
The responses so far are immature and worthless just like this company that I am so fond of and work so hard for.

I wish there was more value in this blog with real information vs the butchism.
Please respond only if you have something worthwhile to say.
This is your favorite LCM speaking now.

I do not know why the moderator continues to let all of the sexual preference talk go on..There are special websites for the people who give a sh@@t about it.Most of us dont even bother to read the crap.

1. Who can answer how productive all the grids are???They are a time consuming waste of time. If corporate always knows the numbers why take valuable time from the LCMS and SRs to plug in names and lie about the results to make the RMs happy..These grids are falsified information to keep the heat off, but take an excessive amount of time.

2. PSTS are constantly put in compromising situtations, changing settings on life sustaining pieces of equipment because there is not Rt on board that will travel to help a fellow location out..So you would all hope that patient was not your family member.

3. Agree, how many times does the referral source want the same material presented to them..If it didnt work the first time, why would it the third time..I have worked in the office environment and you sales reps are the biggest thorn in their side. Why do you think they very seldom do lunches or inservices? They know your company cant give the care that the others can and that you are just after a number..You are a nuisance.

4. But they are happy that you are given $400.00 a month to buy them snacks, and chocolate etc because the drug reps no longer do.

kudos to you for letting everyone know that the stupid comments of butch and sexual stuff has no place here.

This is a place for the workers to tell the truth and maybe it will fall on the deaf ears of management.

You speak the truth about the sales reps lack of ability to generate sales based on the limited resources provided and the lack of the location to provide what the sales rep promises.
The pst work under tyranical pressure in 10 year old vans delivering Oxy and change setting and trying to sell scooters to those that really do not need.
Pulse oximeters to patients that really do not need them and trying to convince Pulmonologist how to practice medicine.

Sales reps trying to compete in the sleep apnea market with poor to no resources.
Why is the turn-over of sales rep 40% per year?

LCM= spend hours following corporate policy and useless conference calls that do not add to increased sales or any effeciecies.

We need to let the management know the real truth.

Enough of this "Ghadfi" type rules. Let the workers of the work revolt against tyrany.

Someone please forward to management to let them know over 3000 people have viewed the views of the workers about the tyrany of Rotech. Let the truth be heard.

Good job butch. Steer attention towards rotech policies, the same policies which keep a worthless employee like you around, which greatly brings down the numbers in our area.
Before one decides to argue the merits of what corporate decides to do to remain competitive, one needs to look at the character of the people implementing those plans. Otherwise, no use discussing anything further.

You know the last message really angers me....I am not butch...No intention of ever being so..I am making a judgement call that you are a certain female RM that cannot stand when the facts are being told..YOU are the one that constantly tries to change what is being said, because you do not have a loyal following and you are the reason there are so many dissatisfied employees..But this is nothing new because I had read all the discontent for years coming from your division..With you initals being posted many times...Go ahead write me up!!

Some of you need to get your facts straight. Truth be told "Teijin" is looking to sell off PPS piece by piece BEFORE the end of the last quarter of 2011. read the W.S.J, look whats happening overseas, see how many employees of PPS have left, are leaving , laid off, and are about to be laid off.
As for Rotech? Who knows. There are major changes occuring in the industry, if they don't try to keep up they WILL be left behind.

Finally someone with some truth, as well as some common sense!

There is one particular RM in NE and Mid Atlantic that has the sensitivity of a stone. In addition, her lacky CZ is a lap dog that is scared silly of her every move. In fact, on conference calls RM secreatly listens in to monitor cz's every word. How's that for trust in your special lap dog.

There is one particular RM in NE and Mid Atlantic that has the sensitivity of a stone. In addition, her lacky CZ is a lap dog that is scared silly of her every move. In fact, on conference calls RM secreatly listens in to monitor cz's every word. How's that for trust in your special lap dog.

