We're getting our overtime lawsuit payout in August!

You guys are soooooo greedy and pathetic! You don't even deserve the settlement: still wonder why all pharma are laying you off????

Why are we greedy? 99% of us were not actively involved in the lawsuit, any the majority of us were automaticaly included in the settlement by our state laws. Novartis didnt even put up a fight and AGREED TO SETTLE.

The majority of pharma people are on a monthly handout payment anyway, they call it their "job". They pretend to work and think they are hot stuff and feel their actions justify the paycheck....and I am not just talking about the sales force.

Plenty of jerkoffs in many levels of this industry, its all a shell.

Alright, it's 8AM CST and I just called Rust and spoke to James C in the administration of claims department. He confirmed that there is a hold up and that SWH has informed them to not process any checks and that there would be at least a 6 month delay in the settlement of the case. He didn't have any insight into what's going on and told me a few times that all they do is administer settlements and are not involved in the inner-workings of any case. He told me to call my contacts at SWH (which I'm going to do now) and they might be able to help me more.

Either way, no $ in August...September...October...and on and on and on....

By the way, winning or settling on a lawsuit doesn't make a person greedy! That's why there's court, Mr. or Mrs. Sour Grapes! When someone does wrong that's how they're punished in our type of society! Don't be vindictive because you're jealous.

It's how you deal with it that makes you either greedy or just fortunate of dumb luck. I personally have a family and it's tough finding a job. Any extra money will help and be welcomed. People who are posting about getting cars and TVs, yea that sounds greedy. Let's be honest, this isn't really owed to anyone. We knew what our jobs were when we signed on. All of this, "yea, I deserve this" is mostly crap. It's the equivalent of a sports figure saying he wants to renegotiate his/her deal two months in because they are performing better than expected. They signed for X$ and for X years. I don't know, I just think the OT hours we put in (honestly probably put most of us (including me)) still below 40/wk. So when the $ gets here I'll be happy and probably send it directly to the bank. I'm looking forward to getting off CP. So much BS it's frustrating. Good luck everyone with whatever you will do or are doing! :)

Alright, it's 8AM CST and I just called Rust and spoke to James C in the administration of claims department. He confirmed that there is a hold up and that SWH has informed them to not process any checks and that there would be at least a 6 month delay in the settlement of the case. He didn't have any insight into what's going on and told me a few times that all they do is administer settlements and are not involved in the inner-workings of any case. He told me to call my contacts at SWH (which I'm going to do now) and they might be able to help me more.

Either way, no $ in August...September...October...and on and on and on....

By the way, winning or settling on a lawsuit doesn't make a person greedy! That's why there's court, Mr. or Mrs. Sour Grapes! When someone does wrong that's how they're punished in our type of society! Don't be vindictive because you're jealous.
Not jealous or even vindictive, just think everybody was happy about dinning their clients, enjoying great wines and let's not forget about the 8 calls for the next day! So once again this is why, today you don't have it so easy! That's it!
P.S: i left the industry before it became a big joke, so no sour grapes here body

Serosuky almost everyone on here is a moron! Called swh and they told me no more court dates. The checks were suppose to be mailed by end of July. That is looking like sept now (maybe sooner). So there is the right info. The case is settled, we will all eventually get the check. Everyone elses BS is just that! Gl all

Just called SWH and confirmed the following.

The appeal period is over. The settlement stands.

Payout depends on multiple factors.

i.e:. Class one represents sales people in New York State (original class action) who were employed by Novartis for at least one day from March 2000 thru April 2007.

Exact payout estimate could not be given at this time.

Other situations will fall into different law suit classes and be eligible for different payout amounts.

While originally scheduled for August, checks are now expected to be sent in September.

Updated statement from the www.swhlegal.com site:

Contrary to misinformation that has been circulating around the internet, the Settlement is final and not in jeopardy. Due to an abundance of caution and a desire to ensure that every class member gets his or her fair share of the Settlement, the calculation of individual awards has taken longer than anticipated. Accordingly, we expect the checks to be mailed in September instead of August. This delay will not jeopardize the checks themselves; it will only affect the timing of the mailing.

Contrary to misinformation that has been circulating around the internet, the Settlement is final and not in jeopardy. Due to an abundance of caution and a desire to ensure that every class member gets his or her fair share of the Settlement, the calculation of individual awards has taken longer than anticipated. Accordingly, we expect the checks to be mailed in September instead of August. This delay will not jeopardize the checks themselves; it will only affect the timing of the mailing.

Done, Done, Done!!!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 00:00
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest Class Action Lawsuit Settlement News!
Judge Approves $99M Novartis Sales Rep Overtime Settlement

By Kimberly Mirando

A federal judge granted final approval to a $99 million class action lawsuit settlement awarded to more than 7,000 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. sales representatives who alleged overtime violations between 2000 and 2007.

U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty approved the Novartis sales rep class action settlement on May 31, following a January decision to grant preliminary approval. The final order and judgment allocated $70,758,500 to settlement awards for Class Members; $27,608,000 to attorneys' fees; $400,000 to reimbursement of litigation fees; and $233,500 to class representatives and others involved in the case.

The Novartis overtime settlement will resolve a 2006 wage and hour class action lawsuit, In re Novartis Wage & Hour Litigation, alleging Novartis misclassified its sales reps as exempt from overtime pay. The sales reps argued their work cannot be considered “sales” because they’re not allowed to actually sell pharmaceuticals to physicians, pharmacies or patients. Rather, they interact with physicians to promote drugs, provide information, and coordinate events.

The class action settlement comes on the heels of a July 2010 decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruling that Novartis sales reps are entitled to overtime pay under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Novartis asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the decision, but it declined the review in February 2011.

The $99 million Novartis overtime settlement will cover more than 7,000 current and former Novartis sales representatives.

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Updated June 13th, 2012

All employment related class action and lawsuit news updates are listed in the Employment and Labor section of Top Class Actions

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Not jealous or even vindictive, just think everybody was happy about dinning their clients, enjoying great wines and let's not forget about the 8 calls for the next day! So once again this is why, today you don't have it so easy! That's it!
P.S: i left the industry before it became a big joke, so no sour grapes here body

"body"???!!! LOL

Talked to Jen at the Chicago office. She said the checks were delayed as they had to go back to court. With the supreme court throwing out the case Novartis is fighting the settlement. Dec 15-18 was the dates to see if Novartis would truely have to pay or not. Good chance we won't get overtime since we are classified as salary workers.

Same Chicago poster here...comical! GSK lawsuit does not affect NVS settlement...


Updated statement from the www.swhlegal.com site:

Contrary to misinformation that has been circulating around the internet, the Settlement is final and not in jeopardy. Due to an abundance of caution and a desire to ensure that every class member gets his or her fair share of the Settlement, the calculation of individual awards has taken longer than anticipated. Accordingly, we expect the checks to be mailed in September instead of August. This delay will not jeopardize the checks themselves; it will only affect the timing of the mailing.

This is true! I spoke with a legal assistant at the law firm.

Serosuky almost everyone on here is a moron! Called swh and they told me no more court dates. The checks were suppose to be mailed by end of July. That is looking like sept now (maybe sooner). So there is the right info. The case is settled, we will all eventually get the check. Everyone elses BS is just that! Gl all

Serosuky.........where did you come up with this winner?

Last Poster...Where's the check DB? You are so full of shit that if NPS could extract it from you and force reps to sell it, they would make a few more million. Get with the program and quit posting garbage asswipe!