Novartis Oncology Layoffs

The hematology structure listed is correct going from four reps to two per territory, however the oncology sales force is going to three reps and will have an overlay position. There will not be a equal number of reps between hematology and oncology however the geographys are designed to mimic each other.

If you know this to be true, then why so long to inform everyone?

Because the basic structure is set regarding number of reps and etc but what has not been released is the maps which show the particular territories and then who will fill these positions. Managers get the info on the 26, 27th and calls with reps on 28th

Any updates? Timeline?

I’m hearing magic # 8 per manager. Not sure how accurate that is? This waiting is ridiculous.

Love how we are getting emails about planning programs for 2019.

The severance packages would have to be huge. In the past they have offered the packages before the layoff, reduction, whatever and virtually eliminated anyone having to be let go. We have a pending deal to finally get rid of Alcon and sell it. $35 billion is approximate. With that coming in why lay us off? We have been carrying the company for a long time so how does this make sense.
Waiting by the phone is demoralizing, mass/primary market. Not the way to treat Specialty teams that have over contributed. Thats my 2 cents, be waiting by the phone for the holidays. X

Territories will be smaller. Hem reps will have all 3 products - probably Tasigna/Promacta with Rydapt 3rd. I doubt anyone will have a mirror counterpart. I thought the call was ridiculous since she told us nothing and we already knew the timelines!

Interesting. So each territory will only have 1 rep covering all three products?

Territories will be smaller. Hem reps will have all 3 products - probably Tasigna/Promacta with Rydapt 3rd. I doubt anyone will have a mirror counterpart. I thought the call was ridiculous since she told us nothing and we already knew the timelines!

What do you mean by you doubt anyone will have a “mirror” counterpart? It would be stupid for them to only have one rep per terr covering all 3 products.

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