Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug

I went to High School with Doug. This garbage, and it is garbage, that is in these BLOGS just simply is not in keeping with guy I knew. The tone and nature of it is very immature and adolescent. Cowards hiding in a darkened room spouting vile and malicious slander, thinking they will not be held to account because no one knows who they are. The last postings from a patient that was willing to stand by him is in keeping with the Doug I know.

Reading the article, it sounds like he had a falling out with former partners and they have the long knives out for him. The boards would have a difficult time dealing with a feud between professionals like this, especially in such a field as psychiatry. An easy going guy like Doug would be a prime target for disaffected former partners with a spiteful streak. He would not know how to stand up for himself.

I would have a care, slander and libel is an actionable offense, from both a civil and a criminal standpoint. You can lose everything you own end end up in prison for ruining a person's reputation and career.

I have no problems stating who i am . . .

Andrew E. Mitchell
Studio 285 Architecture, llc
Pine, CO

I went to High School with Doug. This garbage, and it is garbage, that is in these BLOGS just simply is not in keeping with guy I knew. The tone and nature of it is very immature and adolescent. Cowards hiding in a darkened room spouting vile and malicious slander, thinking they will not be held to account because no one knows who they are. The last postings from a patient that was willing to stand by him is in keeping with the Doug I know.

Reading the article, it sounds like he had a falling out with former partners and they have the long knives out for him. The boards would have a difficult time dealing with a feud between professionals like this, especially in such a field as psychiatry. An easy going guy like Doug would be a prime target for disaffected former partners with a spiteful streak. He would not know how to stand up for himself.

I would have a care, slander and libel is an actionable offense, from both a civil and a criminal standpoint. You can lose everything you own end end up in prison for ruining a person's reputation and career.

I have no problems stating who i am . . .

Andrew E. Mitchell
Studio 285 Architecture, llc
Pine, CO

Why did you bring this up? If you like the guy, let it go. I don't know him and I don't care, but it would seem that unless YOU have an axe to grind, you would leave it alone. This thread hasn't been up in a LONG time until YOU decided to rivive it. Damn, what a friend. What the hell is an "architect" doing reading a drug rep post? Let it go dude.

Have you ever been to the twit races? It was a Monte Python piece about mentally challenged people jumping obstacles. Anyway, you would win!
If you knew the facts, which you don't, you would know that his ex-partner is one of the most evil, vindictive, and controlling people ever known. He is a recluse and spends his waking hours finding ways to bury Dr. Geenens with slanderous comments and false claims, many from patients who have come forth and denied the comments placed with the Board on their behalf. How crazy do you have to be to live your life trying to ruin someone?
His ex-partner has extorted money from him and apparently has dedicated his life to finding ways to interupt Dr. Geenens pursuit of peace and professional practice . . . even to the extent of trying to be him (parking in his space and sitting in his chair)when he left the office. Weird?!
The truth always prevails and the best is yet to come when you find out the truth about Murphy.

I love all the ad hoc attacks in this thread by all the internet tough guys!

It's sad that a motivated ex-husband and the Church of Scientology can do so much damage to a person who has already been held accountable by his peers.

This thread is full of FAIL!

inb4 pharma.

Geenes should have never been hired for the RMRS position. It is not a question of innocence or guilt. Nobody but the parties involved will ever really know the truth. It is the fact that he signed off on a suspension of his medical license for an ethical violation in at least one state and was under active investigation for complaints in another state. No physician should ever admit guilt under any circumstances if he/she is innocent. They should fight to the end to retain their reputation and good standing in the medical community. This in and of itself should have been sufficient to disqualify him from being considered for the RMRS position. I put the majority of blame on those who hired him (BB and TH) for not doing due diligence on his background To my knowledge they were never investigated or disciplined, and they are still within the RMRS group in leadership positions. I think it reflects very poorly on the company. Fact is that he should never have passed the background check.

Is anyone SURPRISED that this SICK individuals works for Pfizer?

I live in China and what Pfizer hires as SICK bastards is beyond any imagination.

When will Hollywood make a movie about these criminals, so your FBI can put the in jail?

Unbelievable...but I can tell you that sooner than later these people will be put on an international HITLIST!

It's only a matter of time!

Pfizer continues to make national and regional news in regards to the poor hiring choices that it makes in relatively important positions, ie. patent attorney chief, rmrs's etc. As a major shareholder I will bring these issues up @ the next shareholder meeting. Of recent interest is a Pysch hired as a rmrs
by Pfzer from Kansas. The following article speaks for itself;

more to FOLLOW!

