Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug

I have met the psychologist in KC who sent his wife to Geenens as a patient. Geenens coerced her to leave this man, divorce him and is now married to him. This man didn't know what hit him. When he found out something was going on with Geenens and his wife, he made her stop seeing him as a patient, but it was too late. After they were in counseling together, he sent his wife to a spa, and Geenens met her there and spent a week with her on the psychologists dollar. After they got separated, Geenens assaulted him twice. The psychologist turned him into the Ks board, but since they have no balls, he was suspended for one week (read the cj article). Geenens also tried to ruin this man's career by filing a complaint against him in Missouri. It was a bogus complaint and was dismissed. He also had insurance companies investigate the psychologist for fraud, which were also dismissed. I called the psychologist after the cj article came out. He told me several people have contacted him who were patients of Geenens and two of them separately told him that their lives and marriages were "destroyed" by him. This man told me that over a dozen people have told him stories about the sex over the past four years. HOW CAN WE EMPLOY THIS SICKO? He needs to be fired now, before this really gets out. Great job of doing a background check!!

I have met the psychologist in KC who sent his wife to Geenens as a patient. Geenens coerced her to leave this man, divorce him and is now married to him. This man didn't know what hit him. When he found out something was going on with Geenens and his wife, he made her stop seeing him as a patient, but it was too late. After they were in counseling together, he sent his wife to a spa, and Geenens met her there and spent a week with her on the psychologists dollar. After they got separated, Geenens assaulted him twice. The psychologist turned him into the Ks board, but since they have no balls, he was suspended for one week (read the cj article). Geenens also tried to ruin this man's career by filing a complaint against him in Missouri. It was a bogus complaint and was dismissed. He also had insurance companies investigate the psychologist for fraud, which were also dismissed. I called the psychologist after the cj article came out. He told me several people have contacted him who were patients of Geenens and two of them separately told him that their lives and marriages were "destroyed" by him. This man told me that over a dozen people have told him stories about the sex over the past four years. HOW CAN WE EMPLOY THIS SICKO? He needs to be fired now, before this really gets out. Great job of doing a background check!!

Pfizer heard the word "Harvard" and nearly wet themselves trying to hire him. Ivy League means NOTHING anymore. In fact, more sickos seem to come from these aristocratic wastelands where MOST of the people who are accepted have been coddled all their lives and know NOTHING about dealing with the real world. Idiots hiring at the top! Yet another testament to the fact that we need to clean house from the RM level up and start anew. ANYTHING would be better.

Pfizer heard the word "Harvard" and nearly wet themselves trying to hire him. Ivy League means NOTHING anymore. In fact, more sickos seem to come from these aristocratic wastelands where MOST of the people who are accepted have been coddled all their lives and know NOTHING about dealing with the real world. Idiots hiring at the top! Yet another testament to the fact that we need to clean house from the RM level up and start anew. ANYTHING would be better.

very well said! He was just reported to compliance last Thursday for

other violations...

Apparently had tried to "jack off" on one of our younger female reps as
she was gathering her samples at her storage locker. She turned him into
her DM and now he is seemingly getting canned. What a "nut-job" this guy is!
He was out doing one of his patent off-label Geodon propaganda jobs.

Apparently had tried to "jack off" on one of our younger female reps as
she was gathering her samples at her storage locker. She turned him into
her DM and now he is seemingly getting canned. What a "nut-job" this guy is!
He was out doing one of his patent off-label Geodon propaganda jobs.

He is a very sick man!

I still would like to know, who is going to take the initiative to get him fired and exposed (decently) immediately? Is this going to happen now, or when he is representing us in the public? Who can answer this?

How about all the terrible DM's hired?????? I can think of several cases (4) drunk on job, sexual haressment, expense report fudging- paid country club dues by taking reps to lunch at his CC, racist... WE ARE AWEFUL at the hiring process... RM's tell DM's they have 30 days to fill position. Filling spots NOT looking for leaders.. We have no place for leaders in this company to go? All the spots ARM's are taken up with people that can move?? stupid? Pfizer employees have been screaming for a management training program for years!!

How about all the terrible DM's hired?????? I can think of several cases (4) drunk on job, sexual haressment, expense report fudging- paid country club dues by taking reps to lunch at his CC, racist... WE ARE AWEFUL at the hiring process... RM's tell DM's they have 30 days to fill position. Filling spots NOT looking for leaders.. We have no place for leaders in this company to go? All the spots ARM's are taken up with people that can move?? stupid? Pfizer employees have been screaming for a management training program for years!!

You are right. We should promote people who are too stupid to spell the word "awful". Pitiful!

the company is going to shit! A once "big time" outfit sucks the big one!

Who is this geenens what does he do...what region is he out of? How long

has he been speaking for Pfizer, how long has he been employed @ Pfizer?


I still would like to know, who is going to take the initiative to get him fired and exposed (decently) immediately? Is this going to happen now, or when he is representing us in the public? Who can answer this?

Doug will be asked to leave quietly next week. We heard it in the Colorado office Friday.

Leave quietly!!!That's right. Cover up something else. His case needs to be exposed to the entire company as an example of how poor a job we do at hiring. His background and current behavior are a disgrace to Pfizer and psychiatry. He needs to be exposed because he will just go somewhere else and do it all over again. Read the article, he is a sociopath and a sex predator.