Hospital Sales Layoffs?


Ok, my vaccine partner's MANAGER told her that there are going to be changes soon, but it will not effect them as much as it will effect IS. WHAT is going on?? I am sick and tired of this bull! I have been hearing rumors for 3 years and I always said I would not listen to the hype. This time, I am not so sure I should believe my job is safe for a while!


Ok, my vaccine partner's MANAGER told her that there are going to be changes soon, but it will not effect them as much as it will effect IS. WHAT is going on?? I am sick and tired of this bull! I have been hearing rumors for 3 years and I always said I would not listen to the hype. This time, I am not so sure I should believe my job is safe for a while!

Relax. Vaccine is spreading BS. They are scared breathless for their job. Zero results, actually a net loss, for that division expansion. Vaccines is posturing so they can takeover hospitals and re-claim relevance toward their own insolvency.

These Pfizer Vaccine people are worthless.

Relax. Vaccine is spreading BS. They are scared breathless for their job. Zero results, actually a net loss, for that division expansion. Vaccines is posturing so they can takeover hospitals and re-claim relevance toward their own insolvency.

These Pfizer Vaccine people are worthless.

You are wrong! Vaccine owns IS for P13. You made a commitment to us and you failed. That means, you are gone and we go into hospitals because we are taking over, period. Don't be stupid. We pay a good portion if your heavy salaries. Many of us came with Specialty experience so goodbye!

You are wrong! Vaccine owns IS for P13. You made a commitment to us and you failed. That means, you are gone and we go into hospitals because we are taking over, period. Don't be stupid. We pay a good portion if your heavy salaries. Many of us came with Specialty experience so goodbye!

1 - Pfizer pays my check, not vaccines.

2 - Vaccines revenue built on Wyeth legacy, not Pfizer's. Pfizer lost 2% revenue last year adding you PFE psycho reps.

3 - Psychiatry reps are not specialty; neither is vaccines for that matter. IS and legacy Wyeth vaccines have the injectibles experience.

3 - IS spent 10 months telling YOUR vaccine brand team that Prevnar not on CMS core measures, finally got fixed Nov 2012 starting 1/1/13. VIS still not updated for Adult. Your Vaccine brand team fired.

4 - Hospital making their # this year, how about Vaccine division?...not!

5 - Good luck in hospitals it'll take you 12 months to figure out what IS already knows through experience and long-terms relationships. IS division now charged with order for going into Outpatient offices to see what you've not done and call on Outpatient P&T members.

Touche'. Coup d'etat. Game On!

1 - Pfizer pays my check, not vaccines.

2 - Vaccines revenue built on Wyeth legacy, not Pfizer's. Pfizer lost 2% revenue last year adding you PFE psycho reps.

3 - Psychiatry reps are not specialty; neither is vaccines for that matter. IS and legacy Wyeth vaccines have the injectibles experience.

3 - IS spent 10 months telling YOUR vaccine brand team that Prevnar not on CMS core measures, finally got fixed Nov 2012 starting 1/1/13. VIS still not updated for Adult. Your Vaccine brand team fired.

4 - Hospital making their # this year, how about Vaccine division?...not!

5 - Good luck in hospitals it'll take you 12 months to figure out what IS already knows through experience and long-terms relationships. IS division now charged with order for going into Outpatient offices to see what you've not done and call on Outpatient P&T members.

Touche'. Coup d'etat. Game On!

I rest my case. Why have HOSPITAL reps outside the hospital. Further proves the point that there is no need for a "HOSPITAL" sales force if you are going outside of the hospital. There will be layoffs in the next few weeks announced when all divisions come together and re-align.

You are wrong! Vaccine owns IS for P13. You made a commitment to us and you failed. That means, you are gone and we go into hospitals because we are taking over, period. Don't be stupid. We pay a good portion if your heavy salaries. Many of us came with Specialty experience so goodbye!

Vaccines: what have you done in the outpatient setting in making your goal commitment to IS or Vaccines, exactly? Do tell.

Answer: FAILED TO DO NOTHING in 2012! Behind goals for 2013.

CONGRATS, vaccine incompetence self-promotes themselves. Genius. More FAILURE!

IS owns vaccine sales in 2013 and now trying to piggyback on IS success. What a joke!

I rest my case. Why have HOSPITAL reps outside the hospital. Further proves the point that there is no need for a "HOSPITAL" sales force if you are going outside of the hospital. There will be layoffs in the next few weeks announced when all divisions come together and re-align.

How about hospital reps on a hospital outpatient campus, dumbazz vaccine newbie? You guys are so stupid as to integrated medical centers.

Layoffs doubtful. Disruption mid-year to affect a stellar sales year for IS - not happening. IS already made their cuts, time for vaccine's share.

I'm in IS, in the West Coast. Word has been getting to us for the last month, that we can expect changes to our group by mid year. No one knows for sure what the numbers will look like, only that there will be severe cuts. I don;t like it, but I'm not surprised. Kristen told us that if PCV13 did not pick up,then we are toast.

I'm in IS, in the West Coast. Word has been getting to us for the last month, that we can expect changes to our group by mid year. No one knows for sure what the numbers will look like, only that there will be severe cuts. I don;t like it, but I'm not surprised. Kristen told us that if PCV13 did not pick up,then we are toast.

Maybe if Kristen made the offer to stip off a piece of her puzzle as in the movie Major League we would have enough incentive to hit our monthly numbers, we don't know yet.

I'm in IS, in the West Coast. Word has been getting to us for the last month, that we can expect changes to our group by mid year. No one knows for sure what the numbers will look like, only that there will be severe cuts. I don;t like it, but I'm not surprised. Kristen told us that if PCV13 did not pick up,then we are toast.