I was doing the Dr. G. gig before it was popular. What's all the fuss about??

I went to High School with Doug. This garbage, and it is garbage, that is in these BLOGS just simply is not in keeping with guy I knew. The tone and nature of it is very immature and adolescent. Cowards hiding in a darkened room spouting vile and malicious slander, thinking they will not be held to account because no one knows who they are. The last postings from a patient that was willing to stand by him is in keeping with the Doug I know.

Reading the article, it sounds like he had a falling out with former partners and they have the long knives out for him. The boards would have a difficult time dealing with a feud between professionals like this, especially in such a field as psychiatry. An easy going guy like Doug would be a prime target for disaffected former partners with a spiteful streak. He would not know how to stand up for himself.

I would have a care, slander and libel is an actionable offense, from both a civil and a criminal standpoint. You can lose everything you own end end up in prison for ruining a person's reputation and career.

I have no problems stating who i am . . .

Andrew E. Mitchell
Studio 285 Architecture, llc
Pine, CO

Amen to what you have said. I personally invite anyone with actual, firsthand factual evidence to email me for my consideration at I ask that opinion and hearsay, however, not be emailed to me directly, but posted here online as usual. I too have my opinions, but, like everyone elses here, are worth no more or less consideration than anyone else. I have facts of my own and invite like minded individuals to share theirs in a private manner befitting professionals. Thank you.
Ken and Andrea Rambo

I'm not Geenens wife, I'm a rep still and was his rep for 3 years. His wife is not a sales rep. What if I was though, how do you think she if feeling if she reads the shit you guys post? True or false this is someone she loves and married. Maybe there is something more productive you all can do with your time? Or our your lives so boring and pathetic you have to waste your time worrying about someone else's life? No, I don't work for Pfizer, and yes I 've had my share of dipshit doctors, but, everytime I read someone bullshit comment I can only think, it takes two to tango. I dont believe for a second all the reps out there are this innocent and stupid.

I totally agree with you! Everyone who posts negative remarks obviously still has some major psychological issues that need to be worked out with therapy or meds! I knew Dr. Geenens, and also knew how unstable some of his patients were. It is sad that these mentally unstable people are channeling there problems into this lie about a reputable doctor. Hopefully they will get the help they need, and not go on to tarnish the reputation of another doctor.

I totally agree with you! Everyone who posts negative remarks obviously still has some major psychological issues that need to be worked out with therapy or meds! I knew Dr. Geenens, and also knew how unstable some of his patients were. It is sad that these mentally unstable people are channeling there problems into this lie about a reputable doctor. Hopefully they will get the help they need, and not go on to tarnish the reputation of another doctor.

What is sad is that a total asshole idiot would dig up an old post like this instead of letting it die. Why on earth would you dig it up? It is freaking OVER! You are the one tarnishing him by bringing it up!

I was in high school and college with Dr. Boob Grabber and both were very small schools............somehow no one has ever heard of Andrew Mitchell, Architect

If you went to his High School and graduated with Doug, you would know me. This post is simply a lie made up by a jerk who most likely does not know a thing about Doug, but is getting his jollies by making slanderous posts. I know Doug and his twin brother extremely well. We were in high school plays together our senior year, (Arsenic and Old Lace and A funny thing happened to me on the way to the forum), ran in track with him and his bro, had virtually ever class with him . . .

Doug and Dave were identical twins, but had different personalities. I could always tell them apart just from body language.

Crawl back under the rock you came from . . . slimeball!!!

Remind me to never have a "friend" who keeps causing a forgotten thread to keep coming back to the top. Dude YOu are acting like an enemy with your dredging this shit up over and over. Let it go man!

If you went to his High School and graduated with Doug, you would know me. This post is simply a lie made up by a jerk who most likely does not know a thing about Doug, but is getting his jollies by making slanderous posts. I know Doug and his twin brother extremely well. We were in high school plays together our senior year, (Arsenic and Old Lace and A funny thing happened to me on the way to the forum), ran in track with him and his bro, had virtually ever class with him . . .

Doug and Dave were identical twins, but had different personalities. I could always tell them apart just from body language.

Crawl back under the rock you came from . . . slimeball!!!

where is doug he still w/ Pfizer?