What are criteria for layoffs?

In the past, I believe it was your forced ranking and your last 3 reviews along with where you live..i.e. If there is 1 spot available and three of you vying for it..who lives in best spot for new territory.

If 1 or 2 people are targeted to get let go, which I do believe you...why have COE winners been shown the door as well?

HQ source here. Now hear this; COE is a lottery and considered so by those in senior leadership. Second and most important, the layoff formula does not include performance ratings except in cases of tie breakers because everyone, including attorneys, know that trying to evaluate Pharma reps based on real measurements is impossible to substantiate in court. If it is your time, it is your time and it won't matter who you know or what you have done in the past. It is a non subjective formula with no names attached. If you DM or Regional tries to act like they can save you, they can't. Nor can they save themselves if their number is called.

HQ source here. Now hear this; COE is a lottery and considered so by those in senior leadership. Second and most important, the layoff formula does not include performance ratings except in cases of tie breakers because everyone, including attorneys, know that trying to evaluate Pharma reps based on real measurements is impossible to substantiate in court. If it is your time, it is your time and it won't matter who you know or what you have done in the past. It is a non subjective formula with no names attached. If you DM or Regional tries to act like they can save you, they can't. Nor can they save themselves if their number is called.

Real talk...outside the obvious reasons (inability to accurately rank and assess territories against one another) why does the sr management consider COE a lottery?

All I can say is I have Year after year, done exactly the same things. Served customers to the best of my ability. My work ethnic and use of resources never changed. Market conditions changed, baselines/quotas changed and as a result...some years I was up and received praise; other years I was down and depending on the leadership, it was simply that I had a bad year or that I wasn't shit as a rep. But nothing ever changed about my execution of the business.

Real talk...outside the obvious reasons (inability to accurately rank and assess territories against one another) why does the sr management consider COE a lottery?

All I can say is I have Year after year, done exactly the same things. Served customers to the best of my ability. My work ethnic and use of resources never changed. Market conditions changed, baselines/quotas changed and as a result...some years I was up and received praise; other years I was down and depending on the leadership, it was simply that I had a bad year or that I wasn't shit as a rep. But nothing ever changed about my execution of the business.

Exactly, which is why senior leadership knows that COE is nothing more than a lottery. COE winners have been fired for not working even before the trip. It has happened many times. They also meet the winners and always come back with some good laughs about some of the clueless twits that attend.

so I am convinced as I am trying to sell bevespi and it is tanking that the rumor of layoffs by June is a real possibility. What are the criteria for layoffs and my guess is there will be no warning. How has it been done in the past?
You will be notified 60 days in advance of the Lay Off. Its the WARN ACT. You won't have to make calls those 60 days. Then you will take a severance package (two weeks for every year plus one week) on Day 60. You apply for unemployment and will keep your Medical Benefits for the same period of time. On Day 60 the official day of the Layoff you can apply for unemployment. It is not easy this time. Too many reps looking, few jobs, and age is an issue. Most companies could care less about your relationships and experience.
If you can go on Disability before the layoff that will get you more time. Nothing starts until you come back! Good Luck!

In the past, I believe it was your forced ranking and your last 3 reviews along with where you live..i.e. If there is 1 spot available and three of you vying for it..who lives in best spot for new territory.
It is forced ranked if they are cutting back. They dump the bottom of most districts which is purely a popularity contest. If your manager doesn't like you it doesn't matter. I had a friend that worked harder and longer than most others. Customers loved her and she was scientific. The manager thought she looked like his ex-wife and from the start didn't like her. The entire district knew it and said that even thought it was so obvious they had to kiss _ss and not support the person that they had always respected. They will always try to find a numbers reason for letting you go.
If like the CNS team they let everyone go, you will see some of the reps getting other positions in other disease states before the lay off is announced. Still others will be hand picked for open territories and some will not get an interview at all. I wish I had been one of those that went home at two and sat by a lake on Fridays because they just don't care. Means nothing.

It is forced ranked if they are cutting back. They dump the bottom of most districts which is purely a popularity contest. If your manager doesn't like you it doesn't matter. I had a friend that worked harder and longer than most others. Customers loved her and she was scientific. The manager thought she looked like his ex-wife and from the start didn't like her. The entire district knew it and said that even thought it was so obvious they had to kiss _ss and not support the person that they had always respected. They will always try to find a numbers reason for letting you go.
If like the CNS team they let everyone go, you will see some of the reps getting other positions in other disease states before the lay off is announced. Still others will be hand picked for open territories and some will not get an interview at all. I wish I had been one of those that went home at two and sat by a lake on Fridays because they just don't care. Means nothing.

  • If you are a Legacy AstraMerck or Zeneca employee w/ the DBP
  • Paid over the MRP
  • You are not a butt swab ass-kisser
  • Have a "2" or God forbid a "1" this past year or 2's in the last two out of three years.
  • And let's not forget---white hetero male
No such thing as AstraMerck dumb ass! Obviously you have no fucking idea what you're talking about!!!!

Comments like this...why do people speak when they know absolutely nothing?

Better to be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.

That is the way these 20 something newbies are. They will never say " I don't know." They will make up some answer even when they not fucking clue what they are talking about because nobody ever held them accountable for mistakes. It happens all of the time in places like Home Depot or Lowes. Ask some 20 something any question and 90% of the time their answer will be wrong. But they give you directions.

That is the way these 20 something newbies are. They will never say " I don't know." They will make up some answer even when they not fucking clue what they are talking about because nobody ever held them accountable for mistakes. It happens all of the time in places like Home Depot or Lowes. Ask some 20 something any question and 90% of the time their answer will be wrong. But they give you directions.
Yea.. I don't know anything!.. I started with Zeneca.. Launched Sular... Which I'm sure you don't fucking know what that is!.. Launched products such as Nexium, Zomig, Rhinocort Aqua ... Accolate?.. Sure you have no fucking clue!..

That is the way these 20 something newbies are. They will never say " I don't know." They will make up some answer even when they not fucking clue what they are talking about because nobody ever held them accountable for mistakes. It happens all of the time in places like Home Depot or Lowes. Ask some 20 something any question and 90% of the time their answer will be wrong. But they give you directions.
I'm sure you're living in your parents basement ... Because you are that dumb!.. Spoiled little dumb shit!... Probably eating your mothers leftovers tonite!.. EWE

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