start looking for another Job. It's about time Pfizer got rid of the Waste The real business driver's are the KAMs in Primary Care.

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