Reorg coming??

Take it from someone with over 20 years with just AZ. This was not just a performance firing. It was used to silently purge over 200 reps. The packages pay out more in layoffs vs terminations. It is very sad not just for the people let go but the way they did this. All year telling everyone definitely no cuts to sales staff. SIKE...smh

Wow. Over 200? I had heard slightly over 100.

i was lucky to not be one of those let go last week, but that was the shadiest, sneakiest, most low-down, cutthroat, diabolical bunch of bullsh!t I’ve seen in my time here. Not one mention of it or announcement nothing. company doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone - -only their own bottom line. I used to bust my ass here but no more. because it has not mattered one Bit.. behaviors mean shit. Learned the hard way just do the minimum to meet middle performance numbers and your safe. Do well one quarter you’re screwed the next quarter. One day your a hero the next you’re getting needs improvement. The harder you work the harder you get screwed here. Work hard for the company but don’t get even an interview for other positions same for my colleagues.. I’ve worked for some shitty companies but this one Just finds new ways continuously to show how little they care about their people. Being a “Good place to work”??? What a bunch of BS. Im easily replaceable and so is EVerrybody else.

Please!!! Stop with the bullshit and trolling ass wipe.

If you were “let go” it was because you were a low performer, meaning two’s on your year-end. If you are a surprised terminated ex employee, then blame your manager for not having a performance discussion with you in the past. My only wish is that National Account Director’s and Institutional Director’s were not included. Truly a useless group of highly paid slacks.

There is not a company on the planet that gives a damn about their employees. Companies do not exist to provide you a job. They exist to make money for their shareholders and upper management. If you are in sales, drug development, medical affairs, etc, etc, it doesn't matter a wit. If the company isn't making money then expect a rough ride. You are nothing more than a commodity that can come or go at the pleasure of the management. Even managers are not safe if things really get ugly. If you are smart enough to keep your eyes wide open and read the tea leaves you will know when the end is near. This last round of terminations was the appetizer. The main course has yet to be served.

You’re making it sound like “slightly over 100” is not a bad thing. Just because your job was spared this time and you weren’t one of those who lost their job. Karma will get you some day.
Perhaps I should have said 200? That's even more than the 100 I had heard. Actually if heard about 130. And I think the way it went down is utter bullshit.

The reason everyone feels this way is because it was a different way to cut bottom performers. If we said the bottom 5% are gone at the end of each year would that be better? I think the real gripe people have is that there was no warning...and I get that, however realize a warn is a courtesy that is implemented only when there are a significant % of the organization being affected. I think we all need to realize what just happened may be our new normal. People need to understand we are a sales organization and those who rank lowest on sales ability consistently (not 1 year alone) will be finding another company to utilize their skills (prob not pharma if you lost your job here for low performance). My hope is many of those who lost their jobs were part-timers (not working full days) and that it didn’t impact their immediate partners. If you have a partner who’s a slacker, you need to call them out and let your manager know because you may be headed out the door with them despite having skills and using them every day. Your counterparts who share the same brands can do 2 things -help you or hurt you, so if you know they are hurting you, but getting paid the same or more each something about it.

The reason everyone feels this way is because it was a different way to cut bottom performers. If we said the bottom 5% are gone at the end of each year would that be better? I think the real gripe people have is that there was no warning...and I get that, however realize a warn is a courtesy that is implemented only when there are a significant % of the organization being affected. I think we all need to realize what just happened may be our new normal. People need to understand we are a sales organization and those who rank lowest on sales ability consistently (not 1 year alone) will be finding another company to utilize their skills (prob not pharma if you lost your job here for low performance). My hope is many of those who lost their jobs were part-timers (not working full days) and that it didn’t impact their immediate partners. If you have a partner who’s a slacker, you need to call them out and let your manager know because you may be headed out the door with them despite having skills and using them every day. Your counterparts who share the same brands can do 2 things -help you or hurt you, so if you know they are hurting you, but getting paid the same or more each something about it.

