Will we ever bonus again?

This is supernus....the only way to get doctors to write this shit product is to go above and beyond. The rep putting in extra time should be celebrated. Hard work pays off. 2 of the 3 top reps on my team work Saturdays too.

this is absolutely ridiculous. if you’re waltzing into a pediatric office during their sick clinic hours because you can’t effectively target them during the week then that sounds like a personal problem. working saturdays was never part of the deal and all this Saturday talk is really just a ploy to suck extra work out of us. open your eyes. also don’t come on here and brag about working saturdays. you look stupid. know your worth.

Sweet Pea, lets be very clear about something. I could care less about your precious spawn.

You are the one who rolled out your child as some shield of virtuosity to cover for your anger at your company and obvious failures in your chosen career.

You want to be a stay at home mommy, while collecting a nice paycheck. Who doesn't. Unfortunately, you can't seem to master this game and it is making you unhinged.

Seriously, try something a little more elementary, like teachers assistant or wine rep.

If I wanted to be a stay at home mom I would be but I’m NOT. I work very hard Monday-Friday so I don’t have to work weekends because to me my family and my daughter is MOST important than this job. That is what life is about for ME…. My family and spending my outside of work time with my child. Get a clue on what life is about…. It’s not all about work.

Sweet Pea, lets be very clear about something. I could care less about your precious spawn.

You are the one who rolled out your child as some shield of virtuosity to cover for your anger at your company and obvious failures in your chosen career.

You want to be a stay at home mommy, while collecting a nice paycheck. Who doesn't. Unfortunately, you can't seem to master this game and it is making you unhinged.

Seriously, try something a little more elementary, like teachers assistant or wine rep.

you sound like a real loser who is working saturdays or making reps work Saturdays. Like someone else said, saturdays were never part of the deal. Think GC or TR are working Saturdays? 1000% NNNAAAAAAHHHHTTTT (GC voice) they are golfing or collecting a paycheck while we all work hard to sell this medication. You’ll never leave this company because no one else wants you. Enjoy your crap stock. Glad I sold when I did.

Sweet Pea, lets be very clear about something. I could care less about your precious spawn.

You are the one who rolled out your child as some shield of virtuosity to cover for your anger at your company and obvious failures in your chosen career.

You want to be a stay at home mommy, while collecting a nice paycheck. Who doesn't. Unfortunately, you can't seem to master this game and it is making you unhinged.

Seriously, try something a little more elementary, like teachers assistant or wine rep.

so a dig at teachers assistants and wine reps? What’s wrong with that. We should applaud anyone who is actually working especially in these times.

this is absolutely ridiculous. if you’re waltzing into a pediatric office during their sick clinic hours because you can’t effectively target them during the week then that sounds like a personal problem. working saturdays was never part of the deal and all this Saturday talk is really just a ploy to suck extra work out of us. open your eyes. also don’t come on here and brag about working saturdays. you look stupid. know your worth.

You are such a loser. I feel bad for your boyfriend. I'll be at president's club while you are sitting on the bottom of the rankings.

You are such a loser. I feel bad for your boyfriend. I'll be at president's club while you are sitting on the bottom of the rankings.

Yea you’ll be headed to Presidents Club making all but $10k in bonus for the year with this shitty bonus plan. You can have the award as far as I’m concerned. Have fun working your saturdays for that xtra $10k for the year.

You are such a loser. I feel bad for your boyfriend. I'll be at president's club while you are sitting on the bottom of the rankings.

I would rather have an actual life outside of work than go to presidents club with a crappy bonus plans. Enjoy working Saturdays and making $2-3K bonus and with an incentive is still a crappy bonus in a launch. Who wants to look back on their life and say “I’m so glad I worked all those Saturdays that got me no where, no bonus, etc when I should have spent more time with family” I will have zero regrets because I know what matters more in life. Not this company.

What rep works Saturday’s?! If an office is even open on a Saturday they’re probably psyched for their one day off from reps. And in walks this tool. Hope you at least bring coffee.

And if you’re honestly working a Saturday you’re only going to one MAYBE two offices so stop prancing around here like a hero. The fact of the matter is you live alone and aren’t married or even dating someone so good for you, at least you have plans every weekend.

You are such a loser. I feel bad for your boyfriend. I'll be at president's club while you are sitting on the bottom of the rankings.

Wow you have really made it in life. I feel bad for your significant other. How embarrassing. I would rather sit on the couch and enjoy my fam than go to Hawaii with someone like you any day.

In fact, you would have to pay me $10k to hang out with you. I would work even work Saturdays to avoid you. Now there is some real motivation.

Hi everyone!!! Is this a good place to work? I have an interview this week!

if you are looking to get into pharmaceutical sales, yes it is to get a few years under your belt then go work somewhere else or find another company. Many reps are making less money now than we were when we started years ago due to many changes. Maybe we will make good money soon but the bonus plan currently sucks. We barely hear from GC and TR. so that tells ya how confident they are I’m this product.