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Up coming LAYOFFS TO BE MASSIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, you'll all had a fun and lucrative ride at other people's expense but the real world is now crashing in. We don't need you and we can't afford you. You're part of the problem in healthcare costs, not part of the solution.

It's time you pampered Conservative zealots got a real job like everyone else. Come spend some time in the real world struggling to make ends meet and you'll be wondering why you've been such selfish jerks in the past.

So help me out? Why do we justify Obama's additional xxxxtrillion dollar debt load when he promised to reduce the existing one? That's not a spin but a fact?

The "debt load" is another Fox news talking point to get you to look away from the real problem. It is not additional unless you ignore the escaltion of the debt that was inherited. Most of that debt was accumulated from wars (Iraq, Afganistan) , legislation(medicare part D), tax breaks (Bush giving back the surplus he inherited) that were already on the books AND the stimulus needed to get us out of the mess we were in. So what that he didn't cut it in half and where were all you debt haters when it was piling up for 8 years under Bush or how about when it was being cut and then eliminated under Clinton, huh?? Bet you weren't singing his praises from the roof tops. No - you were only discovered the "debt problem" when Fox told you to.

OK, you'll all had a fun and lucrative ride at other people's expense but the real world is now crashing in. We don't need you and we can't afford you. You're part of the problem in healthcare costs, not part of the solution.

It's time you pampered Conservative zealots got a real job like everyone else. Come spend some time in the real world struggling to make ends meet and you'll be wondering why you've been such selfish jerks in the past.

Having AIDS sure makes you grumpy!!!

The "debt load" is another Fox news talking point to get you to look away from the real problem. It is not additional unless you ignore the escaltion of the debt that was inherited. Most of that debt was accumulated from wars (Iraq, Afganistan) , legislation(medicare part D), tax breaks (Bush giving back the surplus he inherited) that were already on the books AND the stimulus needed to get us out of the mess we were in. .

LOL ... I don't mean to butt into ya'll's little party .. .but you are just a dumbass on this issue. Go read the Federal Budget instead of the NYT or Time Magazine.

The Debt and Deficit are the result of defacto social programs that naturally grow with the population over time, put in by the Social Democrats of the Democrat Party [yeah .. go read up on it .. they aren't "liberal", they are Social Democrats].

Couple that with a slowdown in economic activity, again caused by Government, ie., Social Democrats again, the latest being meddling with the housing market to achieve "social justice". Clinton enjoyed the Tech Boom, that provided unexpected revenues ... GWB, enjoyed the Housing Boom that provided unexpected revenues. That is why in both periods, revenue grew, and deficits shrank, or even disappeared on paper.

And guess what .. it's going to get worse, the farther left we move.

The "debt load" is another Fox news talking point to get you to look away from the real problem. It is not additional unless you ignore the escaltion of the debt that was inherited. Most of that debt was accumulated from wars (Iraq, Afganistan) , legislation(medicare part D), tax breaks (Bush giving back the surplus he inherited) that were already on the books AND the stimulus needed to get us out of the mess we were in. So what that he didn't cut it in half and where were all you debt haters when it was piling up for 8 years under Bush or how about when it was being cut and then eliminated under Clinton, huh?? Bet you weren't singing his praises from the roof tops. No - you were only discovered the "debt problem" when Fox told you to.

FOX is brainwashing.

I just found out Shire and Watson had layoffs the past two weeks. I figure there are probably 30 -50 qualified sales reps fighting for each job opening, if and when they do occur.

OBVIOUSLY....an Obama groupee. I'm not going to even get into the debate . You picked this tool. I can't even imagine what this nation will be like in four more years. Oh that's right.....I'm a racist because I don't like the African American president. I didn't like Jimmy Carter either.....but that's ok!

More poverty than ever before
1in 6 living in poverty
6 trillion dollars in added debt. Mr. Obama called Bush... Irresponsible and unpatriotic for racking up 9 trillion in 8 years ....or somewhere there abouts......yet Obama promised to cut the federal deficit in half in his first term in office.

So he racked up 6 trillion in new....did not reduce the past 9 trillion in half......hmmmmm that sounds like an 11 trillion dollar discrepancy. Let me plant it in your eyes IDIOT

good post...the President is a total idiot...and he treats our ally Israel badly...

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