Nice to see that people are finally speaking out about the chain to the top..Every location that I know of is working so short staffed that there is no way they can keep up. Everyone is gettin burnt out, yet the RM and above do not care. The demands for the the locations without enough staff is horrendous. It is totally impossible to do what is asked of them..There used to be smooth running locations that delivered quality care until the upper levels had to get involved. If they would only get their feet dirty for two weeks in a location and work side by side with the understaffed locations they would see. You can not drop in for an hour an take a look around and throw out their scenerios of how they would handle something. Their blinders need to come off, the grids and reports and demands need to be lessened. What happened to the huge banners that were sent out to all locations."We care about patient care". There were hand outs by the hundreds with that statement given out.
What happened to this company? All it is now is a numbers company and if you dont meet those numbers you had better plan on the dreaded threats and write ups. Oh yes Renee, you can pretend how you care, but the people who really know you, can see through that goody two shoes smile and annoying voice.
Yes the fear factor is great because of the constant write up threats...If you dont do this you have 3-4 write ups then you are out the door..HOWEVER it only applies to certain indivuals. Renee has her chosen few that if the goals werent acheived, the write ups never came or if they did they were swept under that nasty carpet where other threats with this company lay.