
OK listen up....You get a set fee for your mileage, use if however you want put gas in your car buy tires what is not enough!!!

Morning meetings sometimes productive more so than all the conference calls required when you get your daily lashings.

Depends on your territory as to whether you can make 35 points, ask to see what the last rep did. Why did they leave..

Yes you have to have 5 ONOs and as the last poster states you are testing the patient that the Dr has already discontinued the O2 on...You are fudging the numbers so you dont have to be on the dreaded call with Renee. And if you are doing a ONO on a patient that doesnt need it, you are charging a patient for a test to get a number to keep her off your back.

Agreed the Repaps just to play another silly contest is so unfair to the patient and their insurance..Thank goodness there were patients out there that could see Rotech bilking their insurance..Unneeded Cpaps, unneeded masks and supplies have been given to many..Just so we could get a number. UNJUST no wonder insurance costs are like they are..Rotech is a big player in the fraud.
Hummm, well welcome to BLOTECH

Thank you all for all the answers to my questions ongoing about Rotech..

Does anyone have any feedback on the Management to in the North suburbs of Chicago. Aurora, or Bridgeview?

How that territory does

When does this new reign start? Any bets on how long the new AM lasts. It seems about 1-2 years is all they can make. Says something about the upper management and the way they are treated.

My head is about to explode! PLEASE can someone help? For the past year I have delt with rotech, made my payments every month, yes my insurance also paid a part of the bll. In Dec. of 2010, my bill was down to a little over 300.00. It's now April 2011, and with my monthly payments and insurance payments, I now owe over 900.00! I would like hear from others that have had the same problems. Any help would be so appreciated.

Thank You for speaking up....This is what we employees that care have been trying to say...You patients are being billed unnecessarily...They will continue to do so..Contact your insurance co, contact the better business..Turn them in for fraud there is a hot line

Thank You for speaking up....This is what we employees that care have been trying to say...You patients are being billed unnecessarily...They will continue to do so..Contact your insurance co, contact the better business..Turn them in for fraud there is a hot line

Intersting post 207 & did a PATIENT ever find Cafepharma??? If they are smart enough to find it then they would be smart enough to pick up the phone and call regarding their bill. Call the store first where they got the item, then their ins company and since you seem to be on top of the fraud heap....GIVE THE NUMBER...COME ON...WRITE IT OUT

How about the titrations that the physician orders, that is being done by PSTs, how about Cpap changes being done by CSRs, how about the qualifying the patient for a conserving device? How about the physician thinking you have qualified personnel to do the patient care.

I was a PST and I was out doing titrations, conserving device evals, NPPV's on a regular basis. DR's were changing patients liter flows based on data I gave them, whats the difference between me doing it or them sending the order to Burger King to have the fry maker do the titration. Bottom line is neither of us have a license to do it.
I made the choice to leave Rotech because if a patient died because of something I did, you know Rotech wouldnt back me if a lawsuit came about. They would say I was breaking Policy and Procedure, even though I was told to go do it.
Don't forget though, They care about patient care!!!!!!

I was a PST and I was out doing titrations, conserving device evals, NPPV's on a regular basis. DR's were changing patients liter flows based on data I gave them, whats the difference between me doing it or them sending the order to Burger King to have the fry maker do the titration. Bottom line is neither of us have a license to do it.
I made the choice to leave Rotech because if a patient died because of something I did, you know Rotech wouldnt back me if a lawsuit came about. They would say I was breaking Policy and Procedure, even though I was told to go do it.
Don't forget though, They care about patient care!!!!!!

Not only is that a formula for disaster, if a Dr does change the LPM flow from a test such as you describe. In the event the patient's testing reflected the need to up the LPM flow to over 4 LPM and the Dr used this "testing" to do that and it was a Medicare patient...the store could not use it for billing. It is Medicare fraud to use it on a document for Medicare billing.

I bet some of them do use it though. They probably figure what are their chances of being caught by a Medicare audit.

Not good at all.

With all the above whining, one forgets that THE PHYSICIANS ARE HAPPY WITH US. They continue to call us, and let us help them with their patients by providing valuable services such as pulse ox's.

I am a patient in Florida, and due to the problems I've had with Rotech for the last 3 months, I will be "firing" Rotech, and telling my doctor in detail everything I've gone through.

I am a patient in Florida, and due to the problems I've had with Rotech for the last 3 months, I will be "firing" Rotech, and telling my doctor in detail everything I've gone through.

Good for you! You might make them notice you because you have gotten one of the almighty things they care about....O2 or PAP's.

IF you had O2 they would be jumping over each other to keep you. Not that the service would be any better.