Hospital sales and Vaccines layoffs

I don't think anyone can be serious because nobody on this site knows anything. But, whatever happens this year, there will be predictably more of the same uncertainty next year, with no end in sight.

And reading this site is directly correlated with anxiety, a loss in productivy, and poor attitude.

One thing that is known for sure because it just got reported is the the TB vaccine in development from Pfizer has just had exclusive worldwide rights liscensed to another company. Its a new oxizolidone antibiotic. How does that factor into the divisions stability. Not good.

One thing that is known for sure because it just got reported is the the TB vaccine in development from Pfizer has just had exclusive worldwide rights liscensed to another company. Its a new oxizolidone antibiotic. How does that factor into the divisions stability. Not good.

I read the article. The drug has not been approved yet and its for MDR TB mostly in HIV pts. Highest global sales are only 400 - 500 mil. Is there enough MDR TB in the USA for IS to go sell it? No. So I wouldn't read into the outside licensure as any indicator of the future of IS at all. One does not have to do with the other.

This product wasn't for IS. No market here.


Pfizer has outlicensed exclusive worldwide rights to sutezolid, a mid-stage oxazolidinone antibiotic currently in development for tuberculosis, to Sequella.

The drug most recently completed a Phase IIa study in patients with TB in South Africa. Its potential indications include multi-drug and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB) and HIV-associated TB.

Under the terms of the deal, Rockville, Maryland-based Sequella will be solely responsible for completing clinical development and commercialising the product globally. Financial terms have not been disclosed.

Rod MacKenzie, head of PharmaTherapeutics R&D at Pfizer, said that "we have evolved our internal infectious disease focus from treatment to prevention through our leading expertise in vaccine technology,". He added that "given the urgent patient need in TB, we sought a partner for sutezolid that would bring deep expertise and a strong commitment" to the disease.

Dr MacKenzie went on to say that "we believe Sequella meets these criteria and offers a portfolio with the important potential for combination studies". The latter's chief executive Carol Nacy noted that the firm is currently developing SQ109, which is in Phase II studies for drug-sensitive TB in Africa and in a pivotal trial for multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB in Russia.

She said that these two drugs "could potentially anchor a totally new drug combination regimen to treat all forms of active TB disease". Dr Nacy added that "we will pursue development of sutezolid under its own New Drug Application, and also plan for combination studies in subsequent clinical trials".

TB is always treated with three or more meds to reduce emergence of drug resistance, but preclinical studies performed independently by Sequella and Pfizer show SQ109 and sutezolid to each have activity as single agents, and promising additional activity when used in combination. Privately-held Sequella added that reports estimate a $400-$500 million global peak sales market for a drug to treat MDR-TB, some 5% of TB cases worldwide.

I read the article. The drug has not been approved yet and its for MDR TB mostly in HIV pts. Highest global sales are only 400 - 500 mil. Is there enough MDR TB in the USA for IS to go sell it? No. So I wouldn't read into the outside licensure as any indicator of the future of IS at all. One does not have to do with the other.

The point was not that the sales would be blockbuster potential, but that it is about the only drug coming out of Pfizer R&D associated with IS and after that there's zip. Outsourcing one of the only drugs for the division says there is no long term need for IS. Read between the lines to understand the hidden message to IS. Unless you really believe KA that Pfizer will liscense a drug from another company to keep us alive. You people have got to understand the hidden meanings behind what is being told to you.

This product wasn't for IS. No market here.

For those few who knew about this vaccine, it actually was being discussed that it would IS selling it in the field, until the decision was made to outsource. Outsourcing was decided because the revenue stream was not large enough to keep in-house and the IS division will not be around long-tem. Your fate has been decided. When you all wake from your deep sleep you will see. The end is near.

This product wasn't for IS. No market here.

For those few who knew about this vaccine, it actually was being discussed that it would IS selling it in the field, until the decision was made to outsource. Outsourcing was decided because the revenue stream was not large enough to keep in-house and the IS division will not be around long-tem. Your fate has been decided. When you all wake from your deep sleep you will see. The end is near.


This product wasn't for IS. No market here.

For those few who knew about this vaccine, it actually was being discussed that it would IS selling it in the field, until the decision was made to outsource. Outsourcing was decided because the revenue stream was not large enough to keep in-house and the IS division will not be around long-tem. Your fate has been decided. When you all wake from your deep sleep you will see. The end is near.

Good!! Because I am sick to death of this bullshit!, Bring it---

Newsflash-there are no new drugs coming to IS! Anyone who is supposedly working on getting new products for the division better get a partially met on their performance review like I would if I failed to make my quota! We have so many people in HQ that must do nothing except tell each other how important they are. We're starving in the field!

Newsflash-there are no new drugs coming to IS! Anyone who is supposedly working on getting new products for the division better get a partially met on their performance review like I would if I failed to make my quota! We have so many people in HQ that must do nothing except tell each other how important they are. We're starving in the field!

Not to mention you have a drug right now that isn't even yours. What do you think happens when they don't need you anymore? This coupled with the LOE.

Pfizer, like a lot of other drug companies these days don't want salespeople they want people that can't or won't take the time to interpret the sales numbers and challange them. They want people who will simply make the 8 to 10 calls a day an drink the company kool-aide. Hit the metrics has become the name of the game. Lastly, there has been a change of color in who they are hiring or promoting. No longer that detail rep who knows their product and the comps. They would rather have a bunch of naggars to bother the office into submission for a few scripts. When you say just what is a naggers? Check out the Wheel of Fortune South Park video and you will understand who I am refering to. That Kool-Aide that the company is serving, now only comes in the grape flavor.

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