You must have missed the "update" a couple of months ago....Craig is no longer an AM. For you to come on and state that Renee is "listening in" as if it is going on now, not true. Not happening on the calls she is doing w/her AM's. Other calls maybe??? Who cares. Heck for that matter, YOU can listen in too. Anyone that has access to those lines w/the codes can call in and listen.

kudos to you for letting everyone know that the stupid comments of butch and sexual stuff has no place here.

This is a place for the workers to tell the truth and maybe it will fall on the deaf ears of management.

You speak the truth about the sales reps lack of ability to generate sales based on the limited resources provided and the lack of the location to provide what the sales rep promises.
The pst work under tyranical pressure in 10 year old vans delivering Oxy and change setting and trying to sell scooters to those that really do not need.
Pulse oximeters to patients that really do not need them and trying to convince Pulmonologist how to practice medicine.

Sales reps trying to compete in the sleep apnea market with poor to no resources.
Why is the turn-over of sales rep 40% per year?

LCM= spend hours following corporate policy and useless conference calls that do not add to increased sales or any effeciecies.

We need to let the management know the real truth.

Enough of this "Ghadfi" type rules. Let the workers of the work revolt against tyrany.

Someone please forward to management to let them know over 3000 people have viewed the views of the workers about the tyrany of Rotech. Let the truth be heard.

Gesh, what area of Rotech Land do you all work. It's not in my area. Our PST's are to busy out there getting their personal errands done for the bulk of the day and not doing their job. Then the poor things need to get in a little bit of OT to catch up. But that is ok, they just leave early on Friday's to flex it out. Making a nice weekend for them. Being protected by their LCM the entire time. They also seem to be some of the "lucky" ones. By what you describe other PST's do. This group refuse to do quite a few of those jobs. Get away with it too.

But, it is just like any other place you work at, not just Rotech, there are a few in any group that tend to get away with stuff and the others do the bulk of the work.

Just seems to be a bit overdone at Rotech Land.

You must have missed the "update" a couple of months ago....Craig is no longer an AM. For you to come on and state that Renee is "listening in" as if it is going on now, not true. Not happening on the calls she is doing w/her AM's. Other calls maybe??? Who cares. Heck for that matter, YOU can listen in too. Anyone that has access to those lines w/the codes can call in and listen.

Many times have the conference calls with the AM been monitored with Renee sitting "quietly" in the background..But you could always tell, when she was on because the whole disccussion would be different, or you would be shot an email..careful what you say. She is looking for any reason for that famous,"write whomever up or start disciplenary actions." She doesnt want the truth, what worked in her "hayday" doesnt work any longer. She needs to get out there and see what it is really like...But what I find more discouraging is the lack of care the patients receive.

Many times have the conference calls with the AM been monitored with Renee sitting "quietly" in the background..But you could always tell, when she was on because the whole disccussion would be different, or you would be shot an email..careful what you say. She is looking for any reason for that famous,"write whomever up or start disciplenary actions." She doesnt want the truth, what worked in her "hayday" doesnt work any longer. She needs to get out there and see what it is really like...But what I find more discouraging is the lack of care the patients receive.

Oh yea, have to agree there. The tone is totally different when they know someone is listening. It's funny to hear stuff when some are on the phone too.

You would think they were up for an Oscar when talking to her. The LCM's just need to tell her the truth and get it over with. It would start the ball rolling, if nothing else...then maybe the patient's can be taken care of while the growth happens too.

Sounds to simplistic though, doesn't it.

There are enough complaints about Renee and Rotech. Is there something illegal we may have a class action suit against this company. Keep on posting what you believe is illegal action against employees such as discrimatory action, glass ceiling for promotion, sexual harrasment, invasion of privacy, no pay for overtime, no compensation for on call on weekends for PSTs, etc.

With a company that is so poorly run, I am sure we can find something to give my lawyers.

I have a discrimination issue. I'm a lesbian who also happens to be an lcm. Corporate won't hire me a marketer anymore, and every time a driver quits, I have to drive for months before hiring someone new in addition to handling my lcm duties.

