In my 2 year tenure at Zoll as a TM:
* my goal was raised 109 times
* I was paid on only 65% of my orders
* Commission reversals affected 72 of 107 goal segments - creating a deficit each segment I had to overcome before my sales counted for commission. This cost me my commission many times.
* My clinical team turned over 3 times - all PSRs run off by being disregarded by management, unpaid for correcting constant errors by Zoll (bad/incomplete equipment, delayed fittings, sent to the wrong location) - forcing me to constantly recruit and train new folks and fill vacancies with my own time
* My weekends were constantly interrupted with uncommissioned and irrelevant work and patient problems that Zoll should have handled, but didn't
* I missed the last 3 family holidays because Zoll couldn't handle patient problems themselves. Why those of us scheduled to be off have to work because those who are scheduled to be on can't handle the volume, I still don't understand.
* MANY of my weekends were shot because Zoll runs a skeleton crew of scheduled staff inside, forcing those of us who are scheduled to be off to cover for the shortage. And when we call in, we are treated like WE are interrupting THEM, when WE are supposed to be off.
And despite the above list, the biggest reason is that I have never been more disregarded as an employee by any other employer in my life. I am so grateful to be gone. I have my life and my sanity back.
Impressed you made it 2 years. In Zoll time that's a decade.