PAH Team Turnover is..

SB and his team of merry makers were once again caught with their pants down. Their management philosophy has been and continues to be REACTIONARY. Actelion continues to outsmart us and to set the tone of engagement and now RDs are jumping ship and MANY, I repeat, MANY ISs and TSs will follow. SOON

Great job KY of hiring your Amgen boys SB, DW, and promoting the phoney and lacking in original thought JG to lead. Gilead should be ashamed of misleading the investors.

Hey JG and DW nice job of retaining your talent. How will you and your daddy SB explain this one to the sales force? Something like this perhaps: It was our plan all along to have a greater than 50% turnover within our RD ranks within two years post launch. Rumor is that a few RDs are considering the Walmart management program as an alternative to this house of mirrors.

DW, will you be covering all of your open regions? You have such "outstanding" relationships with the customers in the northeast. I am sure they will appreciate seeing you again.

Who has left recently? Reps or Rd's?

Kevin ignore this speculation, they don't know what they're talking about. My Rds and reps are committed as ever to the PAH space. We have a tremendous amount of momentum coming out of POA. My leadership team is intact and ready to move forward. --SB

Who leaving? Hell there's not many left that started at launch. DW and JG have riddden most out already. What a great culture they have created for us to play in. I can't wait to hear the suspense is killing me.... how about you SB. How many and when?

Who leaving? Hell there's not many left that started at launch. DW and JG have riddden most out already. What a great culture they have created for us to play in. I can't wait to hear the suspense is killing me.... how about you SB. How many and when?

Nobody's going anywhere, everything is fine. Stay focused on the Fall-Big-Money-Payout-Contest we implemented this week to give you all a little added incentive to end the year $trong. We're confident I, oops, I mean we will make our goal as a division.

Hold your hosrses kiddies, this will be well worth the wait. SB and friends have been working the phones trying to keep this from happening, but with no success. Too little too late SB. You have built a house of cards and the entire PAH community has no respect or regard for you and your two drones Biff and Stiff. Those two are poor excuses for leaders, but then again it starts at the top.

So much for "No Negative" turrnover. Watch and see how many leave in the next few months.

Wow,wow, wow, all this on the heals of our uplifting meeting in Denver. RING this Gilead! Gilead is a joke. To all the new folks: this place is smoke and mirrors. Take what you can from it, but be cautious and keep you eyes and ears open. You will soon see how disfunctional it really is. Watch how the message is spun. It will be like a shell game or three card monty. Maybe DW will even play an organ-grinder while JG dances.

Wow,wow, wow, all this on the heals of our uplifting meeting in Denver. RING this Gilead! Gilead is a joke. To all the new folks: this place is smoke and mirrors. Take what you can from it, but be cautious and keep you eyes and ears open. You will soon see how disfunctional it really is. Watch how the message is spun. It will be like a shell game or three card monty. Maybe DW will even play an organ-grinder while JG dances.

I'm sure they will offer money and options, but this time they will not be able to buy back the latest to leave. DW and JG have to be worried. SB is still trying to figure out what the hell just happened and KY is saying who the bloody cares, just get another body in there I can verbally beat up, immediately, or else your fired. There are hundreds lined up for their positions.

what happened to KD from Minnesota? I heard she was on medical leave and then they hire 2 new people, one of which is calling on Mayo. Did she replace KD?

So NO ONE knows what happend to KD iin Minnesota? The way whe talked Gilead would sink without her, and now she hasn't been around for a while and things here are looking up for Letairis.

Yep everybody sit tight and see how many Gileads flee this poor excuse of a joint. SB will look like a bigger jerkoff than he is. What will JG and DW do? How can they spin losing good folks? Isn't retention of top RD's and sales force part of being good management. Guess they didn't learn that. Hey JG- pull out a book and teach your cronies.

Great job SB and DW! You were able to clear out a couple more of those unethical Scios people and with SR you get the Daily Double since she was one of those Myogen rebels. Now, things will turn around. They never even got a chance to witness some RING selling, to bad for them. Its a shame they didn't make it until the end of the month so they could collect the grand for LabSync attainment. They may reconsider once they realize they left the Tango $300 on the table. You guys are the best, can we have another POA soon PLEEEEEEEASE?