We're getting our overtime lawsuit payout in August!

I live in Chicago and got mine today as well! $18K without too many details, just a letter with the findings of the case and a number to call if I needed customer service! Whoopee! More than I expected!

You're all liars!!!! The consulting company said ten minutes ago NO CHECKS have been mailed out yet. They are still waiting to get the go ahead. They said could be by friday and to check back then. Stop lying to everyone on here!!

i don't remember if I got any paperwork. what do I have to do to opt in? is it too late? does it depend which state I live in? what is the formula to calculate my payout? how much am I going to get? when am I gonna get it?

TELL ME PLEASE! I'll believe anything you say 'cause I'm a fucking idiot.

You could be said fucking idiot and still get a payout. If you lived in a state where you had to opt in and not out and/or you were so oblivious/stoned/etc. to know if you signed the paper work (or not) or even had to. Bottom line: if you had to do anything proactive and didn't you're fucked and won't get a dime. If you had a horseshoe up your ass and didn't do anything but were lucky enough to live in a state where you didn't have opt in then you may still get paid despite your retarded self. In this case ignorance is truly bliss.

i don't remember if I got any paperwork. what do I have to do to opt in? is it too late? does it depend which state I live in? what is the formula to calculate my payout? how much am I going to get? when am I gonna get it?

TELL ME PLEASE! I'll believe anything you say 'cause I'm a fucking idiot.

That sucks. Nothing, it's too late. Yes, I just told you it's too late. It would mattered what state, but again you're too fuckin late. The formula is how many months you worked for novartis during the settlement period, times 2 if you made less than 100k a yr. times the monthly settlement amount times either zero because you didn't opt in or times 1 because you didn't opt in but didn't have to. monthly amount hasn't been disclosed so who knows. By the end of the week if you get anything. I hope you get squat because that means less for me. BTW if you like class warfare just wait til November. It's gonna be epic.

While some of you think you're the authority on when and how much the settlement will be for and are busy calling us liars, I'm booking a vacation for my family with the $14,334 I received yesterday! Tell us you called Rust and anything else you want to do...the reality is I got my money yesterday and you can't do anything about it! By the way, Rust wouldn't tell you any details of other people's situations anyways so YOU'RE the liar! Sorry you didn't get anything yet...sucks to be you!

While some of you think you're the authority on when and how much the settlement will be for and are busy calling us liars, I'm booking a vacation for my family with the $14,334 I received yesterday! Tell us you called Rust and anything else you want to do...the reality is I got my money yesterday and you can't do anything about it! By the way, Rust wouldn't tell you any details of other people's situations anyways so YOU'RE the liar! Sorry you didn't get anything yet...sucks to be you!

Yeah, yeah. You're all talk. Give it a rest. No one has recieved their check yet so PLEASE get a life!!

Just called Rust and the lady I spoke with said NO checks have been mailed yet.

I just called Rust too and they said a good portion of the checks were mailed starting Friday and yesterday and again, she confirmed they're being mailed by ZIP code. She couldn't tell me if mine was mailed yet (or wouldn't tell me) but she said the remainder will be mailed by the end of the week. FYI...

I just called Rust too and they said a good portion of the checks were mailed starting Friday and yesterday and again, she confirmed they're being mailed by ZIP code. She couldn't tell me if mine was mailed yet (or wouldn't tell me) but she said the remainder will be mailed by the end of the week. FYI...

Why could she not confirm if yours was mailed out? Did you ask her to go through the enitre pile just to look for yours? Stop acting like a greedy or needy peasant. Manage your finances better so you dont have to sweat everyday your check hasnt arrived. Just relax and let things fall into place.

Why could she not confirm if yours was mailed out? Did you ask her to go through the enitre pile just to look for yours? Stop acting like a greedy or needy peasant. Manage your finances better so you dont have to sweat everyday your check hasnt arrived. Just relax and let things fall into place.

Why doesn't everyone simmer down a bit. It very well could be that their employee training and communication is not any better than other large companies, i.e.......??? Thus you are getting different answers. You'll know it when we suddenly start seeing lots of positive check arrival postings....and for those who are a little vicious..get a life please.

Why doesn't everyone simmer down a bit. It very well could be that their employee training and communication is not any better than other large companies, i.e.......??? Thus you are getting different answers. You'll know it when we suddenly start seeing lots of positive check arrival postings....and for those who are a little vicious..get a life please.

Feature...extra money


They called me twice last week as there was an issue at NVS with my dates of service and I had asked for them to confirm the correct info with me. I got a call on Wednesday and Friday from two different people.

The 2nd guy didn't have any idea that I'd already been called back and the issue was resolved. So yeah, they're not perfect. FWIW, both of the guys I spoke with said they (Rust) were 'trying to get checks out before the end of the month' when I asked about any updates on timing.