Hospital Sales Layoffs?

KA confirmed on her conference call that there will be KNOWN of the following:
1. Layoffs in IS this year- Our division is the only one meeting goal at this point
2. Joining with Vaccines- that just would not make sense- we have a different reporting structure, etc,.

We are getting new iPads and they are having a fall POA meeting. That leads me to believe that we are good to go for 2013. 2014 may be a different story.

KA did not confirm 1. or 2. on the conference call the rest of us were on. She did say we were meeting goal. Other confirmation was Ipads in Sept. which is 3 long months away. You sure know how to spin, but you could learn how to spell: None, not known. You even capitalized it and still messed up the spelling. Degree must of come from one of those Ivy League schools.

KA did not confirm 1. or 2. on the conference call the rest of us were on. She did say we were meeting goal. Other confirmation was Ipads in Sept. which is 3 long months away. You sure know how to spin, but you could learn how to spell: None, not known. You even capitalized it and still messed up the spelling. Degree must of come from one of those Ivy League schools.

I agree that she did not confirm "No Layoffs" but she did elude to the fact that Vaccine & IS would not be combining. She did say that would "not make sense"
I hear from my vaccine partners every day that they are hiring, planning meetings for fall, etc,.. That makes me feel that IS will have a "Shake up" soon. In all honesty, it needs to happen.

I agree that she did not confirm "No Layoffs" but she did elude to the fact that Vaccine & IS would not be combining. She did say that would "not make sense"
I hear from my vaccine partners every day that they are hiring, planning meetings for fall, etc,.. That makes me feel that IS will have a "Shake up" soon. In all honesty, it needs to happen.

I don't agree that IS needs a shake up. We are finally meeting budget!!

what do you mean "In 60 days, hello reality?"

I meant that after 60 days of interviewing, that jackass that asked to be let go would face reality, and wish he/she was back at the job he's got now with IS.
This IS a very good job and it annoys me when immature people don't respect it and take what they have for granted.

Thanks for asking. Didn't mean to unintentionally start any rumors.

I agree that she did not confirm "No Layoffs" but she did elude to the fact that Vaccine & IS would not be combining. She did say that would "not make sense"
I hear from my vaccine partners every day that they are hiring, planning meetings for fall, etc,.. That makes me feel that IS will have a "Shake up" soon. In all honesty, it needs to happen.

I don't agree that IS need a shake up either. I have enough to do with the accounts I have and a shake up would be very disruptive to any forward momentum we have with any of our 3 products.

I agree that she did not confirm "No Layoffs" but she did elude to the fact that Vaccine & IS would not be combining. She did say that would "not make sense"
I hear from my vaccine partners every day that they are hiring, planning meetings for fall, etc,.. That makes me feel that IS will have a "Shake up" soon. In all honesty, it needs to happen.

So much for what you know. Vaccines is not back filling any open territories, they had their budget slashed to 500 p/mo. because the division is not on target with reorders to hit their numbers. Prevnar will be toast if CMS finalizes removing from core measures. IS will then have 1 stable drug that will go generic in 2015, and another that's on life support. That won't take IS far into the future.

So much for what you know. Vaccines is not back filling any open territories, they had their budget slashed to 500 p/mo. because the division is not on target with reorders to hit their numbers. Prevnar will be toast if CMS finalizes removing from core measures. IS will then have 1 stable drug that will go generic in 2015, and another that's on life support. That won't take IS far into the future.

Here are the facts known to date:
Vaccine layoffs Q4. IS is not safe either but no timeline for certain yet. No one is safe. Meetings occurring now with K, IR and GG. Everyone in leadership is watching their own backs, slotting a place for themselves in the new structure. Slow conversion to Contract sales of the field force personnel who are let go. Final structure and time will have 2 divisions in Pfizer. 1 division for Established/Generic Products and 1 division for reps of current products. There will be no more specialty division. How many reps will be a part of that structure and employed by Pfizer is still being determined. The goal is to eventually have majority of reps contract. Less money for Pfizer to have to pay.