This round of layoffs had nothing to do with poor performers, as a matter of fact many were SIP winners on both products! This dumb ass company ranks people by a stupid method and prolly doesn’t know who the hell the performers are. Stupidity at its finest!!!

The reason everyone feels this way is because it was a different way to cut bottom performers. If we said the bottom 5% are gone at the end of each year would that be better? I think the real gripe people have is that there was no warning...and I get that, however realize a warn is a courtesy that is implemented only when there are a significant % of the organization being affected. I think we all need to realize what just happened may be our new normal. People need to understand we are a sales organization and those who rank lowest on sales ability consistently (not 1 year alone) will be finding another company to utilize their skills (prob not pharma if you lost your job here for low performance). My hope is many of those who lost their jobs were part-timers (not working full days) and that it didn’t impact their immediate partners. If you have a partner who’s a slacker, you need to call them out and let your manager know because you may be headed out the door with them despite having skills and using them every day. Your counterparts who share the same brands can do 2 things -help you or hurt you, so if you know they are hurting you, but getting paid the same or more each something about it.

Glad I’m not your partner! Snake in the grass...spoken like a true ass kisser.

I heard the news today and I’m just sick about what happened. A mass firing based in performance, AZ’s new version of surprise layoff with no package. Cheap @$$hole$! I’m no attorney but I think a class action lawsuit is appropriate in this situation. Especially on the diabetes side. Not paid for BYD family and having BCise out at major wholesalers. AZ would like those scripts switched to the pen even though it is not AB rated!
I agree....I’m a former employee and thankfully so!! This company is totally backwards . Even in this industry a very long time and I must say bring with this company was the worst experience and aren’t competitive at all with compensation!! Bonuses are a joke and so is salary. Excel and declare are failures as the medical world sees it. Typical AZ. People should leave earlier then later as more layoffs Happen. Good luck to
Lily and and BI is going to kill AZ diabetes.

The upper management needs to take a good look in the mirror! What a fucking bunch of Morons. Shit for brains ect. And what ever else u can think of! Jesus can’t believe they pulled this shit off. Terrible way to treat people esp when we are kicking ass! Lol, choke, choke. Embarrassing to still be working here. I’ll b gone soon! Fuck
You will be better off if you aren’t with AZ anymore. They area sinking ship and going down fast. Just a matter of when.

i was lucky to not be one of those let go last week, but that was the shadiest, sneakiest, most low-down, cutthroat, diabolical bunch of bullsh!t I’ve seen in my time here. Not one mention of it or announcement nothing. company doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone - -only their own bottom line. I used to bust my ass here but no more. because it has not mattered one Bit.. behaviors mean shit. Learned the hard way just do the minimum to meet middle performance numbers and your safe. Do well one quarter you’re screwed the next quarter. One day your a hero the next you’re getting needs improvement. The harder you work the harder you get screwed here. Work hard for the company but don’t get even an interview for other positions same for my colleagues.. I’ve worked for some shitty companies but this one Just finds new ways continuously to show how little they care about their people. Being a “Good place to work”??? What a bunch of BS. Im easily replaceable and so is EVerrybody else.
Couldn’t agree with you more. Leadership is a bunch of pompous egotistical POS. SO GLAD IVE MOVED ON!!!

Apparently all of the people who laughed at the lay-off posts were right. AZ fired the all day liars (or some of them), and did not lay them off.

They will fire you for a proven policy violation. They will be very careful dealing with protected minorities though and often offer them a mutual separation rather than risk a lawsuit. But the bottom line is that either way when they want to be rid of you they will find a way to walk you out. Sometimes to avoid embarrassment for someone who promoted someone to Director level jobs, they will move them into non leadership positions with no career path and make them miserable enough that they may quit. Managed Markets is full of these demoted losers who just won't leave.

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