layoff criteria

Ranking will be based on rep behaviors observed for each success factor. The more evidence (behaviors) associated with each success factor, the higher your rank.

This is absolutely true. These are the behavior criteria the DSM will evaluate. It will go through HR, legal etc, but as it circles back the managers do tweak the picks based on evaluations.

This is absolutely true. These are the behavior criteria the DSM will evaluate. It will go through HR, legal etc, but as it circles back the managers do tweak the picks based on evaluations.

DSM here. That is the way it should be. No one knows my district like me. I have 4 completely useless fucks in my district I have been trying to fire forever. This will certainly help get rid of some lazy idiots.

Forced ranking are totally subjective and allow DM's to get rid of good reps, especially reps that don't drink their kool-aid, kiss their ass, but produce nonetheless. Also, it really makes it easy to be a racist as well. What a sad, pathetic company we work for.

Forced ranking are totally subjective and allow DM's to get rid of good reps, especially reps that don't drink their kool-aid, kiss their ass, but produce nonetheless. Also, it really makes it easy to be a racist as well. What a sad, pathetic company we work for.

Base salaries that are high (over $80k) are going to be a red flag. This entire process is to save money. Sr. reps better hope that they dont get raises in the future. If you do get raises it only puts you on the radar. Its not right, its twisted and its totally insane but its the AZ way. High bases are red flags. The new AZ PSS profile is a 25 year old making $55k base ex cheerleader from UNC Asheville. (im not joking, this is a fact)

Base salaries that are high (over $80k) are going to be a red flag. This entire process is to save money. Sr. reps better hope that they dont get raises in the future. If you do get raises it only puts you on the radar. Its not right, its twisted and its totally insane but its the AZ way. High bases are red flags. The new AZ PSS profile is a 25 year old making $55k base ex cheerleader from UNC Asheville. (im not joking, this is a fact)

Yeah, and this is why U.S. pharma will continue to decline. AZ wastes more money on one role playing meeting than it would take to maintain the salaries of several reps for years. Case in point was that ridiculous, waste of time meeting we had in Orlando last week for Brilinta. The whole damn thing could have been done over an hour conference call. How does this stupid type of shit ever get signed off on? AZ in the U.S. will soon look like Europe. Emerging markets is where it's at.

Oh by the way, the Publicis Ocean rep is so damn busy faking calls, it's laughable. But hey, this is what the idiot at AZ want. Dumb fucks!!!

Yeah, and this is why U.S. pharma will continue to decline. AZ wastes more money on one role playing meeting than it would take to maintain the salaries of several reps for years. Case in point was that ridiculous, waste of time meeting we had in Orlando last week for Brilinta. The whole damn thing could have been done over an hour conference call. How does this stupid type of shit ever get signed off on? AZ in the U.S. will soon look like Europe. Emerging markets is where it's at.

Oh by the way, the Publicis Ocean rep is so damn busy faking calls, it's laughable. But hey, this is what the idiot at AZ want. Dumb fucks!!!

I fake way more calls than my Publicis rep ever dreamed of. I have been woorking here almost 12 tears and this is the easiest part time job ever! I can't remember ever working more than 20 hours a week ever. Hope I don't get laid off.

First they will decide the structure of the sales force. For example will there continue to be a MCR, MCL, CVAS, etc. or will they be combined in some way. Then they will decide on the overall size of the sales force or sales forces, based on how big a territory they project each rep to cover.

Then it will come down to the local level with territory lines being drawn. The most important factors in who stays and who goes will be ranking and geography. They will seek to keep as many top ranked people as possible, regardless of current sales force. They are not going to let an entire sales force, like CNS, go. They will not keep a low ranked MCR rep at the expense of letting a high ranked CNS rep go. They will decide it makes better business sense to retrain the higher ranked rep. The low ranked rep is ranked low for a reason (yeah, yeah, I know, your DSM doesn't like you. Tough luck).

Next they will match up the people they want to keep with the geography they have to cover. If you are a top ranked rep currently covering a territory that will be there in the new alignment, you're all set. If you are a top ranked rep in a territiory with a low ranked rep, the top ranked rep will stay. If you are in a territory with another top ranked rep, they will seek to move one of you to another nearby territory that has a low ranked rep, or to another TA with a territory with a low ranked rep.

As you can see, it all comes down to rankings. Sorry to break the news, but in this game somebody has been keeping score and you don't get a trophy just for participating.
i agree with this post, it makes business sense and this is how the other layoffs were done