Hospital Sales Layoffs?

As a Vaccines Rep, I don't want my hospital partner's job. I'm just trying to sell some doses so I can keep the job I have.

PP, appreciate the honesty.

My advice: if you position it that way to an IS partner he/she will work with you.

The politics, silo and turf war is set up for vaccines-IS to clash for those who call into IS and say I have DDD data from my IEM and I am calling in your hospital, and my vaccines manager says so too. You need to meet with me to strategize on how I am going to call into your TCL file so you can get me up to speed on what you are doing in your hospital.

Any IS rep will send you packing for failure on the latter into an area where you will be D.O.A.

Vaccines: what have you done in the outpatient setting in making your goal commitment to IS or Vaccines, exactly? Do tell.

Answer: FAILED TO DO NOTHING in 2012! Behind goals for 2013.

CONGRATS, vaccine incompetence self-promotes themselves. Genius. More FAILURE!

IS owns vaccine sales in 2013 and now trying to piggyback on IS success. What a joke!

Such arrogance! I'm always amazed at the egos displayed on this site and in the field. Both sides trying to take credit for success and assign blame for failure.

My IS Rep has had 0 conversions. One hospital added to formulary with no recommendation to use. Only increase in business he's seeing is from major hospital groups buying practices with FP's or Peds. When they stop ordering direct instead electing to get better pricing through the hospital channel he looks like a hero.

Fact is, the PCV adult business is soft. Instead of fighting and blaming we should work together to overcome the challenges we're facing. Some will be gone but most won't.

Such arrogance! I'm always amazed at the egos displayed on this site and in the field. Both sides trying to take credit for success and assign blame for failure.

My IS Rep has had 0 conversions. One hospital added to formulary with no recommendation to use. Only increase in business he's seeing is from major hospital groups buying practices with FP's or Peds. When they stop ordering direct instead electing to get better pricing through the hospital channel he looks like a hero.

Fact is, the PCV adult business is soft. Instead of fighting and blaming we should work together to overcome the challenges we're facing. Some will be gone but most won't.

Dummy, you have to get the hospital to start buying to prime the IMG system for cover on your writers outside of formulary and ACIP guidelines. Fact is, only Pneumovax is for 65+ based on current evidence-based medicine.

So go take yer titers and suck on them.

My IS Rep has had 0 conversions. One hospital added to formulary with no recommendation to use. Only increase in business he's seeing is from major hospital groups buying practices with FP's or Peds. When they stop ordering direct instead electing to get better pricing through the hospital channel he looks like a hero.

Direct order conversions? Really?? You believe that vaccine-created divisional myth? Conversion orders may save - at most - pennies, not (a) dollar(s) on a vial. You vaccines folks don't have a clue of the facts.

More hyped primary-care drama; Vaccine's thrive on self-inflicted conflict. These Are The Days Of Our I.S. Lives.

Direct order conversions? Really?? You believe that vaccine-created divisional myth? Conversion orders may save - at most - pennies, not (a) dollar(s) on a vial. You vaccines folks don't have a clue of the facts.

More hyped primary-care drama; Vaccine's thrive on self-inflicted conflict. These Are The Days Of Our I.S. Lives.

You should re-read the post you are responding too. What they meant by "0 conversions" is that no hospital has converted over to Prevnar from Pneumovax. If your legacy Wyeth you will understand the product access market of hospitals vs. a Pfizer legacy who never dealt in contracting to accounts. Hospitals order through wholesalers, because they get certain discounts through that channel (ie: GPO discounts that are passed onto to them). If anyone bothers to find out what pricing a hospital has they will tell you that P13 currently is around $122. p/vial in their order system. That is for those whose GPO is Medassets. Plus, hospitals sign contracts with Wholesalers/GPO's that hold them accountable to order products through their channel if they sell it. Buying direct does not make much sense to a hospital, unless that is the only purchasing channel they have to buy a product.

