Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

The ap sounds a little angry, but the point is made. Be prepared for a series of phone calls to barristers as well as HR.
Lies lies and more lies. I have only been in this business for a couple of years, but I have never experienced anything like it. DO people actually enjoy talking about other peoples shortcomings?
I have heard some pretty awful things lately and I am beiginning to question the direction this company is headed in. As a newcomer to the industry, I am glad I was warned early on.

Uh, yeah, I do believe every one on here has a right to be angry. Anger is very appropriate here. Hello, just drop in from another planet? Can't process thousands of posts, explaining in detail why they are pissed. Snap out of it.

Yes, inflated egos. Most of you probably don't know who Peter Fry is, but he was one the most wonderful and professional of the RB upper mgmt. corporate people, ever. Early on, he was horrified the behavior of management and their immature nasty remarks about everyone, stated right in front of the sales force. We were laughed at and put down, regularly.

Unfortunately, he did not have control of some of his colleagues, who then set the tone for meaness. It became the rule at meetings. It was a though, as long as they were the ones being ugly and mean, it was o.k. Then, when a certain someone, couldn't take the backlash from the sales forces (and steady stream of quitting) he hired a hitwoman to do his dirty work. She came in with a vengeance and would fire people for just looking tired. It was just horrible, the way people were treated. Hostile work environment, you bet.

Being asked to report things we thought were wrong or continously called by mgmt. to find out "our opinion, then being shit on and made fun of for following through, was about as abusive a work environment as you could get. Then, they started hiring pharma rejects and real assholes, who became like soldiers for the 3rd Reich, in their voracious efforts to report the "negative ones" and get themselves promoted. People lost their jobs. Lost their jobs. People were treated worse than shit and no one did a damn thing to support them or stop it. So go ahead, enjoy youselves, but don't think that the 100 plus or so of us, don't have a few things to say. Our attorneys most definitely do.

To those of you who can't understand this and have a terrific manager and love your job. Great! This isn't for you. For those of you who have been and are the target of co-workers and managers who belong in jail, this one's for you. Organize and get representation. Would you ignore a rape or a crime happening right in front of you? I'd hope not. Then why would you ignore a co-worker being abused, mistreated and either fired or run out of their job, because of an incompetent, asshole of a manager and their lying, backstabbing ass kissing cover-ups?

I could not have said it better! I realize the above poster may seem upset, but when a wrong, unethical situation gets overlooked it can seem almost unbelievable! Where is the accountability..or wait should we say CORE Values...Ha!

Post #120: OK Norma Rae...can you put aside your anger long enough to stop implicating others with your posts? Why can't you just speak for yourself? You post everything you know about everyone who left, then sit back while others are blamed for your work on here. What you said is true, but there is no "we are united" thing going on, and you watched plenty of people get black balled without saying a thing until it was your turn. Your posts are not helping anyone.
Please, get out in that great CA weather and soak in some life in the present.

I'm supporting everyone who's come on here and to continue to insult a whole lot of people by saying only one person was treated badly, just makes more and more people want to come on and get the truth across. You can keep on with the lies, but most people get it.

Mr. Authority above. Last time you blamed all the posts on Texas. Get your story straight. You serve no one with your blame game. You are the one blaming today, again and you will continue this, as long as you can keep the heat off you. Guilt eating you up?

They are obsessed with a few reps who left, that's all. They knew too much and confronted it so you dove to the bottom of the cesspool and started smearing their reputations? What a shock. I could name the liars and what they are hiding right here and now, but none of them are worth it. Besides, the turnover in TX, CA and most regions continues.

The people they are blaming are long gone and were never involved to begin with. Cut you off, did they? Got sick of your lies and games, so you started more rumors that they were posting everything on here? Think none of us know what really happened? You are so transparent it's embarrassing.

The majority of the boards do represent a united messaged, thats obvious. The message is that you will not get away with treating people beyond indecency and turn around and refuse to admit its true. Very mean behavior continues. Some of you are running scared, for obvious reasons. You still work here, unfortunately and the people you shit on don't. Begs the question, how may smearing campaigns took place for that to happen?
I consider myself fortunate to work here and love my job. I don't appreciate your continuing to insult me or my friends, who still have to put up with you, because you got away with it by blaming other people. We know this continues to go on here and we've had it. Like the AP said, you are transparent. We can make up our own minds. In your ever obvious attempts to divert attention away from the content of these posts, on to whomever you can blame for the day. Stop and take a look in the mirror. Now ask for forgiveness for what you've done to people in your life, you hypocrite.

"They are bitter, angry, can't find jobs, posting everything on these threads." Translation: they cut you liars off, didn't they? The truth is that you don't have any info. on people that have a lot on you. Am I right? Isn't that why you continue to point the finger in the same direction every time something that sounds like something you did ends up on here? Think these former reps you are blaming could straighten it all out will a phone call or two, but maybe don't want to engage in your high school crap? I'm thinking they never did.

