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  • The same clueless people who were responsible for all of the failed decision making and leadership are still in charge. Other than getting worse, nothing changes until they are swept out (Boner, Lerch and all their sycophants). Money talks so change will only happen when the board, prompted by large investors, push them out due to stagnant and declining stock price
    In a word, no.

  • Spot on with the points above. they apparently got a half decent building in seaport and no one even shows up to the office most times. Who makes these retarded decisions?

  • Everyone has aspirations and if yours is to ruin yourself and your family please join galderma. Since I have joined I feel my home environment has become toxic as well. I was at a great employer then left and joined this god forsaken place with some horrible leaders like AL, CM. The worst. I am home office and the stuff I hear sometimes about the field and how they make decisions is crazy - not to mention how they give people ratings

  • The same stool Kevin sells Wall Street. It’s been a very long 18 months. He’s a great salesman!

  • The company is banking on IPX having a successful launch. Reps. feel it will not sell. Unithroid has helped in the past but with the Walgreen’s issue that product could be dead in the water. Specialty pharmacy for Unithroid will erode profits. What’s your plan Fernando?
    More action plans. This company has many disgruntled employees who are hoping for failure so they can get a buyout or severance to get out. I heard CVS has now been notified about the Walgreen situation by a former employee. Maybe they will just jack up the price remember Amneal is known for providing many with affordable meds. That is about as good as we are all family. Man if Kelly would have only taken that Google job there would be no call plan, action plans or watching her melt on stage. Uncomfortable for all. Poor girl.