You should re-read the post you are responding too. What they meant by "0 conversions" is that no hospital has converted over to Prevnar from Pneumovax. If your legacy Wyeth you will understand the product access market of hospitals vs. a Pfizer legacy who never dealt in contracting to accounts. Hospitals order through wholesalers, because they get certain discounts through that channel (ie: GPO discounts that are passed onto to them). If anyone bothers to find out what pricing a hospital has they will tell you that P13 currently is around $122. p/vial in their order system. That is for those whose GPO is Medassets. Plus, hospitals sign contracts with Wholesalers/GPO's that hold them accountable to order products through their channel if they sell it. Buying direct does not make much sense to a hospital, unless that is the only purchasing channel they have to buy a product.

Not true! At the IEM we heard a great success story on how a whole (very large) Texas hospital system changed totally over and kicked out pneumo 23 with only 30-day titer level data in the face of ACIP recommendations for all 65+. Amazing how they pulled that off!!!! I'm so in awe. Especially since epidemiologist wrote a CID article last June stating he was sticking to ACIP. I don't know how they did that feat and standing O from Mueller. Quite a shit-show.

$122? I've not seen a price that low, unless your excluding 75cent excise tax. Is GPO-MedAssets wholesaler you quoting for Cardinal? Didn't think Cardinal wholesaled Prevnar, but I'm dealing w a clueless Rph.

Not true! At the IEM we heard a great success story on how a whole (very large) Texas hospital system changed totally over and kicked out pneumo 23 with only 30-day titer level data in the face of ACIP recommendations for all 65+. Amazing how they pulled that off!!!! I'm so in awe. Especially since epidemiologist wrote a CID article last June stating he was sticking to ACIP. I don't know how they did that feat and standing O from Mueller. Quite a shit-show.

$122? I've not seen a price that low, unless your excluding 75cent excise tax. Is GPO-MedAssets wholesaler you quoting for Cardinal? Didn't think Cardinal wholesaled Prevnar, but I'm dealing w a clueless Rph.

You are clueless. The post had talked about "0 conversions" in their hospital accounts, not any type of conversion from P23 to P13. You must have been high when you were at the meeting, because they Baylor System in Dallas has yet to determine they are going to go with one vaccine, the rep. was discussing how the direction looked to be favorable to P13. How do you know the rep. was even telling the truth. It has not happened. You people will believe anything anyone says even before it happens. You also should be walking into your pharmacies and get a little experience with pricing of your products in their system. Goes to show you have no relationships with your hospital pharmacy depts., and a complete ingorance of Wholesalers and GPO's. How did you even get into the IS Division.

You are clueless. The post had talked about "0 conversions" in their hospital accounts, not any type of conversion from P23 to P13. You must have been high when you were at the meeting, because they Baylor System in Dallas has yet to determine they are going to go with one vaccine, the rep. was discussing how the direction looked to be favorable to P13. How do you know the rep. was even telling the truth. It has not happened. You people will believe anything anyone says even before it happens. You also should be walking into your pharmacies and get a little experience with pricing of your products in their system. Goes to show you have no relationships with your hospital pharmacy depts., and a complete ingorance of Wholesalers and GPO's. How did you even get into the IS Division.

I transnfeered to IS from vacscenes I'll have u know. I need to go gat anather drhink at da bar now. Pfinished fluid rounds with alllllllll my residants.

You are clueless. The post had talked about "0 conversions" in their hospital accounts, not any type of conversion from P23 to P13. You must have been high when you were at the meeting, because they Baylor System in Dallas has yet to determine they are going to go with one vaccine, the rep. was discussing how the direction looked to be favorable to P13. How do you know the rep. was even telling the truth. It has not happened. You people will believe anything anyone says even before it happens. You also should be walking into your pharmacies and get a little experience with pricing of your products in their system. Goes to show you have no relationships with your hospital pharmacy depts., and a complete ingorance of Wholesalers and GPO's. How did you even get into the IS Division.

Hey, lets refrain from talking about our customers on this or any blog. That's internal information and competitive intel you're blabbing. Stop. THINK before you type please.

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