
Hmmm seems like maybe a couple of the older threads need to be read. The "butch" name is over on the Yahoo board. Something about dating young women by the LCM that claims she is a woman and other items that have no real thought process behind them. How sad this is a bad one too.

How sad they can not hold a real converstation or continue to prevent them from happening. They should start their own little discussion board so they can let it out of their system.

Maybe things will get a little bit better w/the stock going up. Or else give them even more incentive to tighten the screws for even more blood.

Disingenuous. Think about it. While butch is a product of poor Rotech management that is allowed to continue indefinitely, you come on here and discredit what is pointed out concerning "bad management". Short of that location posting some numbers here (ie. growth), my opinion will remain BAD ROTECH MANAGEMENT.

Once this thread starts to have some constructive dialog about the management someone comes along to divert the attention right back to Butch and Jerry..

Did anyone happen to ponder the idea that it is certain management that is constantly bringing this back around everytime the heat is on them.

Could be why that little blonde looks a little butchy herself, and feels the need to be such a tryant, could be "little B" syndrome..

Once this thread starts to have some constructive dialog about the management someone comes along to divert the attention right back to Butch and Jerry..

Did anyone happen to ponder the idea that it is certain management that is constantly bringing this back around everytime the heat is on them.

Could be why that little blonde looks a little butchy herself, and feels the need to be such a tryant, could be "little B" syndrome..

Softball season just around the corner. Calling butch and friends

Speak-up George.... You are the AM we want to hear from and not Renee...We are all Listening intently.... Please let us know what you really are thinking about....and please no more Butchisms...we are tired and worn-out hearing about this...try something interesting. We Really want to know.

Me too...... Strap it on, lets go at it!!!

Renee isn't going anywhere. She's a female over 40 which is like Kryptonite to HR. The blame has to go much higher as in the self absorbed DVP who makes it so obvious that he was good enough to sell himself through a couple of upper level interviews to get the job, but hasn't gotta clue on how to own his territory or manage his RM's or AM's. Renee's a product of her environment...its very evident that transparency as well as incompetency doesn't fall far from the tree.

Well said, as near as I can figure out TM just sits there and constantly monitors spread sheets trying to squeeze the last penny out of the patient that is not being taken care of but being billed for supplies and care that they never received. I assumed there were other people competent to do this job, but it seems big bucks are being spent on these two yayhoo's that do nothing but demand and demean with their threats.

Well said, as near as I can figure out TM just sits there and constantly monitors spread sheets trying to squeeze the last penny out of the patient that is not being taken care of but being billed for supplies and care that they never received. I assumed there were other people competent to do this job, but it seems big bucks are being spent on these two yayhoo's that do nothing but demand and demean with their threats.

It works too because of the lack of training the bulk of the LCM's has...or had before taking on the job of LCM. Even if you get a really nice LCM. Doesn't matter how hard they try, it will never be enough to meet the "needs" of above. Then someone who cares about the patient's and employees is out the door.

Nice to see that people are finally speaking out about the chain to the top..Every location that I know of is working so short staffed that there is no way they can keep up. Everyone is gettin burnt out, yet the RM and above do not care. The demands for the the locations without enough staff is horrendous. It is totally impossible to do what is asked of them..There used to be smooth running locations that delivered quality care until the upper levels had to get involved. If they would only get their feet dirty for two weeks in a location and work side by side with the understaffed locations they would see. You can not drop in for an hour an take a look around and throw out their scenerios of how they would handle something. Their blinders need to come off, the grids and reports and demands need to be lessened. What happened to the huge banners that were sent out to all locations."We care about patient care". There were hand outs by the hundreds with that statement given out.
What happened to this company? All it is now is a numbers company and if you dont meet those numbers you had better plan on the dreaded threats and write ups. Oh yes Renee, you can pretend how you care, but the people who really know you, can see through that goody two shoes smile and annoying voice.

It works too because of the lack of training the bulk of the LCM's has...or had before taking on the job of LCM. Even if you get a really nice LCM. Doesn't matter how hard they try, it will never be enough to meet the "needs" of above. Then someone who cares about the patient's and employees is out the door.

They are also really good at the "fear" game of keeping everyone in the location in line and doing their bidding. To many areas dont have other jobs to go too and they are stuck. In comes more fear of being written up and losing what money they do make to support their family.

Can we all get back to the topic of "Nothing"? To me, Men are "Nothing". I hire them as pst's, and they come in here all strutting around like they're really masculine or something. And as always, we part company in short order. Are'nt there ANY men out there that can accept a woman manager as also being masculine, without adopting an attitude??