Yes, inflated egos. Most of you probably don't know who Peter Fry is, but he was one the most wonderful and professional of the RB upper mgmt. corporate people, ever. Early on, he was horrified the behavior of management and their immature nasty remarks about everyone, stated right in front of the sales force. We were laughed at and put down, regularly.
Unfortunately, he did not have control of some of his colleagues, who then set the tone for meaness. It became the rule at meetings. It was a though, as long as they were the ones being ugly and mean, it was o.k. Then, when a certain someone, couldn't take the backlash from the sales forces (and steady stream of quitting) he hired a hitwoman to do his dirty work. She came in with a vengeance and would fire people for just looking tired. It was just horrible, the way people were treated. Hostile work environment, you bet.
Being asked to report things we thought were wrong or continously called by mgmt. to find out "our opinion, then being shit on and made fun of for following through, was about as abusive a work environment as you could get. Then, they started hiring pharma rejects and real assholes, who became like soldiers for the 3rd Reich, in their voracious efforts to report the "negative ones" and get themselves promoted. People lost their jobs. Lost their jobs. People were treated worse than shit and no one did a damn thing to support them or stop it. So go ahead, enjoy youselves, but don't think that the 100 plus or so of us, don't have a few things to say. Our attorneys most definitely do.
To those of you who can't understand this and have a terrific manager and love your job. Great! This isn't for you. For those of you who have been and are the target of co-workers and managers who belong in jail, this one's for you. Organize and get representation. Would you ignore a rape or a crime happening right in front of you? I'd hope not. Then why would you ignore a co-worker being abused, mistreated and either fired or run out of their job, because of an incompetent, asshole of a manager and their lying, backstabbing ass kissing cover-ups?