Hmmm seems like maybe a couple of the older threads need to be read. The "butch" name is over on the Yahoo board. Something about dating young women by the LCM that claims she is a woman and other items that have no real thought process behind them. How sad this is a bad one too.
How sad they can not hold a real converstation or continue to prevent them from happening. They should start their own little discussion board so they can let it out of their system.
Maybe things will get a little bit better w/the stock going up. Or else give them even more incentive to tighten the screws for even more blood.
Disingenuous. Think about it. While butch is a product of poor Rotech management that is allowed to continue indefinitely, you come on here and discredit what is pointed out concerning "bad management". Short of that location posting some numbers here (ie. growth), my opinion will remain BAD ROTECH MANAGEMENT.