Reorg coming??

It is a rapidly changing world and industry. Just look at what is happening in the auto industry. Last year they were building new plants and hiring thousands and today, one year later, they are closing 4 plants and laying off 18,000 mostly white collar employees.
Ford, GM and Chrysler are no longer going to make sedans. All of this changed in just one year but the tea leaves should have indicated long ago that this would happen. Electric and self driving cars are the future. The same changes are taking place in Pharma as the government continues to drive prices and profits down. Do you really think that our current sales and marketing structure is sustainable?

The days of raising drug prices in order to hit the financial targets are long gone. The new world order is constant price pressures cutting margins and fewer new drugs to replace the lost revenue. Our future is constant reorgs and cost cutting or mergers that results in the same thing. Closing buildings, eliminating unnecessary overhead and staff reductions. Say goodbye to Wilmington in 2 years or less.

For once the layoff rumors are true... a lot of Resp and Diabetes people in Pittsburgh let go today. Email went out yesterday afternoon and called this morning. Not sure how the impact was across the Nation.

Severance packages included and management not involved in decisions. Not only performance based. Company is a sinking ship.

Yes it is. I will be spending quite a bit of my time seeking out employment elsewhere. Someone said that they are moving towards CSO reps in vacant positions. If true, how much longer do you thing you have?

Severance packages included and management not involved in decisions. Not only performance based. Company is a sinking ship.

Only performance based. I am affected. Not enough of a payment carrot to take considering performance is based on screwed up numbers. Why do you think GSK walked away from that kind of measurement. Should be easy to prove numbers do not jive when I have competitors tell me their data shows I am am doing well with Doc’s that show little to no usage of AZ product in our data. Consulting an attorney. F AZ.

Only performance based. I am affected. Not enough of a payment carrot to take considering performance is based on screwed up numbers. Why do you think GSK walked away from that kind of measurement. Should be easy to prove numbers do not jive when I have competitors tell me their data shows I am am doing well with Doc’s that show little to no usage of AZ product in our data. Consulting an attorney. F AZ.

I heard the news today and I’m just sick about what happened. A mass firing based in performance, AZ’s new version of surprise layoff with no package. Cheap @$$hole$! I’m no attorney but I think a class action lawsuit is appropriate in this situation. Especially on the diabetes side. Not paid for BYD family and having BCise out at major wholesalers. AZ would like those scripts switched to the pen even though it is not AB rated!

wow weird how AZ employees don't even know about stealthy and probably an indication of what is to come in the future! Bring it on! Good luck all of you holdouts and colleagues older than 55!!!!

This typically occurs before a layoff. People were let go for performance. Believe it was 2’s for the last 2 years and did get a mutual separation package which is 1 week for every year. I’ve definitely seen this happen over the years:(

Severance packages included and management not involved in decisions. Not only performance based. Company is a sinking ship.

Agree this sucks, but I disagree with saying the company is a sinking ship though, their priorities have shifted this company is full focus for the future is in the renal division and oncology. If you’re not in either of those two spots then look for a new job. If you’re in either of those divisions you got a solid stable career ahead of you

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