PAH Team Turnover is..

Greed is an amazing motivator, I know many people currently at Gilead that are miserable but are still hanging in there because like it or not the money is good for what we have to put up with. I have threatened to leave multiple times after listening to my Rd's BS(which I know he is being forced to shove down our throats), but until I get one more year of vesting I really don't want to leave the money on the table. However, it is frustrating knowing i'm busting my ass, and a buddy that I trained with out on the East coast has it easy because his RD never comes out with him, or when he does it's for lunch. My RD is up my ass for 2 full days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greed is an amazing motivator, I know many people currently at Gilead that are miserable but are still hanging in there because like it or not the money is good for what we have to put up with. I have threatened to leave multiple times after listening to my Rd's BS(which I know he is being forced to shove down our throats), but until I get one more year of vesting I really don't want to leave the money on the table. However, it is frustrating knowing i'm busting my ass, and a buddy that I trained with out on the East coast has it easy because his RD never comes out with him, or when he does it's for lunch. My RD is up my ass for 2 full days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who are obviously trying to stir the pot. Get a life.

Love me do...

Greed is an amazing motivator, I know many people currently at Gilead that are miserable but are still hanging in there because like it or not the money is good for what we have to put up with. I have threatened to leave multiple times after listening to my Rd's BS(which I know he is being forced to shove down our throats), but until I get one more year of vesting I really don't want to leave the money on the table. However, it is frustrating knowing i'm busting my ass, and a buddy that I trained with out on the East coast has it easy because his RD never comes out with him, or when he does it's for lunch. My RD is up my ass for 2 full days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go cram it up your ass jerkoff. quit complaining and work. you can't get no satisfaction...

Greed is an amazing motivator, I know many people currently at Gilead that are miserable but are still hanging in there because like it or not the money is good for what we have to put up with. I have threatened to leave multiple times after listening to my Rd's BS(which I know he is being forced to shove down our throats), but until I get one more year of vesting I really don't want to leave the money on the table. However, it is frustrating knowing i'm busting my ass, and a buddy that I trained with out on the East coast has it easy because his RD never comes out with him, or when he does it's for lunch. My RD is up my ass for 2 full days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a loser and not what you appear to be!!!! Now go cry your whiny self to sleep, if you weren't so immature you wouldn't have to be babysat for two days in a row. WAAAAA WAAAA

You are a loser and not what you appear to be!!!! Now go cry your whiny self to sleep, if you weren't so immature you wouldn't have to be babysat for two days in a row. WAAAAA WAAAA

Obviously your RD is playing the game and not being Micro managed. Mine is he rides with all of us 2 back to back days. Told us thats what they are told by KY and SB to oversee. My RD told me they used to have to send their schedules in to home office, and got smacked around if they din't have a certain % of fields days back to back. So F*&k yourself, not just me thats what they are being told to do. You must be working in one of the districts that the RD is playing the game, and just scaming the FCR's, probly like you do with your calls.

Obviously little girl, you and your RD are tight since he is letting you in on upper managements field ride policy. We all have our RD's ride with us for 2 days sometimes. If you worked your accounts and had the relationships you should, well then you wouldn't be all concerned about a "dog n pony show" for your RD would ya. So Jude, take your allegations of fake FCR's and shovem up ur Abbey Road. Now get to work an clean up all that used kleenex in ur car.

Look at you now Patrick. No where to go, trapped like the rat that you are. You have jumped onto your last lilly pad and its sinking by the day. All those people, supposed good friends, that you stabbed cold heartedly in the back. They're all watching and waiting. . You've caused hurt in more ways than one.

This POA should be an excellent place to network and find the next big pharma opportunity to move to after this one. I hope someone can help me put into words on my resume the cluster***k I consider the last two years.

Look at you now Patrick. No where to go, trapped like the rat that you are. You have jumped onto your last lilly pad and its sinking by the day. All those people, supposed good friends, that you stabbed cold heartedly in the back. They're all watching and waiting. . You've caused hurt in more ways than one.

So true/ heard he's done this in all his past lives as well..

Hey JG and DW nice job of retaining your talent. How will you and your daddy SB explain this one to the sales force? Something like this perhaps: It was our plan all along to have a greater than 50% turnover within our RD ranks within two years post launch. Rumor is that a few RDs are considering the Walmart management program as an alternative to this house of mirrors.

DW, will you be covering all of your open regions? You have such "outstanding" relationships with the customers in the northeast. I am sure they will appreciate seeing you again.