Reckitt Benckiser threads deleted..why?

We've never been so happy to tell the truth in our lives. Now, that being said, we want to give the little buggers a place to go lick their wounds. Here are several positive options.
A.Cheerleaders anonymous. Helps with frozen smile afflictions.
B. Liars in Recovery. For those who just can't help themselves. Its is genetic, after all.
C. 12 Steps for the surgically addicted. You learn the steps slowly, so don't worry, there is time to sneak in a quickie lipo session.
D. Cheaters for Change. A Cold turkey program, so not for the faint at heart.
E. Toxic personality detox. Includes an colon cleanse for extra nastiness syndrome.
F. Hypnosis for airheads, followed by a session with crystals for realigning brain cells and getting those receptors firing normallly again. Yes, kids, we promise to beam up your Mu receptors, but forget about the Kappas. Yours are shot, now c'mon you already knew that. Too much bup.
G. Oral Cleanse for potty mouths, and....well. Not for the agnostic.
H. Advocates for Truth- a mentoring program for the terminally dishonest.
You'll have a chance to listen to key note speakers on truth, then monthly you will be responsible for having dinners with others afflicted with dishonesty. Round tables may be held only at White Castle Burgers. B.Y.O. B. Thats beverage, ass hole, we aren't promoting alcohol here.
The speakers will not be reimbursed. The group must donate out of their allowance from the Juvenile hall snack pool coffers to get one. Still, its amazing how people are willing to share their stories.
I. Last but not least, Ass Kissers and Brown nosers group support. Meets daily at noon, to keep you lips on lunch and not on your managers cell phone. B.Y.O.L. Bring your own lunch. No, you can't expense it off to RB. While you may claim its a work related condition, gimme a break.
J. Oh, there is another group forming, this just in from "We Might be able to help you central" Managers with partners. A sponsorship program for people who found themselves in a management position, without having to do anything. This will help you cope with the shock. We can do nothing about your team who dispises you, but still you can come listen to real managers explain why, what you did to get yourself here, and that it should not be repeated. Your sponsors will help you to accept the fact that you were never management material, but also will help you see how lucky you were to have someone willing to stick their neck out and lie to get you where you are. For those that lied about their co-workers, made up cute little vignettes of wrongdoings by people their managers used to like, just to fuck, excuse me, push pass them, so you would get where you needed to go. This is for you, too.

We've never been so happy to tell the truth in our lives. Now, that being said, we want to give the little buggers a place to go lick their wounds. Here are several positive options.
A.Cheerleaders anonymous. Helps with frozen smile afflictions.
B. Liars in Recovery. For those who just can't help themselves. Its is genetic, after all.
C. 12 Steps for the surgically addicted. You learn the steps slowly, so don't worry, there is time to sneak in a quickie lipo session.
D. Cheaters for Change. A Cold turkey program, so not for the faint at heart.
E. Toxic personality detox. Includes an colon cleanse for extra nastiness syndrome.
F. Hypnosis for airheads, followed by a session with crystals for realigning brain cells and getting those receptors firing normallly again. Yes, kids, we promise to beam up your Mu receptors, but forget about the Kappas. Yours are shot, now c'mon you already knew that. Too much bup.
G. Oral Cleanse for potty mouths, and....well. Not for the agnostic.
H. Advocates for Truth- a mentoring program for the terminally dishonest.
You'll have a chance to listen to key note speakers on truth, then monthly you will be responsible for having dinners with others afflicted with dishonesty. Round tables may be held only at White Castle Burgers. B.Y.O. B. Thats beverage, ass hole, we aren't promoting alcohol here.
The speakers will not be reimbursed. The group must donate out of their allowance from the Juvenile hall snack pool coffers to get one. Still, its amazing how people are willing to share their stories.
I. Last but not least, Ass Kissers and Brown nosers group support. Meets daily at noon, to keep you lips on lunch and not on your managers cell phone. B.Y.O.L. Bring your own lunch. No, you can't expense it off to RB. While you may claim its a work related condition, gimme a break.
J. Oh, there is another group forming, this just in from "We Might be able to help you central" Managers with partners. A sponsorship program for people who found themselves in a management position, without having to do anything. This will help you cope with the shock. We can do nothing about your team who dispises you, but still you can come listen to real managers explain why, what you did to get yourself here, and that it should not be repeated. Your sponsors will help you to accept the fact that you were never management material, but also will help you see how lucky you were to have someone willing to stick their neck out and lie to get you where you are. For those that lied about their co-workers, made up cute little vignettes of wrongdoings by people their managers used to like, just to fuck, excuse me, push pass them, so you would get where you needed to go. This is for you, too.

I guess someone isn't too thrilled with their job. Have you heard of MONSTER BOARD? Just accept the fact that people actually like to work here and no, A-J does not apply to me!!

Yeah, well K. belongs to you. This is a group for people with D.T.'s from having had to cover their employers butts for fucking up so bad. I know, your pride is on the line. You'd really rather not face up to the truth, because then, you'd have to take a look at yourself and ask, "Why am I so damn desperate that I would stay with this bunch of losers? Why?" This support group "K" is for peole like yourself, so you'll have lots of company. "K" is for Kiss ass, covering uppers, is a serious session for those so deeply in denial, that you'll get a real kick ass of a reality check.

Yeah, well K. belongs to you. This is a group for people with D.T.'s from having had to cover their employers butts for fucking up so bad. I know, your pride is on the line. You'd really rather not face up to the truth, because then, you'd have to take a look at yourself and ask, "Why am I so damn desperate that I would stay with this bunch of losers? Why?" This support group "K" is for peole like yourself, so you'll have lots of company. "K" is for Kiss ass, covering uppers, is a serious session for those so deeply in denial, that you'll get a real kick ass of a reality check.

