PAH Team Turnover is..

Believe it or not, there are a number of great sales representatives still in the PH salesforce, but those numbers will dwindle as we depart to better opportunities where we are regarded as adults and treated with respect and trust. While I don't think all of Gilead divisions treats field sales with such disdain, the buck has to stop somewhere for the disaster that is the PH division.

Anyway, I'm almost out of here and while I don't want to disclose where I am going, I do want to let people know there are some opportunities out there. Astella and Genzyme are just two companies for which I've been contacted. Yes, there's a great many unemployed sales reps in our industry at this time with whom to compete, yet if you're anything like me, you're desperate to find something new. I'm taking a small step back in base, but my family and sanity won't suffer anymore. Hope to see some of you on the other side. Good luck!

Believe it or not, there are a number of great sales representatives still in the PH salesforce, but those numbers will dwindle as we depart to better opportunities where we are regarded as adults and treated with respect and trust. While I don't think all of Gilead divisions treats field sales with such disdain, the buck has to stop somewhere for the disaster that is the PH division.

Anyway, I'm almost out of here and while I don't want to disclose where I am going, I do want to let people know there are some opportunities out there. Astella and Genzyme are just two companies for which I've been contacted. Yes, there's a great many unemployed sales reps in our industry at this time with whom to compete, yet if you're anything like me, you're desperate to find something new. I'm taking a small step back in base, but my family and sanity won't suffer anymore. Hope to see some of you on the other side. Good luck!

Why would you leave this gig, you don't really have to work, the RD's are afraid to fart without getting special permission. and HR is so busy trying to shield the company from lawsuits that we are free to enjoy the summer.

Why does the "So secure in his position at Gilead" RD from the PA area keep getting his post removed? Is he special? Is he above all the rules he breaks and the employees he has screwed over? It is driving him nuts just wondering who post this about him. There are too many people who hate you and disrespect you that you have no idea which one of us it is. All I know is you will be gone before I am....I got too much on you to f w/me.

"Watch my back"....Wow, how times change. In the good ole days, you assured your team "I got your back, no matter what", now the little army is out hunting..It is interesting to see how a little pressure shows someone's true being..Watch the clock it is ticking for you... Tick, tock, tick, tock,....Your days are numbered. I will still be here looking like a star!

From my last numbers report, you are leading them right into the basement..keep up the strong work.

Ouch!!!!! His region really has plummeted down since the realignment. Lost strong area (NY) and picked up area that has been in the tank since beginning (Cleve,Pitt). Not sure that it's all his fault, although I have heard that he looked good because he picked up NY from last year then lost it. I'd work for him, word on the street is you don't see him much, one of the boys, and from whar I've seen at meetings a good guy.

McCrink is gone..I am here, PZ will be will be good.. For the last post, the wool is over your eyes, he is not good to work for. He will document against you even though he never rides with you. He licks Dave balls every opportunity he gets. Don't trust him, he is dangerous.

McCrink is gone..I am here, PZ will be will be good.. For the last post, the wool is over your eyes, he is not good to work for. He will document against you even though he never rides with you. He licks Dave balls every opportunity he gets. Don't trust him, he is dangerous.

When he is gone it will be on his own accord. Lets be honest, most of us think this place is a joke. If you didnt get along with him it is on you. As one of his many friends says...GFY

Really? He doesn't protect his reps like the fearless leader he claims to be. He will be your best buddy and then if his boss comes down on him you better watch out! He will have you GONE. He is always looking to point the finger at someone. He has forced some of the most solid reps we had OUT of this company....just look at the past year and his track record. Not to mention he is about the bigget gossip everyone has ever known. Can't keep his mouth of lies shut. He belongs back in high school...not as a leader of this company.