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  • The managers at this company are clueless ass clowns.
    That’s putting it very nicely. How about some of the most incompetent and disconnected big pharma mental stooges ever.

  • No interview despite strong internal candidate with development plan geared towards going to another division. A 5 minute phone screen was all.
    Pretty sad BMS does not look internally first.
    how many times have you posted this BS. Are you that attention starved trying to seek out anonymous reactions? Let this serve as your lone response. Sounds like more of a personal problem that needs to be dealt with in your inner circle and not in here.

  • If only that easy. Telling an office they have to buy and bill so Novartis can get accurate data to pay their sales reps accurately is not the offices problem. They should use whatever route best for their practice. The data from the ASOC in my area is pretty accurate. The BS part of it is Novartis waiting for claims data so they can get it drilled down to the Dr. in the hope one day will have territory goals. Too long of a delay for the data. As stated, 867 data should be all that’s needed. Novartis needs to figure out a better way to incentivize reps for this product. All the resources spent on trying to figure out the data that no one trusts is crazy. In the mean time, you have reps enjoying Presidents Club and large bonus’ that haven't moved anything. Not motivating Novartis. Get it together.
    Agree with all of this except you don’t tell offices they have to buy and bill any more than you tell them they have to use a product. You sell them on the benefits and if they aren’t an office that can do that, you work within their system to find a way. If they truly don’t do any buy and bill and you can’t sell them, you move on. That’s just how it’s done with every other buy and bill product. It’s sales.
    And you are exactly right. A bunch of stupid pharma execs who can’t understand buy and bill isn’t pharma and you will never have accurate provider level data. All we need is the “buy” part of the buy and bill market, and we have that….except when it comes to ASOCs. If they reduce headcount, they could even alleviate the problem of splitting up ASOC credit, unfortunately. I’ll never understand why the fools at Novartis think we should get paid on the “bill” part of buy and bill. No other company does that because they understand it’s getting the buyer to buy it that is actually the sale.

  • OCREVUS is turning the lIghts out on the MS division here. The company is living a pipe dream with the goals. Nobody is making any bonus anymore. Game over.
    Totally agree.

  • The same clueless people who were responsible for all of the failed decision making and leadership are still in charge. Other than getting worse, nothing changes until they are swept out (Boner, Lerch and all their sycophants). Money talks so change will only happen when the board, prompted by large investors, push them out due to stagnant and declining stock price
    In a word, no.
