Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

Nothing has changed here. You still have idiots for managers, going into management and leaving. Its an idiot mill. Mr. H. is out there trying to scrape up whatever ass kisses he can, once again, not to bring quality people into his latest venture, but rather, to get loyal people who will make him look good, if only initially. Thats how the managers he hired, who still remain with this so called company, got their jobs. They were rejects from some other industry, which they all failed at and they all needed each other to keep themselves employed. Its foul how it keeps perpetuating itself. Mr. Thaxter, has this not become apparent to you yet? Such embeciles you have running your sales teams. Good god man, start over. These people are seriously mental. Each and every one of them. Did you hear whats happening with Pfizer? It would be a blessing if you just shut this sales force down and started from scratch.

They should fire all managers that Chris brought in from the outside. They were either his big pharma buddies or they have some horrific addiction problems in their family. Either one was an automatic qualifier for him, and look what a sticky individual he turned out to be. Wake up, Richmond.

Nothing has changed here. You still have idiots for managers, going into management and leaving. Its an idiot mill. Mr. H. is out there trying to scrape up whatever ass kisses he can, once again, not to bring quality people into his latest venture, but rather, to get loyal people who will make him look good, if only initially. Thats how the managers he hired, who still remain with this so called company, got their jobs. They were rejects from some other industry, which they all failed at and they all needed each other to keep themselves employed. Its foul how it keeps perpetuating itself. Mr. Thaxter, has this not become apparent to you yet? Such embeciles you have running your sales teams. Good god man, start over. These people are seriously mental. Each and every one of them. Did you hear whats happening with Pfizer? It would be a blessing if you just shut this sales force down and started from scratch.

Ass kissers will do but he is really more into sleaze. It will be very interesting to see who goes as he is probably lying out of the hatch about the opportunity, just as he did with RB. Lots of promises, all good for about an hour.

They should fire all managers that Chris brought in from the outside. They were either his big pharma buddies or they have some horrific addiction problems in their family. Either one was an automatic qualifier for him, and look what a sticky individual he turned out to be. Wake up, Richmond.

The guy was one hell of a b.s'er wasn't he? Really had us goin, but once you catch on, once you catch him in his little "act" and then see the rest of his chronies at it with him, you so wanted to snap his little dick off and the rest of the cretins, too. The minute we had to listen to J.B or J.T start talking like they thought they were managers, it was clear a new low had been struck.

He is a total ass - the epitome of big pharma sleaze. Ever seen him out & cuttin' loose after hours? Picture a 7th grader on speed - loud, obnoxious and out of control. The guy is just not wired right and it did not take long for many of us to figure it out. He is rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and loves to gossip and "get the dirt" on everyone. He would call reps and flat out ask about the personal lives of others. Settin' out traps, digging through people's HR files, looking for a story to tell. He never does quite get his info. right, but what the hell: a few half-truths, a couple of lies, twist it up good, and he had to story to tell, over and over again, especially on the people who confronted him about anything (Peter Principle 101). Nice behavior for Mr. Let's all leave a Legacy. I am stunned to learn that yet another addiction company hired him as a VP. He is a walking HR nightmare/lawsuit waiting to happen, but I guess some companies just have to learn the hard way. He had his buttlick clique at RB, and I'm sure he will bring in his phonies for the new gig.

We've never been so happy to tell the truth in our lives. Now, that being said, we want to give the little buggers a place to go lick their wounds. Here are several positive options.
A.Cheerleaders anonymous. Helps with frozen smile afflictions.
B. Liars in Recovery. For those who just can't help themselves. Its is genetic, after all.
C. 12 Steps for the surgically addicted. You learn the steps slowly, so don't worry, there is time to sneak in a quickie lipo session.
D. Cheaters for Change. A Cold turkey program, so not for the faint at heart.
E. Toxic personality detox. Includes an colon cleanse for extra nastiness syndrome.
F. Hypnosis for airheads, followed by a session with crystals for realigning brain cells and getting those receptors firing normallly again. Yes, kids, we promise to beam up your Mu receptors, but forget about the Kappas. Yours are shot, now c'mon you already knew that. Too much bup.
G. Oral Cleanse for potty mouths, and....well. Not for the agnostic.
H. Advocates for Truth- a mentoring program for the terminally dishonest.
You'll have a chance to listen to key note speakers on truth, then monthly you will be responsible for having dinners with others afflicted with dishonesty. Round tables may be held only at White Castle Burgers. B.Y.O. B. Thats beverage, ass hole, we aren't promoting alcohol here.
The speakers will not be reimbursed. The group must donate out of their allowance from the Juvenile hall snack pool coffers to get one. Still, its amazing how people are willing to share their stories.
I. Last but not least, Ass Kissers and Brown nosers group support. Meets daily at noon, to keep you lips on lunch and not on your managers cell phone. B.Y.O.L. Bring your own lunch. No, you can't expense it off to RB. While you may claim its a work related condition, gimme a break.
J. Oh, there is another group forming, this just in from "We Might be able to help you central" Managers with partners. A sponsorship program for people who found themselves in a management position, without having to do anything. This will help you cope with the shock. We can do nothing about your team who dispises you, but still you can come listen to real managers explain why, what you did to get yourself here, and that it should not be repeated. Your sponsors will help you to accept the fact that you were never management material, but also will help you see how lucky you were to have someone willing to stick their neck out and lie to get you where you are. For those that lied about their co-workers, made up cute little vignettes of wrongdoings by people their managers used to like, just to fuck, excuse me, push pass them, so you would get where you needed to go. This is for you, too.

