Novartis Oncology Layoffs

What do you mean by you doubt anyone will have a “mirror” counterpart? It would be stupid for them to only have one rep per terr covering all 3 products.
It's hard to say for sure, but what the Hem people in my area were told was that we would go from 4 in a little POD to 2 maybe 3. And have more products, so essentially you'd have a small territory (they said base it off how your breast counterpart geography is) and then you'd just cover that geography on your own. We don't think it will be the same everywhere due to more volume and also academic centers in some geographies.

Just curious does anyone think that solid tumor or breast folks will be placed into the hematology territories?

Or is each division doing their own thing? They said they wanted to keep the continuity but not sure if I believe that.

I would find it highly unlikely that they would move a solid tumor/breast representative over to the hematology division. Unless there was a specific opening. That would be opening them up to lawsuit ......Meaning letting a hematology rep go replacing them with a solid tumor person.

Does anyone know the business rules on how the decision is based upon who is placed and who is displaced? From a former employer, the rules included place of residency as compared to center of territory, performance ratings for past few years, base salaries. Any opinions?

In Hem it’s going to come down to where you live in relationship to the new territory map and what products are you trained on. Each territory is most likely going to have 1 Tasigna rep and one Promacta rep. Ultimately both people will be trained on both products. Unfortunately that most likely means any territory currently covered by a Hem 1,2,3 and 4 is going to lose one 1-2 and one 3-4. Good luck everyone. Happy Holidays

In Hem it’s going to come down to where you live in relationship to the new territory map and what products are you trained on. Each territory is most likely going to have 1 Tasigna rep and one Promacta rep. Ultimately both people will be trained on both products. Unfortunately that most likely means any territory currently covered by a Hem 1,2,3 and 4 is going to lose one 1-2 and one 3-4. Good luck everyone. Happy Holidays

Thanks for the insight. What about changes in size of territory?

Poster on 1 tasigna, 1 promatica is incorrect.

1. Does current reps live in new geography?
2. Last 3 years of performance, not counting this year.
If all that equal, then they will look at a combination of a couple of things..
In no order ...
Where in new territory map
What products trained and
Tenure with company. But those are only used if there are reps in the territory that are still equal after the first 2 criteria. In other words if you have 2 of the 4 hem reps who have better numbers last 3 years, it wont matter what product they are trained.

Good luck everyone

That’s a 50 percent reduction per full heme team if your correct. Not good.

Not really. Considering there are already 16 open positions and another 10-15 Hem reps went to SEG I’d say about 30% of remaining reps are at risk. Early retirement will also end up being a bigger number than people realize. Onc is a whole other story. They have not been managing their openings well, not to mention they were already way over staffed. Hem territories will likely get a little smaller and there will be more of them and Onc territories will get a little larger and there will be fewer of them. In the end Onc and Hem will be much better aligned. It’s been a long time coming. There are too many Novartis reps competing with one another for lunches and appointments. We will be a stronger company when the dust settles. Good luck everyone.

Poster on 1 tasigna, 1 promatica is incorrect.

1. Does current reps live in new geography?
2. Last 3 years of performance, not counting this year.
If all that equal, then they will look at a combination of a couple of things..
In no order ...
Where in new territory map
What products trained and
Tenure with company. But those are only used if there are reps in the territory that are still equal after the first 2 criteria. In other words if you have 2 of the 4 hem reps who have better numbers last 3 years, it wont matter what product they are trained.

Good luck everyone

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