Am I the only one who is wondering how much Johnson and Johnson paid US News to be listed as one of the best places to work? You read any of the other post regarding JnJ and the all same the same thing. Worthless, backstabbing managers etc.... Of course we're expecting the king of all managers to make a difference which is silly. I sincerely hope Tim and Kip really take the opportunity to make some big changes. But I don't think it is going to happen.
You're going to let cafepharma posts shape your view of the company? Who do you think really posts the negative stuff on this or any other board? Disgruntled employees, ex-employees and competitors. If you work here, make up your own mind. If you don't then do some research other than an anonymous Internet site. I have been with J&J over 10 years and have been treated very fairly. I do my job and respect my management and have not had any issues. I come on cp for entertainment value because that's all it's good for. I can never understand why people come on here to bash the company but don't just leave?! If your that bitter no one is forcing you to stay.