Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug

I went to Geenens as a child. I was physically/emotionally abused by my mother. She took me to doctors as a way to reify me as a "behavior problem." Geenens was her man because he was crazy enough to let my mother run the show. Seeing that he worked at Menningers, I'm sure that's where they met (she was a patient there).

Geenens tried to put me on tricyclic antidepresants, anti-psychotics, and amphetamines. My mother wanted me to be on the same medication as her (as a control thing, I guess). Geenens wanted to do that too.

He is a piece of shit. No doubt in my mind after all of these years.

All posts on this matter that i have read on the article above have been posted by ignorant cowards too caught up in their own boring lives to realize that this is all speculation and to be quite frank is all bullshit. These comments are lies and low blows from people who probably used to be a friends or known associates at the least of Doug Geenens. All of whom are too afraid for their own careers going down the shitter to stand up for whats right. Find a god damn hobby and face the facts. The news is full of falsified stories given to corrupt news castors by two jealous, bastard doctors who have "personal issues" with doug. Issues that are in no way tied to Dougs patients or his practice.

The truth hurts Mrs. Geenens. Get a life and look in the mirror about what he has been found to be guilty of. His license should be revoked and he is a disgrace to the medical profession.

Apparently had tried to "jack off" on one of our younger female reps as
she was gathering her samples at her storage locker. She turned him into
her DM and now he is seemingly getting canned. What a "nut-job" this guy is!
He was out doing one of his patent off-label Geodon propaganda jobs.

Hell, have you seen some of the younger female reps? I'd jack off all over some of them, too!

You were my doctor from 5th grade until just a few years ago. I've been trying to find you, but can't. You helped me so much and I want to know if you are still taking patients? Ty

The guy is still very active and apparently has something to say to his critics. He's got at least two web sites:

<a href="">Ask Doctor Geenens</a> and also <a href="">Douglas Geenens .net</a>. Seems like a decent guy to me. His relationship with his wife looks <a href="">pretty normal too</a>. Seems like a lot of folks hate Doug Geenens here, why is that?