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Will we ever bonus again?

Looks like it's time to clean house then and promote the sales team selling txr and oxr. At least they are growing you pathetic losers.

If you feel as though you can sell Qelbree better than us then zip it and go do it. You’re all talk. Being a RD here doesn’t mean people think you’re so accomplished. It’s just the truth. You’re either a previous Shire rep who has no clue about today’s daily selling atmosphere or you’re a Supernus rep with minimal field exposure but did well. Neither is a bad thing, just the truth. So go become a rep and sell Qelbree or shut it. Or maybe go be a RD for the contract sales force for TXR/OXR since you seem to love their progress. We as reps have options and are replaceable, but so are you buddy.

If you feel as though you can sell Qelbree better than us then zip it and go do it. You’re all talk. Being a RD here doesn’t mean people think you’re so accomplished. It’s just the truth. You’re either a previous Shire rep who has no clue about today’s daily selling atmosphere or you’re a Supernus rep with minimal field exposure but did well. Neither is a bad thing, just the truth. So go become a rep and sell Qelbree or shut it. Or maybe go be a RD for the contract sales force for TXR/OXR since you seem to love their progress. We as reps have options and are replaceable, but so are you buddy.

Thabk you! Why’s this guy act like he’s surviving on the lifeboat after this disaster sinks??? You’re juuuuust as replaceable, loser. Difference is, we are more hirable. So good luck to ya. Maybe enterprise is hiring in your neighborhood. I hear good things about their trainee program.

If you feel as though you can sell Qelbree better than us then zip it and go do it. You’re all talk. Being a RD here doesn’t mean people think you’re so accomplished. It’s just the truth. You’re either a previous Shire rep who has no clue about today’s daily selling atmosphere or you’re a Supernus rep with minimal field exposure but did well. Neither is a bad thing, just the truth. So go become a rep and sell Qelbree or shut it. Or maybe go be a RD for the contract sales force for TXR/OXR since you seem to love their progress. We as reps have options and are replaceable, but so are you buddy.

I love how RDs thought they are on their way to financial freedom with Qelbree. They never saw this coming? Even when phase III data was released and investors were not impressed. Well, now they get to reflect on that. Reps are leaving left and right and RDs will go down with the ship.

here's where I think all the disconnect is, we're upset about performance but the company doesn't seem to care or thinks its normal. so let them think it. come prepared to poa and check that box. but if they're not upset about it and they're hopeful that this is still a great product then just let them think it. meanwhile work on yourself and get your resume together if you really feel differently. there have definitely been lots of huge red flags lately. im using my energy for perfecting my brag book and resume. for the moment, i would just assume no great bonus potential and you need to be ok with that if you choose to stay on.

here's where I think all the disconnect is, we're upset about performance but the company doesn't seem to care or thinks its normal. so let them think it. come prepared to poa and check that box. but if they're not upset about it and they're hopeful that this is still a great product then just let them think it. meanwhile work on yourself and get your resume together if you really feel differently. there have definitely been lots of huge red flags lately. im using my energy for perfecting my brag book and resume. for the moment, i would just assume no great bonus potential and you need to be ok with that if you choose to stay on.

You are such a little bitch. You probably aren't a goos sales person if you can't sell this drug. These docs have literally had NOTHING for years. Maybe start working full days and work on your ability to read the costumers! Unbelievable! What more could we have given you...you have all the tools!!! If you aren't generating at least 5 RX a week at this point you are the problem buddy. With that said I have a lot of problems on my team.

You are such a little bitch. You probably aren't a goos sales person if you can't sell this drug. These docs have literally had NOTHING for years. Maybe start working full days and work on your ability to read the costumers! Unbelievable! What more could we have given you...you have all the tools!!! If you aren't generating at least 5 RX a week at this point you are the problem buddy. With that said I have a lot of problems on my team.

You are delusional. Or clueless. Or both. No one is getting 5 rx a week. So I guess the entire salesforce is the problem. That’s a truly genius assessment. Yup, definitely no issues except people who can’t sell. Think you nailed it buddy.

The problem is narrow minded, out of touch, ignorant RD’s and management. And a crap product that isn’t accessible. Not covered and too expensive if you don’t have commercial (which is a large majority) and not even available at some pharmacies. Not worth the hassle for a new drug that is comparable to what they’re used to and what they can get easier. Sorry, that’s the cold hard truth.

You are such a little bitch. You probably aren't a goos sales person if you can't sell this drug. These docs have literally had NOTHING for years. Maybe start working full days and work on your ability to read the costumers! Unbelievable! What more could we have given you...you have all the tools!!! If you aren't generating at least 5 RX a week at this point you are the problem buddy. With that said I have a lot of problems on my team.

You’re probably not a good RD if you can’t inspire your team to sell with having “all the tools!!!”. Isn’t that your job? So you suck at hiring the right talent AND motivating them. And if you say it isn’t your job to drive and motivate your reps… then the question remains, what actually is your job?

You’re probably not a good RD if you can’t inspire your team to sell with having “all the tools!!!”. Isn’t that your job? So you suck at hiring the right talent AND motivating them. And if you say it isn’t your job to drive and motivate your reps… then the question remains, what actually is your job?

Expense reports. And half the time they get kicked back after being audited bc they were approved by RD’s when they shouldn’t have been soooooo it’s arguable that even that simple task is above their comprehension.

here's where I think all the disconnect is, we're upset about performance but the company doesn't seem to care or thinks its normal. so let them think it. come prepared to poa and check that box. but if they're not upset about it and they're hopeful that this is still a great product then just let them think it. meanwhile work on yourself and get your resume together if you really feel differently. there have definitely been lots of huge red flags lately. im using my energy for perfecting my brag book and resume. for the moment, i would just assume no great bonus potential and you need to be ok with that if you choose to stay on.
Nobody looks at brag books anymore. Too risky to look at competitors info. Have it ready to reference, but if someone asks to look at it, or worse email it, run. That means they will have just as low morals as Supernus. Key to finding a great company after you leave this place, you’ll thank me later. And good luck out there. Supernus is like working at a knock off McDonalds in the pharma world. Prepare to hear, “We’ve never heard of that company,” like a thousand times.

You’re probably not a good RD if you can’t inspire your team to sell with having “all the tools!!!”. Isn’t that your job? So you suck at hiring the right talent AND motivating them. And if you say it isn’t your job to drive and motivate your reps… then the question remains, what actually is your job?

adult daycare, expense reports & shoving company agenda down our throats.

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