Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

Uh, I most definitely would. I've dealt with bitches like her before. Acts real nice to your face. The lies she tells about people here and those that left are really something else. I've checked her stories out. A major black eye on this sales force. I thought she was o.k., at first, she seems so willing to help out new people, then I found out she makes up stuff about people she thinks rat her out. New Flash: You and your mouth got you all the exposure you could take. I think maybe its time some one in corporate heard this little story. He won't feel sorry for you, like the people you ran to the first time. Nope. Maybe he will fire your pillow pal, too. His wife won't feel so sorry for either of you. I wonder who felt sorry for his wife?

Sounds juicy, but.. I'd bet dollars to donuts his wife knows man, she knows.. and so does corporate. Whos doin who now? I mean right now, in the company... not married...I know and you will too, soon. He he

POA, POA, 10 more days til POA, HALLOWEEN. BOO! GOTCHA and CAUGHTCHA! Beware, the rat n' tats will put their gaze on you, sneeringly.. yes, my little pretties, come on ..thats it smile and make nicey nice. and you won't get hurt

I think theres room for a POA not being so scary. I think we'll do just fine. Keep up the positive outlooks and theres nothing to be frightened of. Just avoid the usual suspects and you'll have nothing to be concerned about. Boo back at you.

Uh, I most definitely would. I've dealt with bitches like her before. Acts real nice to your face. The lies she tells about people here and those that left are really something else. I've checked her stories out. A major black eye on this sales force. I thought she was o.k., at first, she seems so willing to help out new people, then I found out she makes up stuff about people she thinks rat her out. New Flash: You and your mouth got you all the exposure you could take. I think maybe its time some one in corporate heard this little story. He won't feel sorry for you, like the people you ran to the first time. Nope. Maybe he will fire your pillow pal, too. His wife won't feel so sorry for either of you. I wonder who felt sorry for his wife?

THIS is what all the paranoia is about and exactly what they don't want to get to HR. She was apparently bullying everyone in the company into taking sides, in between stalking his wife, and trying to get a transfer to his hometown. She was going to hurt someone, and corporate let her do it.
Just another sick tale from the RB crypt and yes, corporate knows. A great rep was pushed out for contacting corporate with the truth, certain people lied about it to get ahead, others to cover their ass, and it all got swept nicely under the rug.
Hopefully now everyone can relax and move on, and she and her manager can continue to play Pat and higher ups for fools.

POA, POA, 10 more days til POA, HALLOWEEN. BOO! GOTCHA and CAUGHTCHA! Beware, the rat n' tats will put their gaze on you, sneeringly.. yes, my little pretties, come on ..thats it smile and make nicey nice. and you won't get hurt

Love ya' man. You and your riddles are hilarious...rat n' perfect. It drives them nuts...they are not smart enough for a comeback, just whining AND YELLING ON HERE!

Bitch on here just blessing her vixen little lips off. Just get out of the confession booth? I work with you bleach toothed bambi, so don't get too hung up on your Hail Marys, just yet. Nice try, but its been done so many times, you know, your little blame it every one but the saints like me, give it a rest. Try driving somewhere new, get some fresh excuses, oops ideas, instead of that dirt road from your trailer park to your therapist and the confessional.

There you go again. Heres some ideas for you to ponder;

Taken from the 4 Agreements.

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Take nothing personally.
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best

I'm supporting everyone who's come on here and to continue to insult a whole lot of people by saying only one person was treated badly, just makes more and more people want to come on and get the truth across. You can keep on with the lies, but most people get it.

I don't think anyone that left would care what these idiots are saying, if they are even aware of it. Lots of motivation behind the lies, including jealousy, and most people who left really do have enough info. on these losers to bury them.

Lots of assholes here woke up today, hating themselves. They will take their self loathing out on you. Why? The only skills they have honed are backstabbing, lying, manipulating and worst of all, lying to themselves. Sick sons a bitches.

Had a nice Thanksgiving going over all the things I'm grateful for. Working here isn't one of them. Where the hell did these people you hired for managers come from? Did you not do a background check?

Had to get away from the paranoia germ person. Shit, if everyone you had to room with was that psycho, it would be a good reason to whine and beg for your own room. Thankfully, I've had decent room mates and haven't gotten any crabs or anything, yet.

Whoo hooo what a scream this board had become...we have a resident germophobe going postal over having a room mate.....managers promoting trash-talking stepford reps with big brother eyes, C.L.s trying to figure out what C.L. means, when only their managers special little side kick gets the designation, favoritism, C.L.s who bang other married C.L.s or are planning to, turnover at the rate of flea reproduction and last but not least.....the ongoing trauma of trying to second guess our bonus status.....holee shit

wonder what life is like as a UPS driver?

Sounds like you're way p.o'd you got exposed.which is why you came on here on a Sat morning to mouth off. All four posts worth. You deserve every word and your biggest kick in the ass is on its way.....
And you thought you could just sweep it under the rug, like most assholes.
People who aren't guilty don't go off like this. You are exactly as these posts say you are and you did exactly what they said and more. You will not get away with this any longer.