Reorg coming??

I’m sorry people were dismissed yesterday. If you don’t understand how AZ’s performance rating system works, ask someone who understands (hopefully your manager). Some of the previous comments regarding poor sales results due to goals (everyone gets a goal and they are set on YOUR previous performance closer to the current timeframe than in the past) so AZ finally got better on goaling vs most recent performance. There’s always going to be a growth factor because we are a sales organization. If you haven’t read pharma quarterly sales reports, then you don’t know we are selling, but not making the profits we used to due to competitive bidding to get our products on Formulary and then rebating (which further reduces profits). I understand that our Formulary wins are not as great as our competition, which limits prescribers because they are not going to fight for our products when there is a competitive product that can do the job without a fight, however your volume/MS goal is also lower than those who have better access. If you’ve earned 2s for the past couple of years, you should know or your manager should have explained that your performance was in the bottom 15% of the Region. We are rated on a bell shaped curve. If you are in the bottom 15%, you WOULD be at greater risk because all previous layoffs have been performance based and the most effective sales reps at growth vs goal were kept. For the person who mentioned they were 115% last quarter, these decisions are made on years of performance, not a quarter. For the comment about 50% market share, AZconsiders we have been paid to grow that, so if you can’t continue to grow to meet goal, then your rating will reflect that. If you haven’t read that we have had a yard sale for a while selling off assets and products I didn’t even know AZ owned or had rights to, then your head is in the sand. Cutting samples at the end of a quarter, pulling back Access funds, Speaker Programs, in order to meet forecast while sacrificing all resources needed to grow business....people wake up...we are not performing to the level promised to shareholders. The only thing left was to sell a Salesforce (MedImmune) last week and now we’re down to the wire and are cutting lowest performing territories. Behaviors are 30% of our annual rating and will help if you are on a bubble from bottom 15% to maybe get to bottom 16% and go from a 2 to a 3, however as previous poster states, you need SOLID examples. You don’t self rate yourself a 5 with one example of Leadership, Teamwork, and Op Excellence. Read the definitions for a 3,4,5. Would the people on your team who work with you every day say you are a 5 across the board? If not, then think about what you can do in 2019 to show up and bring the value a 5 brings to their territory, district, and even Region. As for diabetes and the Bcise fiasco, HQ should not hold us responsible for sales growth when patients can’t get it. Hopefully, someone will wake up and make the right decision before the end of year, but this co issue may impact our 4Q and 1Q FSIP, however also has impact on EOY ratings, COE, and Carrer Ladder (since directly tied to EOY performance ratings now). All of this to say, we are in sales, there’s a bell shaped curve, and if the past predicts the current/ don’t want to land in the bottom 15% of your regional performance. You need to find a way to meet your goals better than others in your district and region who have the same Formulary/Access issues. If you don’t like being measured on ability to increase sales above what you are selling today, this may not be the right job fit. It’s still a great job, however ability to grow is excuses.

Someone has to be the Adult in the sandbox and realize many things in this role are out of our control! There is no way in hell these are pure sales jobs! There has to be a sane leader that realizes that there needs to be some space. Some of your best reps got let go yesterday. Are u guys MORONS. ? Must be! whom ever said 50% share was right on because that fucker is bringing more revenue to he company then someone that has 20 and is growing slowly even though they are the hero of the week. Jesus, SMH! This is a shitty company! Woah

Got my package today. Throwing away and speaking to a lawyer. I hear a lot about taking legal action with these separations, but if there were ever a case, it would be with this situation. Upper management set up their reps to fail, and never were we told this would be the consequence. Specifically in diabetes, we were added Januvia into our box out of nowhere, which crippled our market share possibilities, mainly because of market access. Then we are told to launch BCise by comparing it to the “old and big” pen. Months later we are strictly paid on Bcise volume, but then remove samples and manufacturing. Now they expect us to ask doctors to go back to that “old and big” pen in the meantime so the patient can remain on the molecule.
Is this a joke? Just unbelievable.

