Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

Time to point out an ongoing phenomena, uniquely RB... posts that keep disappearing. Everything here, says it all, with only a few characters names, left out, but have no fear, they will get exposed.

Above poster, just how bad was it? Specifically, what did you do and why did you leave? Whats the direction of this pharma division, from the inside. We're getting the corporate message they want us to, but whats your take?

When you have to face the reality of how badly you treat people and how much they hate you for it, maybe its time you wake up. You keep trying to hide your anger and hate, by pretending that you can correct and help other people. No, you cannot. The way you go about insulting people, running then down and running your mouth is digusting. People hate you for it. You can talk, oh hell yes, but you can't walk your talk.,which is why you aren't in sales anymore. You tried training, you've tried management. You pissed off too many people. You think you can make little slaves out of people, but you are the one enslaved. You have nothing to give anyone. Nothing, because you are a sadistic and angry man. Stop talking and start doing something about your illness. Its about time to get past the AA meetings and onto a career where you can't hurt people. You can erase the thread, but you can't erase the destruction you cause.

Its not hot, its ugly. One of his many maneuvers is to say, "I've always been misunderstood." Beg to differ. Those of un unfortunately enough to have to be in your presence get what a fucked up piece you are. We know all your calculated underhanded moves, your personal attacks, the low ball personal insults, the tactics you use. Street, level, its all street. We know all about your "poor little me, I'm just a big ol nice guy trying to give you some useful feedback", bullshit. You deserve all you get and more. Black label warning on this one. Get away as fast as you can, as far as you can and take him out before he does you and he will do you. Don't fall for any of his pleas for working it out, its all a lie.

Interesting thread this .... RB is a dreadful company hire and fire mentality pay people off to avoid unfair dismissal claims, work people to the bone and some very arrogant members on their EC team .... avoid like the plague

I have been fortunate in that I really love my job here and the company, people have been good to me. I have heard, however, of people being treated very badly by certain managers and that one in particular is still here and causing a lot of trouble. I also know about people who say that they were paid to stay and others were sent packing. My manager is o.k. and I feel lucky after reading all everyone else's comments.

In spite of the managers who stink, this med is is truly amazing, our customers equally so and I love what I do. Its just too bad a few rotten apples are continuing to cause people to lose their jobs or make good reps leave. This, I don't understand, but I feel for you guys. I just want readers to know, this med is everything its said to be and does save lives. Every company has internal conflicts and we are no different.

For one thing, we don't preach. We inform, so Drs. and patients make their own decisions. 2nd, abstinence is an outdated and proven inappropriate response to opiate dependence, which is a disease of the brain. You didn't want an answer though, did you? That might mean you really don't know what the hell you are talking about.

If you did, you would know that opiate dependence is a brain disease and its complicated, which is why, after 30 or more yrs of treating pts. with the synthetic opiate, Methadone, there is no cure, only treatment. Treatment includes much more than a med, it includes a desire on the patients part to get well, support and guidance through counseling and therapy and a committment to stay away from fellow users and triggers than sent him or her back into the same state that induces use in the first place.

No, all addicts aren't the same, nor do all substances abused affect a persons body, physiology or behavior the same, so your one stop shopping "abstinence" approach is wishful thinking and a dangerously, proven naive and ignorant outlook. Rapid detox guarantees a 98% relapse rate, and the alternative is death, except in rare cases. Now that you've had a bit of an education, bright one, I suggest you study further. Don't talk about things of which you have no first hand knowledge, its irresponsible, insenstive and offensive to people who have died trying to kick one bad assed drug.

Some good points, but it's just your opinion. People who have lived with or been affected by the bahavior of an addict will always disagree. Reaching for a crackpipe or bottle to handle stress is not a "brain disease", it is a choice with serious, escalating physiological and psychological consequenses for both the addict and everyone in his/her path. Most people, when under stress, go to the gym, a therapist, talk things over with friends/family or make a conscious effort to handle it appropriately and in a way that will not hurt others. This is called personal responsibility. No one denies that a longterm addict has a hard time giving up the habit, but the choice to start was theirs to make in the beginning.
As for RB, since addiction is a "chronic, relapsing disease", so is lying, backstabbing, cheating, smear campaigns, and all kinds of worthless, at-choice behavior from which they also...just cannot seem to recover. This pop-psycho babble world of "Relativism" only works for the perpetrators, while innocent family, spouses, and esp. children have their lives destroyed because someone's "disease" is being accepted permanently as something over which they have no control.
You are entitled to your opinion, but you also need to know that the only real victims here are the onces being asked to make allowances and be abused and manipulated for the rest of their lives because of your "brain disease" theory.

Well said #172! Perhaps congrats are in order for #171 for his/her being in recovery? So by #171's rationale, our company's motto should be changed from "You are the difference that makes the difference" to "The Suboxone pill is the difference that makes the difference?"

And #171, why are you so angry? Maybe the drugs are f-ing with your mind? What's wrong with abstinence? Does this mean abortion your preferred method of birth control too?

Given that both of the above posters obviously know nothing about addiction, their comments can only be coming from a competitor who has a bone to pick or one of the abstinence groups who spew b.s. based on their opinions not scientifically researched and proven facts. Anger? I believe you are smokescreening very poorly and trying to distract from #171's valid point about opiate addiction being a disease of the brain. To say its just that persons opinion, further highlights your complete ignorance and deep desire to disuade anyone from other than your irrational viewpoint.

You are clearly the most angry and threatened by that post, because you came on here twice to try to refute it. Your remarks about the company and its employees also shows your intense anger and inability to manage it. It has been researched and proven to be a fact. None of the foremost addiction researchers or specialists today would dispute this proven phenomena.

I suggest you go find a playground where you can get in the sandbox with those of limited cranial capacities as yourself. Clearly, you are out of your league here and #171's comments put yours to shame.

Sadly, unless you bother to look at the research, you will continue to believe that its just one's OPINION that opiate dependence becomes a disease of the brain. You are seriously incorrect and its very irresponsible for you to come here and call it, one person's opinion. Rather than froth at the mouth, given your level of anger, perhaps you should take a look in the mirror at where the real anger lies.

Any addiction expert, any addiction researcher and anyone who knows anything about opiate dependence knows it changes the structure of the brain and this, among multiple other factors, makes it a most deadly disease. Now, take YOUR OPINION and get off this site. Leave this discussion to people who actually have science and research, world wide, to back up their comments. Take your anger and go get some help. I wish you well.