Just because corporate will not hire someone for you--or quick enough, that's not discrimination. I would venture to say that corporate must be instead, extremely anti-discriminatory simply due to the fact that they keep your carcass employed.

And T H A T is how you tell the "butch/jerry" crowd in a clear manner !

If 1/2 the stuff goes on in that store the old employees can not seem to talk about enough on here...well let's face it, even Rotech would step in. Go back to Yahoo boards kiddies and leave this board to the grown up's.

Better yet, do what others have suggest and start your own board. Then the right and left side of your brain can continue to argue w/the rest of you.

Working OT w/out pay is a big one in an area that I know of.

Wow, you have it all wrong and have obviously not been around long. THIS is the kiddie board and Yahoo is the grown up board. This place is WAY more wacked in the discussions then Yahoo's will ever be or ever has been!

Wow, you have it all wrong and have obviously not been around long. THIS is the kiddie board and Yahoo is the grown up board. This place is WAY more wacked in the discussions then Yahoo's will ever be or ever has been!

Hmmm seems like maybe a couple of the older threads need to be read. The "butch" name is over on the Yahoo board. Something about dating young women by the LCM that claims she is a woman and other items that have no real thought process behind them. How sad this is a bad one too.

How sad they can not hold a real converstation or continue to prevent them from happening. They should start their own little discussion board so they can let it out of their system.

Maybe things will get a little bit better w/the stock going up. Or else give them even more incentive to tighten the screws for even more blood.

There are enough complaints about Renee and Rotech. Is there something illegal we may have a class action suit against this company. Keep on posting what you believe is illegal action against employees such as discrimatory action, glass ceiling for promotion, sexual harrasment, invasion of privacy, no pay for overtime, no compensation for on call on weekends for PSTs, etc.

With a company that is so poorly run, I am sure we can find something to give my lawyers.

If only more people would open up about the treatment given by this certain RM..I think all would be surprised...As said before she cannot tolerate being in last place every month..What I dont understand is why she is not written up..

If only more people would open up about the treatment given by this certain RM..I think all would be surprised...As said before she cannot tolerate being in last place every month..What I dont understand is why she is not written up..

Maybe the reason is this simple....she really has not done anything...but Xpect the employees to do the job they are paid to do. A job that most have not been doing up until now. ???

Maybe she expects the impossible from some...She has locations working so short staffed that it is impossible to carry to workload and do all the reports that she delegates to make her life easier for all her reporting. These useless grids and time consuming reports so that she can make her bonuses arent accomplishing what this company was created for.

Your grandmother and mine that needs good quality care from a company that has competent employees. Not employees that have no formal training yet are expected to make life decisions for the patient and change the settings on their machine. I can't see how they could live with themselves when someone dies because of a wrong decision made by a pst. It is written in policy and procedures of what to do or not to do..but with the staffing of locations many psts and csrs are putting the patient in jeopardy. Many psts and csrs are told to change settings, because we all no there are not Rts that are willing to help out.

She has had locations that were working as hard as they could and making a difference in the patients quality of healthcare, but when she doesnt like or want you around she will make sure that you are gone..then the short staffed location has to take on your job also. Makes perfect sense. Work short staffed, overtime that you are told to flex their time instead of paying OT. Send them out in vehicles that have out lived their safety. There is no pride of ownership when you look at the vehicles on the road for Rotech.

Such a sad concept Rotech is

Thank you on the best summary yet of the definition of what "poor management" looks liike.

We all understand her (RM) business challenges with few resources. However, with that in mind, She is the poster child for poor management and poor communication style. She has a very demeaning communication style. She is the Queen of "Write-ups".
She does not understand that you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.

The whole organization needs a "make-over".

This organization is a clasic "train wreck" that has been studied in Universities as what not to do with an organization.

The only problem Rotech does not know they are bad. Blame it on top management of Phil. The board needs to replace this guy.

Let's spend our time informing the board instead of wasting our time chating here.
Let's try to make a difference with the board becasue LCM, AM, RM are all part of the problem and not the solution.