Reasons why I had to leave Zoll

In my 2 year tenure at Zoll as a TM:

* my goal was raised 109 times
* I was paid on only 65% of my orders
* Commission reversals affected 72 of 107 goal segments - creating a deficit each segment I had to overcome before my sales counted for commission. This cost me my commission many times.
* My clinical team turned over 3 times - all PSRs run off by being disregarded by management, unpaid for correcting constant errors by Zoll (bad/incomplete equipment, delayed fittings, sent to the wrong location) - forcing me to constantly recruit and train new folks and fill vacancies with my own time
* My weekends were constantly interrupted with uncommissioned and irrelevant work and patient problems that Zoll should have handled, but didn't
* I missed the last 3 family holidays because Zoll couldn't handle patient problems themselves. Why those of us scheduled to be off have to work because those who are scheduled to be on can't handle the volume, I still don't understand.
* MANY of my weekends were shot because Zoll runs a skeleton crew of scheduled staff inside, forcing those of us who are scheduled to be off to cover for the shortage. And when we call in, we are treated like WE are interrupting THEM, when WE are supposed to be off.

And despite the above list, the biggest reason is that I have never been more disregarded as an employee by any other employer in my life. I am so grateful to be gone. I have my life and my sanity back.

Impressed you made it 2 years. In Zoll time that's a decade.

Area Director-LifeVest-West
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Big Sky, MT
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Birmingham, AL
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Boston Metro
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Central Illinois
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Chicago Metro
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Chicago South
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Long Island, NY
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Nebraska
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Rocky Mountain
Regional Sales Manager LifeVest-Tennessee West
Albuquerque West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Alabama West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Ann Arbor-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Atlanta Emory-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Atlanta NE-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Beaumont, MI II-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Birmingham-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Birmingham East-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Boston Central-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Boston North Shore-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Cape May-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Carolina Central-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Central Washington-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Chattanooga-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Cleveland East III-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Columbia, NY-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Corpus Christi-Territory Manager-LifeVest
DC Central-Territory Manager-LifeVest
East Tennessee-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Fremont-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Flemington-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Grand Rapids-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Greensboro, NC-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Huntsville-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Indianapolis East-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Indianapolis West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Jonesboro-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Kalamazoo-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Jackson, MS II-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Las Vegas South-Territory Manager-LifeVest
LA North II-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Lebanon, NH-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Lima, OH-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Manhattan Mt. Sinai-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Middle Tennessee-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Minneapolis-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Minnesota North-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Mobile, AL-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Modesto-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Montana West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Nashville III-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Nassau Winthrop-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Neptune, NJ-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Ocean City, MD-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Orlando West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Portland Central-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Poughkeepsie-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Raleigh West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
San Juan, PR-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Santa Barbara-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Seattle IV-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Seattle East-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Seattle West-Territory Manager-LifeVest
South Bend, IN-Territory Manager-LifeVest
South Tampa-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Southern Colorado-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Stanford-Territory Manager-LifeVest
St. Paul-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Tacoma, WA-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Wilmington, NC-Territory Manager-LifeVest
Winston Salem-Territory Manager-LifeVest

I started last year a little before this was posted. I thought that surely not all of this could possibly be true. Well, 9 months later I am here to tell you EVERY OUNCE OF THIS IS TRUE AND MORE. I am horrified at how this company is run. As much as I can't stand it, my family can't stand it more. They are begging me to leave, which of course I want to do also. I called my recruiter and complained about how misled I was and was told their firm no longer works with this company because of all the complaints.

To anyone considering a job here, don't do it. You will regret it.

Are you a new breed firebrand?

Lol. How does this fool of a manager with his firebrand bullshit look now!! ZOLL is a complete disaster!!!

Yes, this is a great example. It is so obvious to any outside observer. The inside Zoll managers argue philosophy. The outside TMs argue actual facts. My recruiter was honest with me and dissuaded me from interviewing. I checked out this forum just to be thorough and everything she said was true. I interviewed anyway and asked some questions based on these threads and the manager couldn't tap dance fast enough. It was pretty uncomfortable.

I'm confused.....what is "Firebrand?" I really hope this outside consulting company will help change the comp plan....

