• Wed news: Medicare $2 generics. Biogen’s high-dose Spinraza. Roche breast cancer trial. Lilly’s unique AI deal. Sage Alzheimer’s fail. See more on our front page


Give me a break! Pfizer reps are arrogant and lazy! Take a look at the Rio Grande Valley, Texas reps- bunch of free loading slackers all the way across the board. YES this included hospital rep and vaccine rep. It’s no secret....

Believe it or not, I’m a rep now for a septic tank cleaning company; we also offer on site human waste elimination solutions (port-a John) for building/construction sites. This has proven to be very profitable and I sit on the board, very cool.

Good for you, being serious. Kinda funny, instead of dropping shit off, you're picking shit up. Whatever pays the bills.

Lot Divisions in pfizer need to be layed off starting with Xeljanz. What a mess with 2x more reps than we need. Marketing VP is stuck with 1990s model of more reps=more SOV= more sales! Well what numbskill and his cronies RDs dont know is all mirror territories us reps go on joint calls to get those SOV higher.
Clueless leadership over here