30+ years retired AZ rep. You can forget the silly threats of,getting a lawyer, because you don’t have a leg to stand on. Save your money. To AZ, you are a little piece of nothing. You can’t intimidate or scare them. They could give a rats ass about you. Sounds like this will be an annual thing.

Someone has to be the Adult in the sandbox and realize many things in this role are out of our control! There is no way in hell these are pure sales jobs! There has to be a sane leader that realizes that there needs to be some space. Some of your best reps got let go yesterday. Are u guys MORONS. ? Must be! whom ever said 50% share was right on because that fucker is bringing more revenue to he company then someone that has 20 and is growing slowly even though they are the hero of the week. Jesus, SMH! This is a shitty company! Woah

I could agree more with your post! No one is sane in leadership! All poisoned by the koolaid!

It is difficult to manage a territory business with enthusiasm when the metrics change every year. My conspiracy theorist mind gets that they need to move the targets to reduce payouts to save money and slow down the Career ladder eligibility pipeline of candidates. But to use the performance to fire people is beyond not cool.

In the past 4 years we have been measured by:

1. Mkt share and volume change, DSS/ESS including each other’s customers

2. Mkt share and volume change, DSS/ESS excluding each other’s customers

3. Market share change only. DSS/ESS customers included.

4. Share goal, no neighborhoods. Goals set by the CBDs.

Most high performing territories under scenarios 1-2 are suffering now because they drove volume, set the share and have nowhere to go to drive share much higher. These are 70% of the places where the 2018 goal based program has been problematic.

I wonder how much of this comes down to behaviors. This year, in spite of where your sales performance lands, everybody should push for higher behavior scores backed up by solid examples. The Behavior score could make the difference between two partners whose sales performance is ranked a 2.

Good luck and get to writing.

Dont forget the quarterly IC changes. Januvia in market basket, Bydureon Family then BCise only, BCise outages and no samples etc.

In my area we’ve been under pressure for several years to grow Farxiga while we have high market shares in a disadvantaged market. I’m very worried about getting a 2 rating.

Got my package today. Throwing away and speaking to a lawyer. I hear a lot about taking legal action with these separations, but if there were ever a case, it would be with this situation. Upper management set up their reps to fail, and never were we told this would be the consequence. Specifically in diabetes, we were added Januvia into our box out of nowhere, which crippled our market share possibilities, mainly because of market access. Then we are told to launch BCise by comparing it to the “old and big” pen. Months later we are strictly paid on Bcise volume, but then remove samples and manufacturing. Now they expect us to ask doctors to go back to that “old and big” pen in the meantime so the patient can remain on the molecule.
Is this a joke? Just unbelievable.

Don’t forget BCise and the Pen are not AB rated! Suggesting we ask pharmacists to switch to the Pen may be illegal if they don’t ask the doctor to switch first. IMO they have completely ruined the Bydureon franchise. The employees that screwed up BCise should have been the ones fired for poor performance!

Don’t forget BCise and the Pen are not AB rated! Suggesting we ask pharmacists to switch to the Pen may be illegal if they don’t ask the doctor to switch first. IMO they have completely ruined the Bydureon franchise. The employees that screwed up BCise should have been the ones fired for poor performance!


The upper management needs to take a good look in the mirror! What a fucking bunch of Morons. Shit for brains ect. And what ever else u can think of! Jesus can’t believe they pulled this shit off. Terrible way to treat people esp when we are kicking ass! Lol, choke, choke. Embarrassing to still be working here. I’ll b gone soon! Fuck

Don’t forget BCise and the Pen are not AB rated! Suggesting we ask pharmacists to switch to the Pen may be illegal if they don’t ask the doctor to switch first. IMO they have completely ruined the Bydureon franchise. The employees that screwed up BCise should have been the ones fired for poor performance!
Exactly! This drug would have preformed well under any other company who knows how to launch. It’s a great drug with idiots behind it. Pulling samples during a launch? Not being able to stock it? Changing incentives from family to Bcise last minute then share to volume? I bet those idiots still have a job.