Here are the facts known to date:
Vaccine layoffs Q4. IS is not safe either but no timeline for certain yet. No one is safe. Meetings occurring now with K, IR and GG. Everyone in leadership is watching their own backs, slotting a place for themselves in the new structure. Slow conversion to Contract sales of the field force personnel who are let go. Final structure and time will have 2 divisions in Pfizer. 1 division for Established/Generic Products and 1 division for reps of current products. There will be no more specialty division. How many reps will be a part of that structure and employed by Pfizer is still being determined. The goal is to eventually have majority of reps contract. Less money for Pfizer to have to pay.

We are at least safe thru this year, correct?

It doesn't matter if the sales force is contract, full time PFE, or an all-star team nothing will improve at Pfizer until some sales blood is inside marketing, operations, legal and HR.

I left early today, but I am telling you that there is no one and I mean no one in here or C-ville who was in sales in the past 10 years. Most have never been in sales.

Leadership is so out of touch with what our sales teams needs that they might as well go full contract because they are not serving the sales force with anything of value.

I just hope this house of cards doesn't fold until I meet my rule of 90.

Here are the facts known to date:
Vaccine layoffs Q4. IS is not safe either but no timeline for certain yet. No one is safe. Meetings occurring now with K, IR and GG. Everyone in leadership is watching their own backs, slotting a place for themselves in the new structure. Slow conversion to Contract sales of the field force personnel who are let go. Final structure and time will have 2 divisions in Pfizer. 1 division for Established/Generic Products and 1 division for reps of current products. There will be no more specialty division. How many reps will be a part of that structure and employed by Pfizer is still being determined. The goal is to eventually have majority of reps contract. Less money for Pfizer to have to pay.

You are so full of BS that it is laughable!! K, IR, and GG are not meeting now or in the future. Doesn't work that way, sorry.

Here are the facts known to date:
Vaccine layoffs Q4. IS is not safe either but no timeline for certain yet. No one is safe. Meetings occurring now with K, IR and GG. Everyone in leadership is watching their own backs, slotting a place for themselves in the new structure. Slow conversion to Contract sales of the field force personnel who are let go. Final structure and time will have 2 divisions in Pfizer. 1 division for Established/Generic Products and 1 division for reps of current products. There will be no more specialty division. How many reps will be a part of that structure and employed by Pfizer is still being determined. The goal is to eventually have majority of reps contract. Less money for Pfizer to have to pay.

So why is IS getting IPADS this fall? Makes no sense to invest that much in any sales force that will be gone in a year or two.

So why is IS getting IPADS this fall? Makes no sense to invest that much in any sales force that will be gone in a year or two.

Because IS and Vaccine does not believe the hospitals will stop vaccinating if CMS eliminates the pneumo. core measure. These ELT have neither sold in the hospital channel, or if so it was 100 years ago. They listen to the LL chain of command trying to hold on to their positions another day just like the reps. Its a game, that eventually will have an end. Until that day comes, its business as usual. Reps. should be thankful for the ELT's ignorance, as it prolongs our time.

Because IS and Vaccine does not believe the hospitals will stop vaccinating if CMS eliminates the pneumo. core measure. These ELT have neither sold in the hospital channel, or if so it was 100 years ago. They listen to the LL chain of command trying to hold on to their positions another day just like the reps. Its a game, that eventually will have an end. Until that day comes, its business as usual. Reps. should be thankful for the ELT's ignorance, as it prolongs our time.

Guys, seriously! I hope you are preparing for new means of income! If you are not, you are just plain stupid!
I mean soon!

Vaccines reps do nothing-bottom line, oh except yard work, fishing, spending on corporate card for their buddies and girlfriends ALL during "working hours". Real value! Way to go Vaccine

iPads are for sales people, that's why. Vaccines have sold next to nothing. Please exit stage right.

If you IS reps. bothered to communicate with your Vaccine reps. you would know why they are not getting Ipads. There is a specific reason behind it. But I'm sure you morons will continue to speculate over ask them the question, because it makes you feel better to know not much at all as you all pretend to be know it alls.

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