For those who still haven't learned, same breakouts/new POA. This is for the special needs managers and CL's.

Our fearless leaders. What planet did they come from? I was just talking to mine today, getting the usual level of inattention and it was really pissing me off how he was obviously doing something else. He must have been doing himself. If I heard one more un huh, I was gonna go off on the jackoff. My dog gives me more feedback than this ape.

lots of lookies on here real early. life at home must be a bitch or boring. Blah ha ha ha ha. wondering whos life you can make miserable today aren't you. planning to get all dressed up in your little penquin suit and try hard to appear to be decent, fat chance ya fuckers. people see you comin in their offices a mile away, they can smell you and once you are there, they are just looking for a place to hide.

Bright idea-go get a job where you don't come into contact with people. Someone lied to you that you would make a good manager. They just wanted someone to be suffering along with them and their ego made them give you a recommendation. Face it, you are not sales material, never have been.

Yep. THOUSANDS of views, along with a few managers on here trying to retaliate, but crashing and burning instead. How incredibly stupid do you have to be to come on and say that you KNOW who is doing anonymous postings. How could you know unless you KNOW, ya know? Dumb mother fuckers.

love ya, man. too bad its all true, all of it, except the corporate b.s. and coverups, which continue on as they find more repfords willing to robotize the, they just flip a little switch on their necks and they all sound the same. chips comin in foreheads soon...666

Stop it. You know how upset people get about these things. lol Yeah right. Chips, its all about the chips now. Think no more reps will be needed after next yr, just well greased robot.

Insincere or deceitful; affected or pretentious: a phony sales representative

have a conversation with anyone promoted lately? and what did they have to say? did they inspire you with their sincerity? amaze you with their profound command of selling skills or adoit ability to speak?

take a good hard look at who pushed their sorry butts up the pecking line.
thats the real reason they moved up the toilet. there was a need to maintain them. the manager needs friends, needs support or he or she knew it was going to finally happen...they were going to get flushed down. now, they have permanent pals in high places to do their spying for them

toilet water is just that, lots of bacteria floating around. whats great is that everyone knows it, except the toiler floaters

Ha! I,. too, feel a sudden need for toilet bowl cleaner. On second thought, what a waste. Once they get the big flush, then I'll clean it out. Why waste it while they are in there dirtying things up. I suggest you keep that silly bleached grin going. Maybe you can smile and b.s. your way along another year, fools.

Crickey! It's a Zoo. Most of us chimps know that being a manager here, is pure shit anyway. Meaningless and only for people so insecure and in need of attention and more money. I say stay in the trees, mates and let the gorillas huff and puff about. Only important in their little part of the zoo, anyway.

There was a time, when it was about the patients. There were people who had a sincere desire to do something meaningful. That all changed. Now, its about money. It didn't have to go this way. A few key players, brought this on, along with the resulting backlash you read about here. Hythiam is hiring and trolling the ranks of those who've left here. You could still have a chance at redemption. Just let the traitors go.

They won't. Never have. They manage by letting people who can see thru their ineptitude, get pissed and quit. Yup, they just sit back and watch them walk away. Its easier than hiring a whole new team of managers. Easier to test new hires than the managers. They would piss and moan higher ups to death. Whiney assed bunch of pharma reps. Chris would love to hire you at Hythiam. Go for it.

If they don't get fired by these liars first. The lucky ones walk away with a middle finger in the air. Only 1-2 years experience needed for these crazy loons at this point. Hiring all newbies to be "clinical liaisons" should help cut down on the turnover for sure, huh? Yeah, good idea dude, then maybe we can hang on until we figure out how to get our management team to stop behaving like teenage circus clowns. yeah, dude, sounds like a plan!!