Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Pfizer is committed to rapid decision making and strict adherence to appropriate corporate and legal policies.

As a result of our investigation into the matters first published in the Topeka Press, Dr G has been reassigned for patent training. A rush course has been developed so he will be able to take the patent bar this summer and become a registered patent agent.

With this change Dr G will be able to best apply his abilities to support our mission here at Pfizer.

Great! That means the Kansas managers can hire a replacement sleazer.

The qualifications for registered patent agents are a Bachelor's degree in a scientific field and passing the exam. It would be unusual for a DO to accept such a position. Is this a tongue-in-cheek remark alluding to earlier posts which stated that he has been our most off-label speaker?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Pfizer is committed to rapid decision making and strict adherence to appropriate corporate and legal policies.

As a result of our investigation into the matters first published in the Topeka Press, Dr G has been reassigned for patent training. A rush course has been developed so he will be able to take the patent bar this summer and become a registered patent agent.

With this change Dr G will be able to best apply his abilities to support our mission here at Pfizer.

Most of the people on this chat room sound like complete and utter morons. This story of Dr. Geenens has completely been blown out of proportion. I was a rep for him for 3 years during that time and he was nothing but respectful and professional to me the entire 3 years. Obviously the ex-husband and the ex-partner of Gennens are pissed off and want revenge. They have come together to try to ruin Dr. Geenens based off of one completely unsubstantiated story. Like I said, I called on Doug Geenens and Rory Murphy, Dr. Murphy was the true nut job. Dr. Geenens is actually a very well respected psychiatrist in the Kansas Community. You people have way too much time on your hands. Anyone with Pfizer that is in on making the decision about Geenens staying or leaving, listen to me, he is an incredibly professional, kind, compasionate man, that has enemies, as we all do, that are trying to smear him. Pfizer should feel good about their hire.

Most of the people on this chat room sound like complete and utter morons. This story of Dr. Geenens has completely been blown out of proportion. I was a rep for him for 3 years during that time and he was nothing but respectful and professional to me the entire 3 years. Obviously the ex-husband and the ex-partner of Gennens are pissed off and want revenge. They have come together to try to ruin Dr. Geenens based off of one completely unsubstantiated story. Like I said, I called on Doug Geenens and Rory Murphy, Dr. Murphy was the true nut job. Dr. Geenens is actually a very well respected psychiatrist in the Kansas Community. You people have way too much time on your hands. Anyone with Pfizer that is in on making the decision about Geenens staying or leaving, listen to me, he is an incredibly professional, kind, compasionate man, that has enemies, as we all do, that are trying to smear him. Pfizer should feel good about their hire.

This must be Dougie's wife. I'm a TSR here in Kan/Mo. believe me when I say
Geenens is a big nutjob! He bragged to me about patients he screwed and even has talked about the dog thing and laughed about it.

This must be Dougie's wife. I'm a TSR here in Kan/Mo. believe me when I say
Geenens is a big nutjob! He bragged to me about patients he screwed and even has talked about the dog thing and laughed about it.

I'm not Geenens wife, I'm a rep still and was his rep for 3 years. His wife is not a sales rep. What if I was though, how do you think she if feeling if she reads the shit you guys post? True or false this is someone she loves and married. Maybe there is something more productive you all can do with your time? Or our your lives so boring and pathetic you have to waste your time worrying about someone else's life? No, I don't work for Pfizer, and yes I 've had my share of dipshit doctors, but, everytime I read someone bullshit comment I can only think, it takes two to tango. I dont believe for a second all the reps out there are this innocent and stupid.

At this point I don't give a shit what happens to these Kansas folks. They seem to like this kind of thing. What I am tired of is seeing the words "Bye Bye Doug over and over and over! What a faggy thread!

The qualifications for registered patent agents are a Bachelor's degree in a scientific field and passing the exam. It would be unusual for a DO to accept such a position. Is this a tongue-in-cheek remark alluding to earlier posts which stated that he has been our most off-label speaker?

No, it is a reference to Dr. Alan Hesketh VP and Chief Patent Counsel being arrested for the distribution and possession of child porn

I'm not Geenens wife, I'm a rep still and was his rep for 3 years. His wife is not a sales rep. What if I was though, how do you think she if feeling if she reads the shit you guys post? True or false this is someone she loves and married. Maybe there is something more productive you all can do with your time? Or our your lives so boring and pathetic you have to waste your time worrying about someone else's life? No, I don't work for Pfizer, and yes I 've had my share of dipshit doctors, but, everytime I read someone bullshit comment I can only think, it takes two to tango. I dont believe for a second all the reps out there are this innocent and stupid.

This is definitely Geenens wife spouting off her anger!!!!!!!! Is he still employed here and if so why?

I'm not Geenens wife, I'm a rep still and was his rep for 3 years. His wife is not a sales rep. What if I was though, how do you think she if feeling if she reads the shit you guys post? True or false this is someone she loves and married. Maybe there is something more productive you all can do with your time? Or our your lives so boring and pathetic you have to waste your time worrying about someone else's life? No, I don't work for Pfizer, and yes I 've had my share of dipshit doctors, but, everytime I read someone bullshit comment I can only think, it takes two to tango. I dont believe for a second all the reps out there are this innocent and stupid.

Maybe G should have thought about how she would feel before he went around talking about her?