Whether you understand this or not, you do not matter to the big picture. You are a replaceable unit in a system that works. If the system produces a profit it has served it's purpose. What you describe is capitalism to a tee and you are a perfect fit. The system becomes increasingly corrupt in its effort to survive withe an objective to dominate the competition. Likewise, internal controls like QA, become corrupt in order meet the only real goal of the system, enhance profits. As a consequence, secrecy, under the guise of "security", becomes paramount. Correcting the reasons for errors, which would resolve issues, would you put the finger on who is actually responsible for tne problem. Causes of errors like not following critically necessary and universally accepted protocols, and overworking understaffed and underpaid employees are ignored because fixing would increase costs.
As the previous poster most accurately observed, without proper controls, these error ridden managers' jobs morph into scape goating, by manufacturing tidy finger pointing reports and documents by finding scandoulos ways to place the blame on someone else, usually blind siding some well meaning overworked sucker. Weaseling out of responsibility is their only perceived means of survival. They dare not make a suggestion to do anything that might increase expenses. However, any idea that will exploit workers is well received. After all, the more expenses fall below lab budget, the greater his/ year end bonus.