Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug

My DM told me you have to hire physicians being investigated by the State Medical Board. Our favorite one is being investigated by the Medical board and oh I forgot the Attorney Generals office. He likes to go off label by making up stories about other products and their off-label side effects that only he has reported in the Untied States. Now my Dm wants me using his detail, Ah what?

Boy are we getting popular with the other speicalists who know what this guy is doing?

Of course they are all being deposed by the state medical board.

Now we are suppose to use him more than ten times a month, I thought he had to do an evening speaking program to, but my DM says that is just for other reps. OOPS! I thought the compliance manuel was for everyone, must be mistaken. Oh Yea, that is just for the reps we are trying to get rid of and then we just make it up as we go anyway said my DM.

My DM told me you have to hire physicians being investigated by the State Medical Board. Our favorite one is being investigated by the Medical board and oh I forgot the Attorney Generals office. He likes to go off label by making up stories about other products and their off-label side effects that only he has reported in the Untied States. Now my Dm wants me using his detail, Ah what?

Boy are we getting popular with the other speicalists who know what this guy is doing?

Of course they are all being deposed by the state medical board.

Now we are suppose to use him more than ten times a month, I thought he had to do an evening speaking program to, but my DM says that is just for other reps. OOPS! I thought the compliance manuel was for everyone, must be mistaken. Oh Yea, that is just for the reps we are trying to get rid of and then we just make it up as we go anyway said my DM.

The reason Geenens is still here is because he just spoke this week at the APA convention in Washington. He gave a talk about Geodon and athletes and it was sponsored by Pfizer, so,,,,,,,,,, if he had been let go before the speech, Pfizer would have had some explaining to do. I did some background checking on him and he has no training in sport psychiatry, so he gave a speech in an area he is not knowledgeable. He appearance as well as his bogus presentations are a reminder of how screwed up this company is.

The reason Geenens is still here is because he just spoke this week at the APA convention in Washington. He gave a talk about Geodon and athletes and it was sponsored by Pfizer, so,,,,,,,,,, if he had been let go before the speech, Pfizer would have had some explaining to do. I did some background checking on him and he has no training in sport psychiatry, so he gave a speech in an area he is not knowledgeable. He appearance as well as his bogus presentations are a reminder of how screwed up this company is.

When you think about it, who better to speak on Geodon than someone who needs to take it themselves.

The reason Geenens is still here is because he just spoke this week at the APA convention in Washington. He gave a talk about Geodon and athletes and it was sponsored by Pfizer, so,,,,,,,,,, if he had been let go before the speech, Pfizer would have had some explaining to do. I did some background checking on him and he has no training in sport psychiatry, so he gave a speech in an area he is not knowledgeable. He appearance as well as his bogus presentations are a reminder of how screwed up this company is.

If that's the case, what's stopping us from firing him now that the talk is over?

The posts on this thread about this individual are extremely disturbing. As a dedicated employee of Pfizer, I would like to know if this man is still employed here and why. If he is, why has nothing been done about this behavior? If he has been fired, who can confirm it? This behavior is unacceptable for someone in any position here, especially for a psychiatrist....... Who has the answers?????????

The posts on this thread about this individual are extremely disturbing. As a dedicated employee of Pfizer, I would like to know if this man is still employed here and why. If he is, why has nothing been done about this behavior? If he has been fired, who can confirm it? This behavior is unacceptable for someone in any position here, especially for a psychiatrist....... Who has the answers?????????

Don't expect anthing from those dumbasses in Kansas. They are the ones who hired him to begin with. To fire him would be to admit they were dumbasses in the first place. No one will own up to hiring him, much less firing him.

A rep from another company told me yesterday that she recently had a conversation with Geenens. He bragged to her that he used to give out dildos to his patients and to "selected elite" reps who came into his office?Anyone get one of his presents? And did it come with a jar of peanut butter?

How stupid are you people? Don't you realize that he is exactly what we need in an RMRS? Doesn't he say exactly what we tell him to say? With all his licensure problems, doesn't he have very few options, thus keeping him highly motivated to keep us happy? We need more like him!! The stupid docs he calls on with us don't even know about the board complaints and all that other BS! So who cares? We have our own well-trained and well-behaved doc to help us sell! Did you ever stop to think that sex sells? Think of the angles!!

As someone who was in college with wacko Doug Geenens in college (Baker University*) in the early 1980's, I personally observed him dating and bedding down (weekend sexual stay overs) of girls under the age 18 (16 and 17) from area high schools. He was in his 20's. He was always considered a craddle-robber and frankly, thought of as very bizarre. He could not relate to girls his age and of legal age. He always dated teenagers.

There are plenty of witnesses from his college and fraternity to back up these allegations.

*No reflection on Baker University which is a fine educational institution. His father was a professor there so he receivd free tuition.

