Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

You need love in your life. Then you will learn forgiveness and move on. You come to the POA with all this anger and it will get you into a lot of trouble.

Don't worry about me Ms. High-and-Mighty manager. You would be better served to do your job, and M-A-N-A-G-E her instead of covering up her lies, as well as your own. Accountability is just around the corner.
See you in Can-cooooooon, you big silly.

THIS is what 4 a.m. girl is afraid of and the reason she comes on here trying to influence people saying, "We know who you are." Get psychic over night honey? Got news for ya, we know who you are and its not pretty. The real reason you come on at all hours is to attempt to keep people from coming on here, to stop them from telling the truth. You can't, so give it up and there are so many of us-60+ that you are so in it over your stupid airhead. Truth obvious to most intelligent people with some business sense and values. Itjust a matter of time before you trying running away from all your problems, once again. with your favorite cover up rep is the most glaring red flag of your inability to discern boundaries and in appropriate relationships. You have lots of company. All of the people promoted into management, got there, by the same path. Just brown nose that manager, make up lies about fellow team mates, portray yourself as being privy to information your manager needs (lies and little twists of the truth you made oh so appealing) and you'll fit right into the cesspool. If upper ups had a clue, my god they would just want to quit, yesterday. It is that bad.

Dead wood managers always keep rats nice and cozy. They have a place to crawl under and hide. If the dead wood was removed, the vermin would run. Right now, lots of rhodents scurrying around trying to find a way to hide at POA. To whomever is really in charge of this sales team, listen up.

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Drink and the devil had done for the rest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
We wrapped 'em all in a mains'l tight
With twice ten turns of a hawser's bight
And we heaved 'em over and out of sight,
With a Yo-Heave-Ho! and a fare-you-well
And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell
Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell,
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

The threads are deleted because people make complete assess of themselves. They think after they act, it ruins peoples lives and it gets posted here. The more you hate your behavior, the more you hate to see the truth. You can't stop yourself from coming on here, because its the only way you can attempt to stay on top of managing your reputation. Must be exhausting.

ME-me-me-meeee, (insert hissing, whine, flopping screeching fits) its all about me and I'll take out anyone who gets in my way, use anyone I can and turn on anyone near enough to slit their throat. I deserve to get my day and my boss will tell me everything, reward me with special little gifts and I love it. Its like heroin. Its a fix and a half to know the boss trusts me and confides in me and NEEDS me. I love humping his every demand. Oh, I don't gossip, who me? No, I am the truth master. I know eveything about everyone and I willingly pass it on to my master. Its all in their best interest and I know whats best for everyone. I crave his/her attention and its such a fucking high. Who cares about anyone elses feelings. I am the most important person in my life. IN the world. I'll scream and hiss at anyone that I deem needs my perfecting skills and opinions. I hate myself so much, that it feels so good to go after whatever I deem is wrong with them. I am so fucking perfect that I still go to confession. Yesss hissssss. I know, I am perfect. My Mommy tells me how perfect I am and I will make sure that everyone gets a piece of my perfecting advise and if lucky, my ass. I am so perfect that I can fuck anyone, married or not. No one dates judge me. Im perfect and protected. I love sex with anything I chose and the fools that criticize me are so unsophisticated.. I learned this long ago from the nuns. Ahhh, the power of it all, just like f@#*! Intoxicating

OKkkkaaay. Thats just about it in a nutshell. Thought I'd share something, but I can't top that last comment. There are some seriously sick people on board. Its off to for me.

Tell me about the New Orleans district mgr. Is he/she young, older, intelligent, experienced mgr., micromanager, etc. I have been told there is a rep opportunity in that district. This is with Reckitt Benckiser. Thanks for any info on the manager!

There is always somebody watching everything you do, everything you say and everything you think you got away with. It has either come back to you tenfold or will, very very soon. Think twice next time you think its smart to trash someone, allow other people to trash someone, you turn the other way while someone is getting shit on or worse, you deny that any of it every happened, making up your own sick version of reality. Here is to you, getting yours, in the same exact manner in which you dealt the dirt, looked the other way and gloated at your success because of what you allowed to happen, so you could claw your way up.
All the money, status and bullshit in the world won't save you now. You aren't on your way down, you are at rock bottom already. No amount of confessing, story making or posing will ever clean you up. You have to pay your dues.