Sorry, but people that are long gone only come here for the entertainment. The fact that you can't stop acting like assholes long enough to fool anyone about your history keeps us all very entertained.

To the dick up there with his Quija board out, claiming that to know a poster ho left here, said nothing while other people were "blackballed." What the fuck are you talking about? How is it that you purport A. to know who is posting here and B. Who knew who was being "blackballed." What an ass. You certainly fit right into the carnival here. Being that this is your focus, you no doubt are the biggest black baller of all. No pun intended.

I believe you meant, the poster "who" left here. The only "ho's" and "pimps" are the ones who like pointing fingers away from themselves. That would be a few select managers and a few select CL's. A "few" I said, as I do continue to work here and know some people to be fairly decent. I feel for the CLs who got treated this badly and then get insulted again, by some of these posts, like #124. He is, by the way, no "authority", just in his own mind and we all know who fits this bill. About 15 people, mostly so-called managers and some choice CL's. One day, they will cross the wrong person and just wish the worst backlash they had gotten was a honest post here. They will.

For the quality people that continue to deny these posts are true, then come here and attack the very people you shit on, for exposing your behavior, you are beyond changing. Being that assholes believe their own lies, don’t care what they do to destroy others, and are extremely adept at keeping their public face and their private faces separate, stay here, its just where you need to be.
*For those of you too healthy to continue to putting up with them, here’s help.
The No-Asshole Rule
Building a civilized workplace and surviving one that isn't
Robert I. Sutton, Ph.D.
The American Lawyer
February 20, 2007

“If you want to build an asshole-free environment, you've got to start by looking in the mirror. When have you been an asshole? When have you caught and spread this contagious disease? What can you do, or what have you done, to keep your inner asshole from firing away at others?
The most powerful single step you can take is to just stay away from nasty people and places. This means you must defy the temptation to work with a swarm of assholes, regardless of a job's other perks and charms. It also means that if you make this mistake, get out as fast as you can. We are all given only so many hours here on earth. If you are truly tired of living in Jerk City -- if you don't want every day to feel like a walk down Asshole Avenue -- well, it's your job to help build and shape a civilized workplace. Sure, you already know that. But isn't it time to do something about it?”

For the quality people that continue to deny these posts are true, then come here and attack the very people you shit on, for exposing your behavior, you are beyond changing. Being that assholes believe their own lies, don’t care what they do to destroy others, and are extremely adept at keeping their public face and their private faces separate, stay here, its just where you need to be.
*For those of you too healthy to continue to putting up with them, here’s help.
The No-Asshole Rule
Building a civilized workplace and surviving one that isn't
Robert I. Sutton, Ph.D.
The American Lawyer
February 20, 2007

“If you want to build an asshole-free environment, you've got to start by looking in the mirror. When have you been an asshole? When have you caught and spread this contagious disease? What can you do, or what have you done, to keep your inner asshole from firing away at others?
The most powerful single step you can take is to just stay away from nasty people and places. This means you must defy the temptation to work with a swarm of assholes, regardless of a job's other perks and charms. It also means that if you make this mistake, get out as fast as you can. We are all given only so many hours here on earth. If you are truly tired of living in Jerk City -- if you don't want every day to feel like a walk down Asshole Avenue -- well, it's your job to help build and shape a civilized workplace. Sure, you already know that. But isn't it time to do something about it?”


You want positive, try earning it. Try getting rid of people who don't and never will make it as sales people, let alone managers. Our customers can see through plastic smiles and rep-speak.

I'm fed up with the ongoing allowance of assholes to move into mgmt., who get one or two people to say something good about them, so they get the job and then, they infect the entire work place through nastiness and ineptitude. The remarks on this board are highly accurate based on what I personally know and what I've heard. You fool no one claiming that you didn't bring on all these angry posts yourselves. YOU did it. YOU created the anger and you deserve every one of these comments. You need to stop insulting people by keeping fuckers on board who are nothing but bad seed. They have poisoned their teams and this company and you let them get away with it. Why, because you think that if you get a bunch of sick ass phony smiling "yes people" you've got yourselves a competent sales force. Have you not learned anything?

In my experience, hiring people who've never done anything but sales, is risky and has cost this sales force a lot of good people. You get these sales myopics and they have one thing in mind, themselves. They could'nt get recognition in the past, so they'll run over anyone or anything they can to get it now. On the outside, slick as snot. Just sweet as pie, seemlingly complacent and positive, my god, its enough to make you vomit. On the inside, you'd need a roto roter to clean out the filth. Oh, but the face they put on. You'd just never suspect it, now would you?