Reorg coming??

Previous poster is pretty much spot on. Sounds like a CBD level or above. We have heard about a "performance driven" culture. This is the first time we have seen this occur to this degree. It will certainly serve as a wake up call. Those that got 2's last year and are heading for a 2 this year.....Sorry

In speaking to my manager, the carnage could have been worse. They shared that if you had two 2's out of the last 3 years, you were "on the list". The only reason why those people didn't get the ax was because they are within the bell curve this year. Could have been much worse.

Its not over! Don't fool yourself! There will be two more in the next 6 months. This was the warning shot!

30+ years retired AZ rep. You can forget the silly threats of,getting a lawyer, because you don’t have a leg to stand on. Save your money. To AZ, you are a little piece of nothing. You can’t intimidate or scare them. They could give a rats ass about you. Sounds like this will be an annual thing.

I agree, don't waste your money on a lawyer. If you think it is age then go to the EEOC. It'f free! If they give you a list of all those let go you will probably find it is across all ages and you still won't have a foot to stand on. AZ will get there's in the end. The reputation is already damaged and the only employees they will get are those that get get work anywhere else. If they go with a Contract Sales Force they will get warm bodies and they will continue to fall.

They will keep the cream at the top! Move them into the strong areas and give them jobs and get rid of those they don't want. No team is safe!

The problem is that AZ has no idea who are the cream because they cannot measure actual sales performance. So they rely on metrics that can be manipulated and subjective measures from one source. Some of the worst employee at AZ are rewarded for their bad behavior while loyal, hard working people are punished. This is the worst company I have ever worked for.

The problem is that AZ has no idea who are the cream because they cannot measure actual sales performance. So they rely on metrics that can be manipulated and subjective measures from one source. Some of the worst employee at AZ are rewarded for their bad behavior while loyal, hard working people are punished. This is the worst company I have ever worked for.
So why do you stick around?

Very well said! It's all bullshit and a Ponzi scheme. Give the appearance of being highly motivated. Agree with the current regime's thought leader no matter how silly the idea is. Give them metrics they ask for. Don't be a burden to your DM. Have you paperwork in on time and done correctly. I've been around a long time. I thought this gig would end years ago. Hopefully I will retire here. I'm not proud of my career here at AZ but what the hell I make great coin and don't work very hard for it and have all sorts of freedom to do what I want most days. LOL Patients health first!

Because my greatest talent is playing the AZ political game to remain in my manager's inner toady circle and get great ratings and awards for working the days she is with me and sucking up to the right people at meetings. But, I know it is all just a facade and don't care.

Very accurate description of the culture! It breeds negative competition, back stabbing and mistrust! Everyone tries to be in “good favor” with the DM & CBD by volunteering for stupid projects that virtually provide little to no value to the company. Things are about to get much worse with the new performance structure. Worst company I’ve EVER worked for in my career. Actively looking elsewhere.

It's so sad what has become to this company. I don't know anyone who works here who thinks it's going to get better...only worse if that is possible. Most stay around because they know they could never get another job with the salary and benefits they are making now. Others are close to retirement and have to stick it out. Whatever the individual case no one I know of feels any sort of job satisfaction working here. I know a number of former great reps who are going through the motions of doing a good job but just don't care anymore. Management is terrible. OH well...I collect my pay check and play the silly game. As I sad.

All of the above posts are spot on! This company is a complete charade of ass kissing and making metrics look a certain way. Everything is fake fake fake. Fake calls from the reps and fake sales results from the company. Fake ass kissing from the minions and fake promises from leadership. The shit runs both uphill and downhill here, folks! I used to be a rep who busted my ass until I slowly learned the hard way that it gets you absolutely nowhere. Oh well guess I’ll just do as wveryone else here has figured out.. just play the game stay under the radar and collect a fat paycheck for very little actual work!

All of the above posts are spot on! This company is a complete charade of ass kissing and making metrics look a certain way. Everything is fake fake fake. Fake calls from the reps and fake sales results from the company. Fake ass kissing from the minions and fake promises from leadership. The shit runs both uphill and downhill here, folks! I used to be a rep who busted my ass until I slowly learned the hard way that it gets you absolutely nowhere. Oh well guess I’ll just do as wveryone else here has figured out.. just play the game stay under the radar and collect a fat paycheck for very little actual work!

