
Yep, and expect the same ratio for DMs. EWHU stands no chance if you are a DM. DMs interview the week of Sept 17th. They have a one time shot with a brutal panel. Ouch! May the good stay and the bad EXIT!

I really don't think there is any "ratio". When you are interviewing it's is more about your results and how you do in the interview. I wouldn't read anything into ratios and patterns. You are right about the DMs though..the panel interview sounds brutal!

6 from EES, 3 from EP and 1 from EWHU. That sure looks heavy on the Endo side to me too.

You have to realize what the breakdown was before though...there were 14 total RDs..8 from endo, 4 from Inc, and 2 from EWHU..there are now 6 from endo 3 from EP and 1 from EWHU. If you want to talk ratios that means 2 endo people were cut for every 1 Inc RD.
In other words, it's stupid to try to read anything into the breakdown.

You have to realize what the breakdown was before though...there were 14 total RDs..8 from endo, 4 from Inc, and 2 from EWHU..there are now 6 from endo 3 from EP and 1 from EWHU. If you want to talk ratios that means 2 endo people were cut for every 1 Inc RD.
In other words, it's stupid to try to read anything into the breakdown.

There were 6 from Inc

Do your research - the whole industry is downsizing mainly because of the 2.3% excise tax in the healthcare bill. If your company sells $40 billion a year in product multiply that by 2.3% and BINGO you now know how many $$$ your company has to pay Uncle Sam. This additional tax goes into effect in 2013.

Do your research - the whole industry is downsizing mainly because of the 2.3% excise tax in the healthcare bill. If your company sells $40 billion a year in product multiply that by 2.3% and BINGO you now know how many $$$ your company has to pay Uncle Sam. This additional tax goes into effect in 2013.

Looks like that 5% price increase planned for sales book 83, just became 7.3%. Seriously, JNJ is a corporation and corporations don't pay taxes. They pass it on to the customer (hospital) that passes it on to the insurance company, that passes it on to the consumer in forms of higher premiums, and Medicade/Medicare raises the cost to states, who in turn go deeper in the hole and raise income taxes to cover this hole. In short, you will pay the 2.3%, not JNJ. That's some hope and change we can believe in!

Hospitals will NO longer be buying these high priced devices.....why? because medicare/medicaid reimbursements are decreasing which in turn causes insurances companies reimbursements to decrease and guess what? hospitals are NOT going to be stuck with the bill after a patient (consumer as you say) refuses to pay it!!
Yes, almighty J&J.... you and your over paid sales reps/executives, etc. NEED to make some changes for your own mortality!!!

Hospitals will NO longer be buying these high priced devices.....why? because medicare/medicaid reimbursements are decreasing which in turn causes insurances companies reimbursements to decrease and guess what? hospitals are NOT going to be stuck with the bill after a patient (consumer as you say) refuses to pay it!!
Yes, almighty J&J.... you and your over paid sales reps/executives, etc. NEED to make some changes for your own mortality!!!

Another socialist. Everything for free for everyone!!! First, what is it that makes the MD&D industry different from any other industry, where one of our goals is to produce a profit, for the millions of people who own stock in the company and expect us to make a profit? It is okay to make a profit. This is America. Thank your president for the price increase. Quick lesson in market economics: If the market will not sustain a price increase, and competitive pressures keep prices down, good for the consumer. If the market will support the price increases, then the increase was appropriate, and good for the company. Second, people in MD&D have a very unique set of skills and are highly educated and trained, and the price for those skills are what is paid (again, the free market at work). The amount of training that a sales rep goes through, which is typically done away from home (and away from their family requiring a huge committment). Good reps work hard, are in their car early (5:30am not unmcommon) to get to the hospital to provide support to the surgeons and staff so that you (the patient) can have a safe surgery. Third, get a job, pay some taxes, and stop being part of the problem. The first change we need to make is to elect a new president, and support a free economy. Sincerely, 1%er (by our president's definition).

Another socialist. Everything for free for everyone!!! First, what is it that makes the MD&D industry different from any other industry, where one of our goals is to produce a profit, for the millions of people who own stock in the company and expect us to make a profit? It is okay to make a profit. This is America. Thank your president for the price increase. Quick lesson in market economics: If the market will not sustain a price increase, and competitive pressures keep prices down, good for the consumer. If the market will support the price increases, then the increase was appropriate, and good for the company. Second, people in MD&D have a very unique set of skills and are highly educated and trained, and the price for those skills are what is paid (again, the free market at work). The amount of training that a sales rep goes through, which is typically done away from home (and away from their family requiring a huge committment). Good reps work hard, are in their car early (5:30am not unmcommon) to get to the hospital to provide support to the surgeons and staff so that you (the patient) can have a safe surgery. Third, get a job, pay some taxes, and stop being part of the problem. The first change we need to make is to elect a new president, and support a free economy. Sincerely, 1%er (by our president's definition).

I do have a job, a very good job in supply chain for a large hospital system in Ohio.
Just love reading CP and getting a good laugh learning how device companies are scrambling like mice because they finally realize the cheese is, I'm sorry your company's profits won't see double digits and your stockholders won't see their usual dividends......darn, did you notice unemployment rates thus, lack of insurance coverage for our patients thus lack of surgeries that are getting a)scheduled b)paid for?
It's a vicious cycle that affects all of us. No, I'm not a socialist but I do have to manage a budget that only gets so much reimbursement so if your over priced med devices get converted to a more value priced, equally acceptable product......sorry, it's a no brainer, no wait, it's nothing personal, just business.....not used to hearing that from someone in healthcare, are you?
Just like buying the store brand over the name brand. Or, just like buying generic over trade name medications........just be lucky medical devices have ridden the wave long enough, now it's time to reel it in.
Besides, where's your "credo" in any of your statements?

Has your hospital purchased a daVinci robot? Do they encourage using it for lap chole or any any GYN procedures. Your accusations are unsubstantiated if you answer yes to either question. Who controls your budget? Marketing, Oboma, or outcomes?

I do have a job, a very good job in supply chain for a large hospital system in Ohio.
Just love reading CP and getting a good laugh learning how device companies are scrambling like mice because they finally realize the cheese is, I'm sorry your company's profits won't see double digits and your stockholders won't see their usual dividends......darn, did you notice unemployment rates thus, lack of insurance coverage for our patients thus lack of surgeries that are getting a)scheduled b)paid for?
It's a vicious cycle that affects all of us. No, I'm not a socialist but I do have to manage a budget that only gets so much reimbursement so if your over priced med devices get converted to a more value priced, equally acceptable product......sorry, it's a no brainer, no wait, it's nothing personal, just business.....not used to hearing that from someone in healthcare, are you?
Just like buying the store brand over the name brand. Or, just like buying generic over trade name medications........just be lucky medical devices have ridden the wave long enough, now it's time to reel it in.
Besides, where's your "credo" in any of your statements?

A supply chain flunkey. Working with you guys is like water torture. Is it the fact that your budget is cut or are you jealous that working for supply chain for 10 years has only given you at 45,000 salary?