I do believe L is for you, LOSSSSSSSSSSSSSEERRRRRR

Hahahahahha. Its hilarious how pissed off you get. Keep on makin our day! He heh. Do we need further evidence of how pathetic you are? We hope you stay with this company until you push daisies. Its the only place that would put up with you. You deserve each other. snickety snicker.

I absolutely loved the recoveryand support groups for PSS/RB CLS- above-Groups A-K. Whoever wrote it deserves a literary award. It is without a doubt the most screamin funny thing I've read in years. God, tears were running down my face, because its dead-on truth. Thank you to whomever wrote this masterpiece. It should be handed out at the next P.O.A. as soon as the C.L.s and the so-called management team get there. You all could figure out what group you belong to and then, mandatorally attend in between break-out sessions at the next P.O.A. Management first.

By far, the biggest attendance to one of the above suggested self help session, would be to I. Brown nosers and Ass Kiss anonymous. These lemmings practically fall over each other at meetings to suck right up to the nearest so-called power person. Its quite entertaining to watch. Just like a bunch a penquins, they waddel as fast as they can in their little sparkling suits, begging for the spot light. Several are especially outstanding in their ability to push their way up there.

By far, the biggest attendance to one of the above suggested self help session, would be to I. Brown nosers and Ass Kiss anonymous. These lemmings practically fall over each other at meetings to suck right up to the nearest so-called power person. Its quite entertaining to watch. Just like a bunch a penquins, they waddel as fast as they can in their little sparkling suits, begging for the spot light. Several are especially outstanding in their ability to push their way up there.

The folks at Hythiam need this information, you know - for ideas on breakouts under their new "leadership".

Personally, I like breakout session"h" mentioned above. Heres good reason to just go ahead and get fired. The Generally Abusive Employer
By: David M. Lira
Answer: In New York, if you have a generally nasty, abusive boss, there really isn't anything that you can do, except leave.

However, if you leave without being fired, you are generally giving up you right to unemployment compensation. If the treatment is so bad, you can seek a hearing on you application, and try to prove that the treatment was so bad that it constituted a "constructive discharge." If you succeed, and it is generally not an easy thing to prove constructive discharge, you should be able to get unemployment.
Note that the concept of constructive discharge is a technically difficult concept. However, there are very few employment lawyers who regularly practice before the unemployment compensation board on behalf of employees. I have only very rarely appeared in an unemployment hearing, and generally not because my client filed a claim for unemployment compensation.

Thanks. I'll start working on getting fired right away. LOL, but seriously, why the hell not? Really, who could give a @&%*! Beats goin to the next POA and getting screwed there. Yes,I think would rather collect unemployment, buy a ticket to someplace I really want to go and have a party with people I'd really want to be with. Complete strangers in Namibia would be a step up. Actually, I think I'd like to go to St. Martin, yeah.

Aniother thread, vanished in thin air. Hmmm. What do we suppose or rather should we say, whom do we suppose has the most practice at coming on here and removing the truth. I guess that would be someone who loves trashing on everyone else, but when it comes back round, oh, well, its just too painful. Maybe you could learn something this time. You are your own worst enemy. Quit cancelling your therapist visits.

Aniother thread, vanished in thin air. Hmmm. What do we suppose or rather should we say, whom do we suppose has the most practice at coming on here and removing the truth. I guess that would be someone who loves trashing on everyone else, but when it comes back round, oh, well, its just too painful. Maybe you could learn something this time. You are your own worst enemy. Quit cancelling your therapist visits.

The Dallas rep who lives on this site and churns and burns most of the company gossip, got a little taste of her own medicine today. As she works from home, she had the little slice of truth removed before too many people saw it. No matter, everyone gets it -

The Dallas rep who lives on this site and churns and burns most of the company gossip, got a little taste of her own medicine today. As she works from home, she had the little slice of truth removed before too many people saw it. No matter, everyone gets it -

Who gives a rats ass. Bottom line this company is going to be sold and people like you won't even have a job, oh wait, that's right, you probably don't even work for this company anymore.

Who gives a rats ass. Bottom line this company is going to be sold and people like you won't even have a job, oh wait, that's right, you probably don't even work for this company anymore.

And people like you will be exposed by anyone even a little more mature than your current manager.
I'm currently employed with RB, but nice try, sugar. You called me recently in attempt to form a "friendship" by spreading gossip. Everyone knows about your mean, dishonest, psychotic behavior, even the people you think are your friends. They are either scared of you, feel completely sorry for your 12-year-old behavior, or you bought their friendship with expensive gifts, etc.
Poor you, you wittle victim. In addition to calling everyone personally to explain your bad reputation (ie - lie about what really happened), now you have to come here and clean up as well. You must be just exhausted after all the lying you have done. Runnin' scared again?
BTW - When the company sells, you won't have a job either, and good luck finding anyone to put up with your complete lack of conscious, AND botched up facial surgery.

Yes I do work for this company and I look forward to seeing you at the P.O.A. You know me very, very well.

I can't wait to check out all her new surgery - and watch the madness. She's a fun one, always running around gossiping right in front of everyone. Soooo glad I am not in her region. Isn't she the "trainer"????!!! What a total joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dear representatives. If you spent half as much time in the field as you do on here, you might not have to complain about your income, now would you? Next time I hear one of you complaining about how much you did or didn't make, I'm going to send someone to your home, one afternoon and hand you your walking papers. I do know who you are and your game is up here.


Start with the Repizoid du Jour, as she is always at home, stirring up more trouble than she can obviously handle. Now this would give her something to talk about, ugly fool, lying in her own vomit.