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Up coming LAYOFFS TO BE MASSIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here. The job market is horrible for reps.

I started my own business 3 years ago after being downsized with BIG pharma and it's the BEST thing I ever did. It's in the Medical device arena and is MUCH more fun and MUCH more lucrative! Call me if you want me to teach you how I did it...561-444-2987 (you can do it if you get laid off or on the side) Get Ready for the Next Chapter!

You are an idiot. We will never be "expanding" reps ever again, regardless of who is in the White House. The world is changing, and so is health care. Now go listen to Rush Limbaugh - he'll explain to "my friends" (loser).

I wouldn't call someone else an idiot when you can't recognize sarcasm. Please tell me you're the GSK rep that trolls the Pfizer board and not one of our own.

It's got NOTHING to do with that AHole !!
The actual problem in the Pharma "business model" (HAHAHA!!) is much simpler.
It's all because we can't continue selling crap at IP exclusive inflated prices !!!!!!
That's why the house of cards is so shaky...
And no REAL new drugs that actually deliver true differentiated responses...just sneaky claims manipulations.
Just bullshit and fraud.
But it NEVER alters the salaries and fringes of the upper echelons. Does it??
Plenty of perks for all as well as I see it......WASTE everywhere...and lots of it actually charged to the R&D budgets !
So look closer to home for the root of the problem.
Maybe you are referring to moves by FDA and DOJ etc to limit the shenanigans ????
YEAH...I can see that hurting the "system"....

OK, everyone, let's step back for a moment and take a breath. Instead of engaging in a lot of political sniping, think of what's been happening across the industry for the last decade. Blockbuster drugs in mass market areas have gone generic. Whether it's antibiotics, anti-hypertensives, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Statins, Fibrates, Psych meds, etc, etc, lots of therapeutic areas have generic competition. When generics arrive, R & D money dries up, no new agents are developed, and there's no longer a need for thousands of marketing reps.

As private physician practices are swallowed up by large group practices, including those dominated by hospital groups, the driving force for these corporate medicine entities is moving as many patients through the exam rooms as possible. Reps become an obstacle to that goal, so the bureaucracy locks us out, always claiming it is because "patients come first."

Pharmaceutical companies became an easy target in the blame game of rising healthcare costs, and reps are the most visible part of pharma. It doesn't matter that meds aren't the biggest contributor to costs or that through the genius of research, more conditions can be addressed with pharmaceuticals today than in all of human industry, we must be punished so the politicians can avoid any real debate over the future of healthcare in this country. So, companies try to lower their public profile by having fewer reps out in public view. Heck, at our sales meetings, companies avoid even using their names on the hotel's list of events!

Unlike some posters, I'm not going to assign blame to one political party or politician. I think the last decade has seen so many changes, it's more a perfect storm of multiple factors, but I do wish the pharma industry would institute one new strategy. Take the information about the value of continued innovation in the development of new medicines directly to the ultimate consumer, the patient. In all the back and forth over healthcare reform, the one group never mentioned is the patient. I'd rather go down fighting as an advocate for patients than sit back and see our fellow citizens reduced to statistics on the bottom line. In all our catewauling on all the forums like CP, we argue, backbite, and insult each other, but we don't encourage respect for our own profession. Yes, it's discouraging to see the industry struggle, but in the end, our neigbors, loved ones, and sick people all over the world will be worse off without the contributions of the pharma industry. Call me old, but I remember when their were few options for treating blood pressure, heart failure, cancer, asthma, diabetes, kidney disease, BPH, etc, etc. Miracle treatments have become so common, people take them for granted, or, at least, until they aren't there anymore.

Spot on! The big lay offs in pharma came during the GB years. Try the math...banks own insurance companies own manage care companies drive RX from providers. As long as generics work as well as brand drugs the industry will continue to crumble. If you have been in the industry for more than two years and have not figured out the industry is doomed you are a dumbo. If you are staying for the money fine but don't blame Barry!

Spot on! The big lay offs in pharma came during the GB years. Try the math...banks own insurance companies own manage care companies drive RX from providers. As long as generics work as well as brand drugs the industry will continue to crumble. If you have been in the industry for more than two years and have not figured out the industry is doomed you are a dumbo. If you are staying for the money fine but don't blame Barry!

Oh, give me a break.... NOBODY uses "spot on" anymore, and even the ones that used to use it were MBA wannabes....
You are pathetic.

There is an open position as rep in Menidi area for this great BUD ,who advised his colleague to find a similar job!!! The only one prerequisition is to be able to speak clear Greek !!

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