PAH Team Turnover is..

How can SB still be running this division? Isn't it time that Gilead makes him accountable for his short-comings? Look at how many RDs have left. No one wants to work for him.

How can SB still be running this division? Isn't it time that Gilead makes him accountable for his short-comings? Look at how many RDs have left. No one wants to work for him.

The trick is not how well you have performed but, how you present how well you have performed. Gilead is a Potemkin Village. If anyone thinks that Gilead stock will repeat it's performance prior to the CP Launch, you are dreaming. Even if there is a massive flu outbreak the ceiling has almost been reached. The pipeline is a "pipe dream", but when your CEO is ranked #4 in compensation (per Forbes), how concerned is he really with the direction of his ship. He's made his money and then some (why he could buy a small country if he so wishes and solve world hunger).

The trick is not how well you have performed but, how you present how well you have performed. Gilead is a Potemkin Village. If anyone thinks that Gilead stock will repeat it's performance prior to the CP Launch, you are dreaming. Even if there is a massive flu outbreak the ceiling has almost been reached. The pipeline is a "pipe dream", but when your CEO is ranked #4 in compensation (per Forbes), how concerned is he really with the direction of his ship. He's made his money and then some (why he could buy a small country if he so wishes and solve world hunger).

When you become overconfident and out of touch with what has been going on in the trenches, you are only increasing the speed on the path to disaster. The "M" in JM does not stand for Midas. JM, "YOUR" castle may only shrink from the eminent disaster that is the CP division but peoples homes will be leveled from your (mis)guidance. It's time to step in and take the reigns of this company from the imbalanced task master.

Jim, Ignore this childish chatter, everything is fine in PAH we've shed a few slackers over the years, but everything is A-OK. I'm, we are on my, our way to making my, our goal. Thanks for all your support. Regards, Scott

The secret to his success is not RING but "Shake and Bake". Just ask his favorite boys, Walker and Texas Ranger. I just talked with all them boys yesterday.

Yes please help all of the poor saps who have to listen to "shake and Bake" and other cb radio talk. Also--did you ever notice the ticks--it's like tourettes without the bad language!

Wow,wow, wow, all this on the heals of our uplifting meeting in Denver. RING this Gilead! Gilead is a joke. To all the new folks: this place is smoke and mirrors. Take what you can from it, but be cautious and keep you eyes and ears open. You will soon see how disfunctional it really is. Watch how the message is spun. It will be like a shell game or three card monty. Maybe DW will even play an organ-grinder while JG dances.

What a stunning and appropriate visual--although keep in mind that DW will be playing bon jovi and JH(with his sports jacket on) will be in the front row with his lighter on for that show! Thanks, I needed a good laugh!

Is there anyone not trying to leave this hell? I heard superstar TD is even cramming for a possible drug test.
Nah-- he doesn't need to worry about passing a drug test. If they use the hair test he can always blame inconsistencies/false positives on the the number of times and variety of chemical processes he uses on his hair. Seriously-- backstreet boys might be back- but you are not part of the group! Stop highlighting your hair!

Nah-- he doesn't need to worry about passing a drug test. If they use the hair test he can always blame inconsistencies/false positives on the the number of times and variety of chemical processes he uses on his hair. Seriously-- backstreet boys might be back- but you are not part of the group! Stop highlighting your hair!

Tim D is sooooooooo creepy. But, he fits in well with this dysfunctional company. And really, he doesn't need to worry about the drug test...Gilead doesn't test anyone. If they did, most in the home office would be canned.

I can sense the sarcasm of the last poster. For those who can not- the Q3 number was missed for PAH. The good news is that the investment community could care less about PAH. They have and continue to view that purchase and the more recent one with great skepticism.

The PAH sales force is in jeopardy of loosing quite a few more reps AND rds in the very near out SB, DW, and Camel Breath... Hey Karen, how can you deal with his breath???

Tim D is sooooooooo creepy. But, he fits in well with this dysfunctional company. And really, he doesn't need to worry about the drug test...Gilead doesn't test anyone. If they did, most in the home office would be canned.

Day is worse than creepy. Try heebie jeebies. He's an arrogant and lucky glorified rep. Just go away Day.