Novartis oncology re-org

Finally, I comment by someone who actually seems to know what they are talking about. Thank you!

that does make sense, especially since we typically have a national meeting in September- be interesting to see how that shapes up

You will know all changes by Sept 23 at the latest, you will then either be training for 6-8 weeks depending upon how long the curriculum takes (still in process) or you will be paid not in the field until end of January at which time your severance would kick in (2 weeks for every year). Good luck

I heard moving of reps to other areas of the company like cardio and immunology which are lean and actually need more reps.
I feel this is going to be a bloodbath. They have no direction on the oncology front at all ever since Suzanne left I think things have gone to hell in a handbasket but what do I know I’m AAA and they’re letting everybody go.

I feel this is going to be a bloodbath. They have no direction on the oncology front at all ever since Suzanne left I think things have gone to hell in a handbasket but what do I know I’m AAA and they’re letting everybody go.

AAA is getting let go? Or are you referencing the NET team that was already cut

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