We've never been so happy to tell the truth in our lives. Now, that being said, we want to give the little buggers a place to go lick their wounds. Here are several positive options.
A.Cheerleaders anonymous. Helps with frozen smile afflictions.
B. Liars in Recovery. For those who just can't help themselves. Its is genetic, after all.
C. 12 Steps for the surgically addicted. You learn the steps slowly, so don't worry, there is time to sneak in a quickie lipo session.
D. Cheaters for Change. A Cold turkey program, so not for the faint at heart.
E. Toxic personality detox. Includes an colon cleanse for extra nastiness syndrome.
F. Hypnosis for airheads, followed by a session with crystals for realigning brain cells and getting those receptors firing normallly again. Yes, kids, we promise to beam up your Mu receptors, but forget about the Kappas. Yours are shot, now c'mon you already knew that. Too much bup.
G. Oral Cleanse for potty mouths, and....well. Not for the agnostic.
H. Advocates for Truth- a mentoring program for the terminally dishonest.
You'll have a chance to listen to key note speakers on truth, then monthly you will be responsible for having dinners with others afflicted with dishonesty. Round tables may be held only at White Castle Burgers. B.Y.O. B. Thats beverage, ass hole, we aren't promoting alcohol here.
The speakers will not be reimbursed. The group must donate out of their allowance from the Juvenile hall snack pool coffers to get one. Still, its amazing how people are willing to share their stories.
I. Last but not least, Ass Kissers and Brown nosers group support. Meets daily at noon, to keep you lips on lunch and not on your managers cell phone. B.Y.O.L. Bring your own lunch. No, you can't expense it off to RB. While you may claim its a work related condition, gimme a break.
J. Oh, there is another group forming, this just in from "We Might be able to help you central" Managers with partners. A sponsorship program for people who found themselves in a management position, without having to do anything. This will help you cope with the shock. We can do nothing about your team who dispises you, but still you can come listen to real managers explain why, what you did to get yourself here, and that it should not be repeated. Your sponsors will help you to accept the fact that you were never management material, but also will help you see how lucky you were to have someone willing to stick their neck out and lie to get you where you are. For those that lied about their co-workers, made up cute little vignettes of wrongdoings by people their managers used to like, just to fuck, excuse me, push pass them, so you would get where you needed to go. This is for you, too.

It's time for a refresher course here. This one's for all the toxics who are still hanging on for their lives. Enjoy...

I'm thinkin they all need to re-enroll for the entire semester. Seems the managers are playing their usual games and yes, nearly 4 years in to this pharma divisions existance and they are STILL getting away with with their little political maneuverings. Their ass kisses are all moving some where. Too bad its not space and they aren't just in orbit somewhere. It would be a serious stretch, of course, to call some of the newer positions, an actual "move up." Take a look at the headcases in these positions. Are they not the most fucked up and ass kissing of all? Sure they are and everybody but managers and themselves, ARE PAINFULLY AWARE OF WHAT A JOKE THEY ARE. No, not everyone, there is one or two with their heads screwed on, but damn few. So, eat it up ya mentals, you'll be the first to eat dust, which by the way, is blowing in the wind. Hope you enjoy the crowful. You earned it with you brown nosing, suck up and shittin on your friends to get ahead fuck anyone but me attitudes. You are the type its easy to influence. Anything, anything for a little bone of attention. How pathetic you all are, sitting on you haunches beggin for a drop of attention. Grovel, sniff, scratch.

Its written all over the news. God is really pissed. Snowing in Austrailia, icebergs floating up along the coast of New Zealand. Freak weather and people selling their souls/bodies for the most vile and vain of reasons. Plastic surgery is the new sport. Murdering and raping and drugging are the new team players arena. The colliseum is open once again. The snakes in this company are just beginning to wriggle their way out in the light. Bankruptcy in the souls in America. God is speaking, louder and louder. You think Iran is fooling around? Better think again, children. Think again. You may be facing your karmic record faster than you can blink your frozen little lashes. That smell of money may be the last little pleasure you remember. Rub Rub Rub those greenbacks all the way to hell.

I'm actually looking forward to it. Seeing all I've seen and heard in this job is just sickening, sickening, sickening. There is nothing sacred or real anymore. Marriage, relationships with coworkers, friends. I've no faith or trust in anyone here, save a handful. God can't come and clean this house, the worlds house, soon enough. The way it stands, people just look the other way and sniffle condescendingly. Oh, lets not judge that...., until their time comes. Then they think about their behavior, their old friends and suddenly, its a whole new ballgame then, isn't it. Hypocrites.

Well, looks like nothing has changed, it only gets worse.
Such fun going on here. They thought they could do whatever they wanted, to whomever they wanted, and it would never catch up to them. Too bad they never thought about this website or what it would mean for their reputation. Loads of fun at their expense and it's all true, which makes it even better. Management here is a joke - the phoniest bunch of losers in the industry, save a few.

If you are a professional and do not enjoy exploiting, backstabbing, or excessive gossiping/lying about others, do not come near this place. There are much better companies and environments out there for people with experience and those looking to break into the industry. Do not believe those attempting to come on here and whitewash everything. This sales force has turned over 2 maybe 3 times in 3 years and nothing has changed on their part. Why? Because they are most likely selling. Your bad big pharma job is better than this place, trust me. These people are not nice, do not play well with others and bottom line, this is just not something you need in your life experience...

I am amazed at the stuff that has gone down with some of these people, who are still walking around at POA's and collecting paychecks, getting "promoted" when they should have been fired. The stories are nothing short of incredible but here they come, walking in, big smiles, showing their faces - again. I guess this means I can go apeshit crazy in my work environment like some of the above mentioned reps, and still have a job. This is good to know, as I am doing well, and feeling a little bored.