Lesson: the 30% behaviors never overrides the 70% performance.

The ugly truth in Pharma is that it is nearly impossible to measure actual sales performance. Flawed data, overlapping territories and shared results. And legal advises that too much influence on sales results is dangerous because of the risk of off label promotion and unethical influence on physician who RX your drug even though it is not the best choice for their patients because of incentives from Reps. It is as simple as this, if you are let go it is because someone wanted you out and the reason doesn't matter. It could be that your territory is not profitable or because you make too much money or because your DM needs a scalp in order to show they are tough which is a requirement for them to keep their job.

The ugly truth in Pharma is that it is nearly impossible to measure actual sales performance. Flawed data, overlapping territories and shared results. And legal advises that too much influence on sales results is dangerous because of the risk of off label promotion and unethical influence on physician who RX your drug even though it is not the best choice for their patients because of incentives from Reps. It is as simple as this, if you are let go it is because someone wanted you out and the reason doesn't matter. It could be that your territory is not profitable or because you make too much money or because your DM needs a scalp in order to show they are tough which is a requirement for them to keep their job.

True. If you stick around long enough someone will come along, a peer, a manager or a director who will fuck you over to the point that you either take a mutual separation to ease the pain or you will be terminated. Once they sick H.R. on your ass, they will do whatever it takes including making up evidence to get rid of you. When you see this happening then ask for a mutual separation and take some extra AZ cash out the door because either way, you will be out of a job soon.

True. If you stick around long enough someone will come along, a peer, a manager or a director who will fuck you over to the point that you either take a mutual separation to ease the pain or you will be terminated. Once they sick H.R. on your ass, they will do whatever it takes including making up evidence to get rid of you. When you see this happening then ask for a mutual separation and take some extra AZ cash out the door because either way, you will be out of a job soon.

This sounds like what the Justice Dept. is doing to Trump.

Pick yourselves up and dust off your pants and say Audios because AZ is fucking terrible place to work!!! So if u got cut they did u a huge favor! Enjoy the rest of your life. It prolly seems tough right now but leadership here sucks and probably never going to get better!

Pick yourselves up and dust off your pants and say Audios because AZ is fucking terrible place to work!!! So if u got cut they did u a huge favor! Enjoy the rest of your life. It prolly seems tough right now but leadership here sucks and probably never going to get better!

The people who manage layoffs as a profession will tell you that when you start seeing highly tenured, high salaried people being let go then you should start looking for another job because those left behind are also in line for the same treatment in due time.
Pharma sales is a dying model of inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Just look at what is going on with layoffs in HQ and you have the answer as to what you should be doing.

i was lucky to not be one of those let go last week, but that was the shadiest, sneakiest, most low-down, cutthroat, diabolical bunch of bullsh!t I’ve seen in my time here. Not one mention of it or announcement nothing. company doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone - -only their own bottom line. I used to bust my ass here but no more. because it has not mattered one Bit.. behaviors mean shit. Learned the hard way just do the minimum to meet middle performance numbers and your safe. Do well one quarter you’re screwed the next quarter. One day your a hero the next you’re getting needs improvement. The harder you work the harder you get screwed here. Work hard for the company but don’t get even an interview for other positions same for my colleagues.. I’ve worked for some shitty companies but this one Just finds new ways continuously to show how little they care about their people. Being a “Good place to work”??? What a bunch of BS. Im easily replaceable and so is EVerrybody else.

  • OCala   Dec 03, 2018 at 09:52: AM
Take it from someone with over 20 years with just AZ. This was not just a performance firing. It was used to silently purge over 200 reps. The packages pay out more in layoffs vs terminations. It is very sad not just for the people let go but the way they did this. All year telling everyone definitely no cuts to sales staff. SIKE...smh

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