PAH Team Turnover is..

Really? He doesn't protect his reps like the fearless leader he claims to be. He will be your best buddy and then if his boss comes down on him you better watch out! He will have you GONE. He is always looking to point the finger at someone. He has forced some of the most solid reps we had OUT of this company....just look at the past year and his track record. Not to mention he is about the bigget gossip everyone has ever known. Can't keep his mouth of lies shut. He belongs back in high school...not as a leader of this company.

Are you sure you aren't talking about JH?

Are you sure you aren't talking about JH?

WOW! Spot on brother, that guy is an ASSCLOWN! Typical robotic drone, can only think and do what he is told. Perhaps that's really what they want here as part of the Third Reich, ooops I mean Gilead. We are all in line for the showers. Now keep on marching! You are working for the best and brightest! Ja Wohl, Mein Fuher, Heir Young!

I hear we're bowling for Columbine when we're not roleplaying at the upcoming POA, or as SB calls it "Pounding On Asses".

Imagine the turnover in this division if there was somewhere to go.

Bonus check? This is a salaried job. Management collects the bonuses and drives the business here, brooom brooom, drive away management. Hey, what happened to the LEAP contest? Was it eaten by the new TANGO and Concur? I heard that Jeff V will be giving us a subcutaneous chip implant at the Denver meeting so we can be monitored at all times. You were warned a while back about this guy and all the others. GILEAD=BIG PHARMA and guess what - if you have an IS you are selling in a pod, plain and simple. Also, for those looking from the outside, here is more terminology: RD = DM (district manager for those born and bred at Gilead); an SRD is actually a Regional Manager; TS = Primary Care Rep (yep for those who came here as Hospital/Specialty Reps you were demeaned i mean demoted, your past success actually means nothing here, life begins anew at Gilead; IS = Hospital/Specialty Rep (not manager for those in the midwest). Last but not least, if it says biopharmaceuticals it means pharmaceuticals, not biologics. This is a pharmaceutical company. It is run by a funny little man with a funny little accent whose dentist is from the former Soviet Union. Due to the amount of mercury that has leached into his system, from aforementioned dental work, and has rendered him with a behavioral problem that all know but all are afraid to address. Hey, I thought we were about managerial courage here!

Bonus check? This is a salaried job. Management collects the bonuses and drives the business here, brooom brooom, drive away management. Hey, what happened to the LEAP contest? Was it eaten by the new TANGO and Concur? I heard that Jeff V will be giving us a subcutaneous chip implant at the Denver meeting so we can be monitored at all times. You were warned a while back about this guy and all the others. GILEAD=BIG PHARMA and guess what - if you have an IS you are selling in a pod, plain and simple. Also, for those looking from the outside, here is more terminology: RD = DM (district manager for those born and bred at Gilead); an SRD is actually a Regional Manager; TS = Primary Care Rep (yep for those who came here as Hospital/Specialty Reps you were demeaned i mean demoted, your past success actually means nothing here, life begins anew at Gilead; IS = Hospital/Specialty Rep (not manager for those in the midwest). Last but not least, if it says biopharmaceuticals it means pharmaceuticals, not biologics. This is a pharmaceutical company. It is run by a funny little man with a funny little accent whose dentist is from the former Soviet Union. Due to the amount of mercury that has leached into his system, from aforementioned dental work, and has rendered him with a behavioral problem that all know but all are afraid to address. Hey, I thought we were about managerial courage here!

Bravo! Captain, my Captain...

This fellow with the accent, he dreams of just being known by one name, like Sting or Bono. What a poser - what rain forest or continent are you trying to save? Of the millions you have, what cause or charity do you make significant contributions? Other than taking credit for the blood, sweat and tears of the current and past hard work of Gilead employees what do you contribute? Either you're part of the problem, you're part of the solution or you're just part of the landscape. Keyoungo is a troubled shrubery.

Here's what I have never understood as an employee of the sales division...IF PZ is so bad, why does he have reps eating out of his hands???? MG was so far up PZ's ass, he couldn't see the light of day.....what is it about PZ's influence that just draw them in to pZ???? Is it money??? what IS it???? BC none of us seem to understand how reps like MG cannot see right through PZ!!!!!

Here's what I have never understood as an employee of the sales division...IF PZ is so bad, why does he have reps eating out of his hands???? MG was so far up PZ's ass, he couldn't see the light of day.....what is it about PZ's influence that just draw them in to pZ???? Is it money??? what IS it???? BC none of us seem to understand how reps like MG cannot see right through PZ!!!!!

Because MG and some other really know him. Please get a life and don't concern yourself with trivial matters....and they are trivial...grow up!

What is Gilead stock currently priced at? What are we currently purchasing it for through ESPP? Oh yeah and we should be thankful for what bonus check amount. Don't worry about it. Right