As someone who was in college with wacko Doug Geenens in college (Baker University*) in the early 1980's, I personally observed him dating and bedding down (weekend sexual stay overs) of girls under the age 18 (16 and 17) from area high schools. He was in his 20's. He was always considered a craddle-robber and frankly, thought of as very bizarre. He could not relate to girls his age and of legal age. He always dated teenagers.

There are plenty of witnesses from his college and fraternity to back up these allegations.

*No reflection on Baker University which is a fine educational institution. His father was a professor there so he receivd free tuition.

Is he still w/Pfizer?

As someone who was in college with wacko Doug Geenens in college (Baker University*) in the early 1980's, I personally observed him dating and bedding down (weekend sexual stay overs) of girls under the age 18 (16 and 17) from area high schools. He was in his 20's. He was always considered a craddle-robber and frankly, thought of as very bizarre. He could not relate to girls his age and of legal age. He always dated teenagers.

There are plenty of witnesses from his college and fraternity to back up these allegations.

*No reflection on Baker University which is a fine educational institution. His father was a professor there so he receivd free tuition.

Can someone out there tell me is this douche bag is still with Pfizer?

I can speak only from my own experience, but here are the facts:
1. Dr. Geenens saw our family of 9 including a child with special needs. Some of the visits were individual, some in a group setting.
2. In none of the sessions was anyone in my family treated in an inappropriate manner.
3. Because of a severe disorder of one of my children, our marriage was under tremendous strain. It could have easily ended.
4. My other children were fighting and chaotic.
5. Dr. Geenens never once suggested divorce. Instead, he insisted that we as a family work together and stay together for strength and support that we would need for the fight to save my son. He helped heal a marriage that seemed impossibly doomed- teaching us boundaries and most of all...respect for each other.
6. My son had also seen professionally, the doctors who are currently accusing Dr. Geenens of misconduct.
7. Neither of them could figure out what was happening, were arrogant, and seemed to care more about what insurance I had or did not have than whether he lived or died.
8. One of them had an office staff who was so rude as to make several people leave in tears, including me.
9. My son almost died.
10. Once, while my son lie in the hospital, the staff told us to "institutionalize" my son, that he was mentally ill and that we should "give up on him". That it would be "easier".
11. Dr. Geenens persevered and researched on his own time. He figured out that my son's severe disorder was due to a brain injury and a seizure disorder.
12. My husband and I are still very much in love. Our boys have grown into incredible young men who are all awesome in their love of country and one another. We owe Dr. Geenens a debt we cannot repay.
13. If any of you are without sin, feel free to comment and cast the first stone.
14. Sign us:
A Grateful family in Kansas

I can speak only from my own experience, but here are the facts:
1. Dr. Geenens saw our family of 9 including a child with special needs. Some of the visits were individual, some in a group setting.
2. In none of the sessions was anyone in my family treated in an inappropriate manner.
3. Because of a severe disorder of one of my children, our marriage was under tremendous strain. It could have easily ended.
4. My other children were fighting and chaotic.
5. Dr. Geenens never once suggested divorce. Instead, he insisted that we as a family work together and stay together for strength and support that we would need for the fight to save my son. He helped heal a marriage that seemed impossibly doomed- teaching us boundaries and most of all...respect for each other.
6. My son had also seen professionally, the doctors who are currently accusing Dr. Geenens of misconduct.
7. Neither of them could figure out what was happening, were arrogant, and seemed to care more about what insurance I had or did not have than whether he lived or died.
8. One of them had an office staff who was so rude as to make several people leave in tears, including me.
9. My son almost died.
10. Once, while my son lie in the hospital, the staff told us to "institutionalize" my son, that he was mentally ill and that we should "give up on him". That it would be "easier".
11. Dr. Geenens persevered and researched on his own time. He figured out that my son's severe disorder was due to a brain injury and a seizure disorder.
12. My husband and I are still very much in love. Our boys have grown into incredible young men who are all awesome in their love of country and one another. We owe Dr. Geenens a debt we cannot repay.
13. If any of you are without sin, feel free to comment and cast the first stone.
14. Sign us:
A Grateful family in Kansas

Mrs. Geenans! Will you please get off this site! We know you love your son...he's just a bit of an oddball!

I am not related to D. Geenens. I understand the tendency for people to be skeptical. I, too am that way. Perhaps you would like to contact me personally. I am a mother of 8 kids in Overland Park. I would be delighted for you or anyone else to call or email. My email is I and my husband have raised 7 boys and one girl through some very difficult and dark times. I personally am indeed that proud of our family has done with the Lord's help as well as Dr. Geenen's life saving intervention. I hope you choose to believe the truth. If you say, "I don't believe in gravity" yet step off the roof of a 5 story building, you will fall, perhaps to your death, whether you BELIEVE in gravity or not. Feel free to contact us. I or my husband would be happy to talk with you privately-one on one.