
A supply chain flunkey. Working with you guys is like water torture. Is it the fact that your budget is cut or are you jealous that working for supply chain for 10 years has only given you at 45,000 salary?

At least the person you are quoting knows he/she will still have a job in 4 weeks. Our salary may be zero very soon. And, I understand the person's point. It is no longer possible to just raise prices and push out new, more expensive product. Ethicon has to provide needed products that are also cost effective if they want to succeed. And, as we are all seeing right now, cost effective means less Ethicon employees.

I just wish they would quit patronizing the reps. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe they still don't know rep headcounts? That is what I find insulting! Just don't say anything on this topic. Tell us we will know when we know but dont bs us any longer.

ZS has been done. How in the fuck can you restructure from the top down without any clue what the rep headcount will be. You have to have the end in mind to formulate deployment and the reps are the "end."

Yes I agree. I am in EES and my DM said the first thing ZS did was calculate the territories needed, and from that came the number of DMs and RMs. At this point they are just tweaking things as people quit.

A supply chain flunkey. Working with you guys is like water torture. Is it the fact that your budget is cut or are you jealous that working for supply chain for 10 years has only given you at 45,000 salary?

Thanks for the comment suture boy. How dare you attack a person on what they make? Sorry this person didnt get 28weeks of training just to inventory a closet or sell based on contracts. What a cunty move.

Just like buying the store brand over the name brand. Or, just like buying generic over trade name medications........just be lucky medical devices have ridden the wave long enough, now it's time to reel it in.

There is a reason that the "name brand" products in any industry continue to exist and thrive. People will pay for quality over price if there is value.

Put that in your supply chain pipe and smoke it.

Check out the covidien board... Looks like they just went thru a downsizing as well and from what I can tell it was done without any transparency.

Although this "transformation" has been drug out the ONE positive aspect of this long process is that it has provided time for me to send my resume out and start working on a backup plan. I am not supporting the process that is unfolding but I would rather have an idea of what is to come rather than be surprised.

Let the bitching commence..

I was looking at the Covidien board as well. It just makes me hate that company all the more. My Covidien reps are professionals and tough competitors, but I don't wish the kind of crap they are doing on anyone.

As far as territories go, I don't think they are saying because they may have a general idea but whoever is left from management is going to "tweak" what they want. That's what my DM said about this group the last time they used them. I heard another DM say this wasn't about downsizing but listening to the voice of the customer. I guess we'll see.....

Just tired of the wait.

I wonder if the non revenue producing departments are also having to go through structure changes/downsizing? They probably should since most departments in the home office of EES have way too many managers over very little staff. Lots of salaries/benefits with little value added to the bottom line!

Just saw this on COVIDIEN's board. Not good for them, either....

"It has happened. 15% of sales force was rif'd yesterday. More to be eliminated in the next 2 weeks in the form of reps and managers having to interview for their positions. Total of 22% reduction stated until next round. 35% when all done by mid 2013."

Yes I agree. I am in EES and my DM said the first thing ZS did was calculate the territories needed, and from that came the number of DMs and RMs. At this point they are just tweaking things as people quit.

Why anyone in their right mind (including me) works for a corporation I will never know. Today, it is the dumbest choice to follow.

Why anyone in their right mind (including me) works for a corporation I will never know. Today, it is the dumbest choice to follow.

Well said my friend. You and I are in the same boat. I want to do something on my own but I just don't have the capital to start anything on my own. I am praying the Lord will see fit to offer my manager a more awesome job than the one he currently has so he will leave me the hell alone. I feel bad for the Covidien people but at least they haven't had almost a year's worth of torture.

Well said my friend. You and I are in the same boat. I want to do something on my own but I just don't have the capital to start anything on my own. I am praying the Lord will see fit to offer my manager a more awesome job than the one he currently has so he will leave me the hell alone. I feel bad for the Covidien people but at least they haven't had almost a year's worth of torture.

Wow, what a victim...

A year's worth of torture? Jesus Christ you are dramatic.

Praying for the Lord that your manager gets a better job?

You really enjoy playing the victim card don't you?