Thank you. Does that mean the rumors about vaccine and IS combining and cherry picking between the two divisions true? I understand vaccine acct managers will have a role in the bigger institutions.

VAM will have no role. They are too highly paid. They will be "weeded" out with the formula.

Same as DBMs with more than 10 years experience. Too highly compensated. They will also be purged by the formula.

The bottom line is that Ian knows he can get it done with less than half your pay. Already doing it with contract sales for Tofa. Gearing up for Tyga.

The heads on the block - VAMs, VADs and IS DBMs. Too much pay.

Vaccine reps themselves are safest because we already pay you like a contract force.

Ok, my vaccine partner's MANAGER told her that there are going to be changes soon, but it will not effect them as much as it will effect IS. WHAT is going on?? I am sick and tired of this bull! I have been hearing rumors for 3 years and I always said I would not listen to the hype. This time, I am not so sure I should believe my job is safe for a while!

Really, there has been a time since late 2009 that you actually had job security in the IS Division. Only if you are completely clueless. This division is on life support, everyone knows it, and we still have people out there who think they have security. If it weren't obvious that Pfizer has some of the most ignorant people in the industry, then a post claiming security would hold some creibility. Vaccines has not prepared at all for this indication because they have no one with the expertise to sell outside of a mandated pediatric market. Reps. have been order takers, and now are learning what it is like to have competition in the adult market. They own this drug and are going to try and to make a go of it even without the IS Division. Of course, they have no relationships in the hospital and it would make NO SENSE to have them control the hospital market. But remember again, this is Pfizer.

VAM will have no role. They are too highly paid. They will be "weeded" out with the formula.

Same as DBMs with more than 10 years experience. Too highly compensated. They will also be purged by the formula.

The bottom line is that Ian knows he can get it done with less than half your pay. Already doing it with contract sales for Tofa. Gearing up for Tyga.

The heads on the block - VAMs, VADs and IS DBMs. Too much pay.

Vaccine reps themselves are safest because we already pay you like a contract force.

Can you give us any insight on time for these changes? Is this why there are so many meetings going on right now?

I rest my case. Why have HOSPITAL reps outside the hospital. Further proves the point that there is no need for a "HOSPITAL" sales force if you are going outside of the hospital. There will be layoffs in the next few weeks announced when all divisions come together and re-align.

This proves you don't understand the hospital business. Its never been a division that resides completely inside of a hospital. That is only a delusion that someone with no understanding has, like the whole vaccines division, who did not even know about core measures and that pneu. pneumonia was on them. Most mgmt. in IS division did not understand core measures, it came from a few reps. who actually read the core measure and told the Prevar Brand team about it. They still don't understand that there are other things affliated with the core measure that had to be updated, like conditions of participation. Again that came from a few reps. that brought that to everyones attention. The brand team still does not fully understand reimbursement, just wait. IS is helping or selling sell Prevnar in the outpatient market. Its obvious, IS should have owned this drug in the adult market, and vaccines should have just remained order takers in the Ped. Mkt.

I'm in IS, in the West Coast. Word has been getting to us for the last month, that we can expect changes to our group by mid year. No one knows for sure what the numbers will look like, only that there will be severe cuts. I don;t like it, but I'm not surprised. Kristen told us that if PCV13 did not pick up,then we are toast.

Kristen did not tell anyone else that we were toast. When did she tell you this? She also had a question about potential merging of IS and Vaccines in the future and flat out said that would not happen. Now, was she lying right to our face about this? Could anyone ever believe anything that came out of the ELT mouths again.

This proves you don't understand the hospital business. Its never been a division that resides completely inside of a hospital. That is only a delusion that someone with no understanding has, like the whole vaccines division, who did not even know about core measures and that pneu. pneumonia was on them. Most mgmt. in IS division did not understand core measures, it came from a few reps. who actually read the core measure and told the Prevar Brand team about it. They still don't understand that there are other things affliated with the core measure that had to be updated, like conditions of participation. Again that came from a few reps. that brought that to everyones attention. The brand team still does not fully understand reimbursement, just wait. IS is helping or selling sell Prevnar in the outpatient market. Its obvious, IS should have owned this drug in the adult market, and vaccines should have just remained order takers in the Ped. Mkt.

Whether you are right or wrong, it doesn't really matter, does it? Pfizer has decided you need to go. Anything you know can be easily trained!

I laugh at how easy everyone thinks the grass is greener and how hospitals are so easy to work. I, for one, am happy to have a vaccine rep who'll be in my hospital so I can pimp them out like a whore to help divert attention from my effectiveness and access in the unit, use them to make money and have pharmacy kick them to the curb when they come complaining about inpatient use.

I need a sacraficial lamb to offer. Come on in.


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Look--neither division can really sell this product to any extent. No cntolled clinical trials. Twice as costly as Pneumovax. And the hospitals are not going to switch until mandated by CMS. As long as what they are doing satisfies the measure then that's all they really care about. Being able to talk about ACIP might help a little. Everything is about cost containment!!!

I'm in IS, in the West Coast. Word has been getting to us for the last month, that we can expect changes to our group by mid year. No one knows for sure what the numbers will look like, only that there will be severe cuts. I don;t like it, but I'm not surprised. Kristen told us that if PCV13 did not pick up,then we are toast.

Damn give us a month or so to get it rolling!! Wasn't the NSM in March!! Hospital sales takes awhile and a couple of months is not enough. And didn't Kristen basically say that IS was good for a couple of years??

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