Good morning sunshine! Glad you finally woke up! Reps will know early in their career if they are chosen to move into the company's "fast track". If you are not in this elite, ass kissing group, get used to faking calls all day for a living. Don't do anything above and beyond your current role, hoping for a promotion or a jump into another therapeutic area (oncology). It ain't happening at this POS company.

Good morning sunshine! Glad you finally woke up! Reps will know early in their career if they are chosen to move into the company's "fast track". If you are not in this elite, ass kissing group, get used to faking calls all day for a living. Don't do anything above and beyond your current role, hoping for a promotion or a jump into another therapeutic area (oncology). It ain't happening at this POS company.

Once upon a time in this company DMs and RDs were proud of their highest performing reps and they worked to develop them for future promotions. It hasn't been that way for many years now. Today DMs and RDs are rewarded for punishing and firing reps and because they don't know how to sell and have zero disease state knowledge, they are threatened by any rep that does. If you want to see a great show, have one of your Physicians challenge your DM or RD to make a sales presentation to them.

Once upon a time in this company DMs and RDs were proud of their highest performing reps and they worked to develop them for future promotions. It hasn't been that way for many years now. Today DMs and RDs are rewarded for punishing and firing reps and because they don't know how to sell and have zero disease state knowledge, they are threatened by any rep that does. If you want to see a great show, have one of your Physicians challenge your DM or RD to make a sales presentation to them.

I actually had a Physician do this on his own and my DSM refused. She joked about it at first and the physician got angry and embarrassed the shit out of her with a nurse standing next to us. He said that " if you can't perform then how can you evaluate her?"

I hope that last comment is true. Managers are so full of themselves. When push comes to shove they are no better than any other rep. Classic!

Try this sometime if you want to know what your manager is made of; simply ask them to take a full sales call or to demonstrate a sales call at a meeting. If they refuse then you have called their bluff. If they act like a real expert and bully you on field days, try this and watch how they will avoid you from then on.

Because as you get older there are fewer jobs that will higher you at what you are making. It is tough out there now. You have to find other ways to get money to pay your bills . I didn't want to loose my job. I actually liked it and was good at it.

Wow, "higher" instead of "hire" and "loose" instead of "lose". Might help explain why you got the ax.

Try this sometime if you want to know what your manager is made of; simply ask them to take a full sales call or to demonstrate a sales call at a meeting. If they refuse then you have called their bluff. If they act like a real expert and bully you on field days, try this and watch how they will avoid you from then on.

This worked for me too a few years ago. My district manager who was finally demoted was asked to demonstrate a simple sales presentation on stage at a major meeting by our Regional. People were actually embarrassed for her as she melted into a pool of nervous sweat. I remember people looking down and trying not to show their surprise.

Interesting - I have a different take — the problem is that to many DSM act like reps and want to do the selling vs really coaching for stronger performance. I want my CBD and EBD to be more strategic and have higher level discussions when in the field vs also trying to sell brands. It has turned into a shit show of who can word smith and bully the docs best to RX at all layers from the jock EBD to the CBD to the DSM and then rep. With more reps in a territory than needed then adding the layers on top - all doing same thing - is further insanity. Had a CBD that got it once — they are gone.

Interesting - I have a different take — the problem is that to many DSM act like reps and want to do the selling vs really coaching for stronger performance. I want my CBD and EBD to be more strategic and have higher level discussions when in the field vs also trying to sell brands. It has turned into a shit show of who can word smith and bully the docs best to RX at all layers from the jock EBD to the CBD to the DSM and then rep. With more reps in a territory than needed then adding the layers on top - all doing same thing - is further insanity. Had a CBD that got it once — they are gone.

I know a CBD who is constantly telling the region the number of sectors needed to exceed goal. I appreciate the math that you provided to us from goal, now do your job and tell us HOW to reach that goal!

This worked for me too a few years ago. My district manager who was finally demoted was asked to demonstrate a simple sales presentation on stage at a major meeting by our Regional. People were actually embarrassed for her as she melted into a pool of nervous sweat. I remember people looking down and trying not to show their surprise.

Not mine. Can't help himself. Always adding 2 cents plus a buck.

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