On what criteria were Cardiovascular Reps Displaced?

Everyone knows it starts with zip codes. Where it goes from there is a mystery. There No sense around this. I feel so guilty for being here. Middle of the road numbers. In a few weeks we will all forget the 400 just like we forgot the casualties 11 months ago.
The AZ way: let not the misfortune of the displaced taint your future.

People who still work at AZ act as though it is a career misstep or bad luck to mention or maintain open friendships after a separation, whether by lay off or voluntarily leaving for a new job.

The AZ way: let not the misfortune of the displaced taint your future.

People who still work at AZ act as though it is a career misstep or bad luck to mention or maintain open friendships after a separation, whether by lay off or voluntarily leaving for a new job.

Never mention by name those that were fired. They are pariahs. They never existed, and are dead to the company. Shun them for they are afflicted. Turn your head if you see them walking towards you.

Bullshit. You have no idea how they choose. I was displaced last December. Never really realized how much my unhappiness was linked to my co workers. I've moved on and am much happier. Good luck to those who were displaced - you won't miss this C rated company!

Bullshit. You have no idea how they choose. I was displaced last December. Never really realized how much my unhappiness was linked to my co workers. I've moved on and am much happier. Good luck to those who were displaced - you won't miss this C rated company!

"C" rated? You are being very generous.

Couldn’t have been performance based because I know someone who recently went to circle (pre covid) and was let go. Phenomenal rep, too. Az’s loss!
BIG LIE!! Only poor performers were axed. I know the HQ analyst responsible for the selection process. Y'all got to bring in the sales $s or it's bye bye.

Couldn’t have been performance based because I know someone who recently went to circle (pre covid) and was let go. Phenomenal rep, too. Az’s loss!
BIG LIE!! Only poor performers were axed. I know the HQ analyst responsible for the selection process. Y'all got to bring in the sales $s or it's bye bye.

To the two above posters, you both may be right. AZ is all about what have you done for me lately. You may have been a COE winner several years back but not within last couple. Also, if you are truthful regarding access and that access sucks, you will be gone.

I do wish we laid off people based on behaviors like they say we are all about but alas, it always comes down to rankings.

To the two above posters, you both may be right. AZ is all about what have you done for me lately. You may have been a COE winner several years back but not within last couple. Also, if you are truthful regarding access and that access sucks, you will be gone.

I do wish we laid off people based on behaviors like they say we are all about but alas, it always comes down to rankings.

But how are those rankings calculated?

The company will never release the criteria for layoffs. Actually none of your business. This is contracted to an outside agency like ZS associates. The main criteria is that the layoff does not pose any risk for the company being sued for any discrimination case. You folks think way too much. Do your job. If you lose your job you can understand it was no fault of your own unless you were put on a PIP. It can happen to anyone in this company nobody is safe. If you don't have a plan what you would do if you get the bad news well shame on you.