It's more bullshit. Years of lip service. This company is a house of cards trying to perpetuate an ideology of good pay, happy people and low turnover. They struck out on all three, and now some idiot in marketing is trying to drum up a fictitious comic book character named firebrand, whos magic power is to shit out MOs without any obstacles from ACs, tech support, management or the broken fax machine. Drop the mic.

It's more bullshit. Years of lip service. This company is a house of cards trying to perpetuate an ideology of good pay, happy people and low turnover. They struck out on all three, and now some idiot in marketing is trying to drum up a fictitious comic book character named firebrand, whos magic power is to shit out MOs without any obstacles from ACs, tech support, management or the broken fax machine. Drop the mic.

This firebrand guy is obviously someone using sarcasm to make fun of ZOLL, and then repeating the same joke 300 different times. It was funny the first ten times

My reason for leaving? It is late Friday night and I'm still working. Missed my family's event tonight, while the people actually scheduled to work have done little to help. So tired of this.

My reason for leaving? It is late Friday night and I'm still working. Missed my family's event tonight, while the people actually scheduled to work have done little to help. So tired of this.

And this is why no new comp plan in q1 is going to miraculously and instantly fix the problem. People are so delusional. Are they closing intake? Getting rid of the ac's or even making them friendly? Seriously; as long as the senior leadership here is the same, this job will be the same (as its been for ten years).

My reason for leaving? It is late Friday night and I'm still working. Missed my family's event tonight, while the people actually scheduled to work have done little to help. So tired of this.

OMG, me too. I'm working feverishly this morning to help a patient and a doctor and where are the people who are supposed to be processing the order at Zoll??? THEY WON'T TAKE PHONE CALLS RIGHT NOW. They are there, just don't want to talk to anyone. This place is beyond messed up. I am supposed to be off today and they are scheduled to be working. This is so unfair.

OMG, me too. I'm working feverishly this morning to help a patient and a doctor and where are the people who are supposed to be processing the order at Zoll??? THEY WON'T TAKE PHONE CALLS RIGHT NOW. They are there, just don't want to talk to anyone. This place is beyond messed up. I am supposed to be off today and they are scheduled to be working. This is so unfair.

Life is unfair, firebrands rule the world.

OMG, me too. I'm working feverishly this morning to help a patient and a doctor and where are the people who are supposed to be processing the order at Zoll??? THEY WON'T TAKE PHONE CALLS RIGHT NOW. They are there, just don't want to talk to anyone. This place is beyond messed up. I am supposed to be off today and they are scheduled to be working. This is so unfair.

How stupid are you! I gave up going the extra mile long ago. On weekends my cell has zoll CS number. I don't pick up I can't be reached. Until they get their shit together in there don't bother me. Go team!!

In my 2 year tenure at Zoll as a TM:

* my goal was raised 109 times
* I was paid on only 65% of my orders
* Commission reversals affected 72 of 107 goal segments - creating a deficit each segment I had to overcome before my sales counted for commission. This cost me my commission many times.
* My clinical team turned over 3 times - all PSRs run off by being disregarded by management, unpaid for correcting constant errors by Zoll (bad/incomplete equipment, delayed fittings, sent to the wrong location) - forcing me to constantly recruit and train new folks and fill vacancies with my own time
* My weekends were constantly interrupted with uncommissioned and irrelevant work and patient problems that Zoll should have handled, but didn't
* I missed the last 3 family holidays because Zoll couldn't handle patient problems themselves. Why those of us scheduled to be off have to work because those who are scheduled to be on can't handle the volume, I still don't understand.
* MANY of my weekends were shot because Zoll runs a skeleton crew of scheduled staff inside, forcing those of us who are scheduled to be off to cover for the shortage. And when we call in, we are treated like WE are interrupting THEM, when WE are supposed to be off.

And despite the above list, the biggest reason is that I have never been more disregarded as an employee by any other employer in my life. I am so grateful to be gone. I have my life and my sanity back.

I am leaving for all these reasons too. But mainly my family. No more ruined holidays for my family. I don't mind helping customers but fighting w/ zoll over stupid crap while i'm trying to celebrate my kids birthday is unacceptable. Hallelujah, I'm so glad to be out of this mess!!!! There are not enough words!!!